
Chapter 134: Ophis

[Anthony's POV]

There are thousands of creatures that emerge from Sonna's shadow and swiftly attack the devils standing here.

There were two-headed beings, six-armed ones, and creatures seemingly stitched together from several bodies...

The sight was unpleasant, but more horrifying creatures are born in the Underworld.

It wasn't expected that someone would attack this place, and the devils didn't understand what was happening for a moment.

There are some of the creatures emerging from Sonna's Shadow who possessed a holy attribute but... somehow corrupted.

However, it caused pain to the devils.


One of the High-class Devil screamed.

Their hand caused the skin on the devil's face to peel away from the light.

"You will all know Chaos!"

Sonna shouted as if not with her own voice with a smile on her face.

"What is happening?"

Sirzechs frowned, and one of his auras simply destroyed approaching monsters.

At that moment, Ajuka Beelzebub showed up next to him.

He raised his hand, and hundreds of monsters simply exploded. He aimed his hand at Sonna, but Seraphall appeared in his path and froze his legs.

"Do not dare to harm Sonna!"

It was clear she herself didn't understand anything from her dilated pupils.

However, she turned her back on the monsters and faced Satan.

One of them touched her shoulder which made her scream in pain, and naturally froze it to turn it into a magical icicle.

"Protect the guests."

Sirzech told Grayfia.

She nodded and moved at tremendous speed among the weakest of the devils present where the corrupted holy aura still worked.

"I wasn't going to harm your sister."

Ajuka Beelzebub calmly replied.

"Her mind is not in order."

I said this while putting Sonna to sleep with a single gesture of my hand.

"And these creatures... They are artificial creations with a holy attribute."

"Are they from Heaven or Fallen?"

She clenched her fist in real anger.

"I will destroy anyone who harmed my sister!"

She screamed, taking control of the water in the air with her magic and killing the creatures.

It only momentarily stopped the chaos as they emerged from the unconscious Sonna's shadow.

Rias and her peers defended themselves against the shadows without problems and also helped other devils who couldn't protect themselves.

Lord Phenex burned the creatures with his flames with his wife.

They weren't going to just stand there and watch not even the team that had just lost.

Riser himself protected his sister who was as weakened as he was.

"No, Heaven has nothing to do with this."

I said, spreading my white wings, causing all the demons in this space to flinch and freeze for a moment.

A tyrannical aura of light spread throughout the space but didn't harm the devils and annihilated these monsters.

"Sona's mind is recovering, and I sense an anomaly... In other words, her mind was manipulated, but her body and aura resisted, and soon she will come to herself."

I said, and a green magical seal appeared beneath her after my words.

"He's right, and her shadow is forcibly connected to some other space... I just can't figure out where exactly it is."

Ajuka said, but it seemed he didn't expect who I was, and he couldn't hide his obvious surprise at the sight of my wings.

Sirzechs apparently warned them of my presence but didn't go into details... perhaps he didn't know how to explain it or something.

"That space is protected, and we can't access it. Sona's shadow is like a mirrored surface of the hidden space."

The reality trembled, and the space was destroyed by my Will.

"Is she gonna be okay?"

Seraphall asked almost in a whisper, her hands trembling with anger.

"She is physically fine, and the problem lies in her mental state, but no irreversible damage has been done there either. So yes, she just needs to rest."

I nodded to her, and she hugged Sona.

"Is she okay?"

Rias asked while approaching with concern in her eyes, and she looked at her.

"And these creatures emerging from her body... Issei."

"Issei? Do you know who might be responsible for harming my sister?"

She abruptly stood up with a genuinely dangerous ability to do many things in this world even challenging a god if necessary.

"Um, yes. I talked to my brother about him... There was something off about him back in the academy, and he changed abruptly, and then he started to smell like blood and death..."

Koneko nodded.

"He ran away when I tried to talk to him about it, but he sent similar creatures from his shadow after us... only these look different from those, but they still emerged from shadows."

"Where is that bastard?!"

Seraphall asked.

"We don't know. He disappeared from Kuoh."

Sirzechs said.

"But even if it's him, why would he do this? Provoking Satan and the top devils for no reason..."

"By the way... so are you an angel?"

Ajuka asked me curiously. He was a rather peaceful devil and resembled Sirzechs in that regard.

"No, I'm in charge there."

I smiled at him.

"Seraphall... your sister will be fine. I healed her, and she just needs to rest."

I told her who was still watching her sister with great concern.

"My presence here raises many questions for all the devils... I hope you'll come up with something and yes, I think we should talk as leaders of our factions and form an alliance."

"Yes... I agree. I wouldn't mind forming such an alliance either. Each of our factions doesn't have so many members anymore... other mythologies might surpass us if we start another war."

Sirzechs approached this reasonably.

"I'll send an invitation to you and Azazel. See you soon, and if anything, Rias knows how to contact me."

I smiled at her as a parting note.

"Congratulations on your freedom."


[3rd POV]

"Help the injured; they were under our protection while here."

Sirzechs ordered the devils who nodded and went to carry out his command.

"Someone had the audacity to attack us like that..."

Ajuka commented while standing with his arms crossed over his chest.

"Issei, right? Can you give me more information about him?"

"Of course... it's not just my sister's quarrels anymore."

Sirzechs glanced at Rias who was anxiously hovering around Sona.

