
Chapter 78: Goddess of Sex

I felt like I was unable to sense the Mother Box. 

After all, it was crafted using New God technology and the Tenth Metal, so I wasn't surprised by the turn of events.

However, what caught me off guard was when a golden rope wrapped around my leg as I continued to hover over the island.

Then, I was pulled downward with tremendous force. 

I saw the culprit immediately when I crashed into a rock that just broke apart from the force of my fall. 

The same beautiful brunette I had met in a somewhat awkward encounter stood before me with wet hair, holding a lasso.

"You could have been a bit gentler... or just called out to me."

 I expressed my thoughts.

"You ran away." 

She spoke briefly, and her voice was very captivating. 

"How did you end up here? My sisters say there's no place for men here."

"I never doubted what your sisters would say while considering their history with 'bad' men." 

I smirked and waved my hand to undo all the harm that my rough landing had done.

"How did you do that?" 

She immediately became interested, stepping very close to me. 

She was quite tall only slightly shorter than me. She rudely took my hand and began feeling my muscles. 

"Are you strong?"

"Easy there, lady. You ever heard of personal space? But... growing up on an island in the middle of the ocean, I guess not." 

I chuckled and took a step back. 

"I used magic, that's all. But yeah, I'm strong enough to potentially challenge your gods. Of course, there's a chance I won't be able to take them all on and survive, but I have a few aces up my sleeve just in case. Additionally, I'm not exactly in my full form right now... Lasso of Truth."

I glanced at my leg wrapped in the lasso while it was glowing with a golden light.

"What's your name?" 

She continued to ask with curiosity.

"Um, what's the lasso for?" 

I still asked, not overly concerned at the moment. 

"And usually, both people introduce themselves..."

"Mama always said that men lie often and can't be trusted." 

She replied shortly and then tightened the lasso on my leg a bit. 

"I'm Diana of Themyscira, daughter of Queen Hippolyta."

"Oh, I'm Anthony Luthor, a billionaire and one of the heads of LuthorCorp in America."

I said as I analyzed the Lasso of Truth. 

It was clearly a divine artifact made from Eighth Metal. 

Afterwards, I moved slightly to the side... but it was a bit harder than usual most likely because of the Lasso.

"A man on the island... what other world? A man's world?" 

Diana asked with a sparkle in her eyes.

"A man's world?" 

I raised an eyebrow. 

"It's not