"Recently, Kokabiel attacked her, and she dealt with it, but we can't turn a blind eye to it. Something is happening that I don't like."

"A conspiracy? We have many supporters and many who internally support the Old Order."

Ajuka said.

"You'll have to tell Anthony about this in detail."

"Yes... and it seems we need to accelerate this alliance."


[Anthony's POV]

"You're strong."

I heard it once I shifted back to the human world.

A girl with black hair and eyes seemed to have witnessed some serious stuff.

She was also dressed quite revealingly.

"Help me beat the Great Red."

These words were spoken in an apathetic tone, with no expression on her face.


I glanced at Ophis and opened a chat while taking a photo, and sent it to everyone.


"He took away my silence... I want it back. You're strong, and I've been looking for you for a long time... You were in the white dimension, then near the house, and now you're here."

"The white dimension? You mean Heaven, right?"

I asked, but she didn't answer and just continued to stare at me.

"Why can't you do it yourself?"

"I can't... already tried."

She said it sadly.

"I'll make you stronger, and you'll be able to help me drive him out."

She pulled a black serpent out of herself.

"Thanks, but I'm not into stuffing pythons into myself."

I stepped back from such an offer.

"And anyway..."

A spear appeared in my hand and quickly drew his attention.

"I sense... danger... weakness... you can definitely help me. Please, help."

She said... or he... as far as I remember, Ophis can change its appearance at will, and it now looks like a gothic loli doesn't change anything.

"Great Red hasn't done anything to make me want to destroy him."

I said while retracting the spear back into the space of my soul like Sacred Gears.

"He took my home."

This time there was a hint of anger in Ophis' voice.

"Do you really need that silence? In the Dimensional Gap, right?"

I asked, and she nodded.

"You're capable of opening a rift to another dimension and resting there, so why haven't you?"

"It's not... home, it's a different place and unfamiliar. There's no such silence there."

Ophis replied.

"You know... want to try some treats?"

 I asked and pulled out candies made by Erina from my dimensional ring. Their strong aroma immediately caught her attention.


She tilted her head.

"Try these."

I offered her a couple of candies that disappeared from my hand in less than a millisecond.

Ophis froze when the candies disappeared, and her gaze had a certain understanding.

I quickly took new photos with notes attached.

Shinoa Hiragi: I always knew that her food could even impress the god.

Hermione Granger: I can't disagree with you.

Shinoa Hiragi: Tempting an innocent loli-dragon with candies, achievement unlocked! You scoundrel, Administrator-kun!


She demanded it shortly.

I decided to activate the livestream.

"Well, I wanted to scan Kuoh alone... didn't expect to meet you. Although... you're the leader of the Khaos Brigade, right?"


She nodded.

"They've also promised to help me."

"... you understand they're too weak for that, right?"

"Yes... but they want to help me."

She replied almost innocently.

"Or use your power. Stay still."

I requested while creating a magical circle beneath her and using mnemonic analysis spells.

Ophis represented a highly energetic form of life, and she could comfortably exist in the fourth dimension not like us who are in the third.

The "infinity" originates from the Dimensional Gap where she appeared... she's from a different dimension distinct from Earth but connected to it.

Ophis' very essence is imbued with the nature of the dimension where she's from which allows her to infinitely draw energy from that dimension.

Over time, her soul has become like a conduit for this "infinity."

In short, Ophis rightfully earns the title of one of the God-Dragons as she's extremely powerful.

I probably wouldn't have stood a chance against her before absorbing two gods unless with Samael's poison...

It affects her quite well given that she's a dragon.


She continued to look at me questioningly.

"I'm just scanning you. Do you want more?"

I took out Erina's cookies.

"These are delicious too, give them a try."

I said this while offering her some.

I was contemplating what to do with her.

The Great Red Dragon doesn't seem like a villain.

In fact, he couldn't care less about what happens in his world and just jumping between dimensions and attacking him makes no sense... unless to satisfy his ego, that would be extremely foolish.

He floats around there and seems to be a guardian of sorts and harbors no ill intentions.

It might be worth considering dealing with him when problems arise.

"It's delicious."

Ophis responded after finishing the treats. She looked at me again as if expecting me to feed her more.

Erina Nakiri: You've run out of the treats I made, right?


I nodded.

"Ophis, I have a couple more delicious dishes, but there are no more candies and cookies of the same taste and quality."

I said, and her eyes seemed to dim even more.

Erina Nakiri: She really looks like a sulking child... but she's an infinite Dragon God...

Shinoa Hiragi: Loli Infinite Dragon God, please don't ignore important facts. She's a legal loli.

Winter Schnee: You definitely shouldn't have your own children...

"Let me ask our super chef if she'll prepare more special candies for you?"

I asked aloud when I knew Erina would hear me because of the livestream.

Erina Nakiri: If you insist... give me half an hour.

"The chef agreed, and you'll have more sweets soon."

I told her, and she even clenched her fists in anticipation.

Indeed, Erina's food has the power to tame even an Infinite Dragon God...

"I'll wait."

She nodded and continued to stare.

"I'll attend to some matters for now and call you. Stay close, okay?"

She nodded.

Honestly, I thought dealing with Ophis would be harder, but her naivety and lack of understanding of human logic...

Moreover, Ophis spent most of her time in the Dimensional Gap.

In contrast, the Great Red Dragon is an aspect of Dreams and Illusions, and he can learn a lot from there.



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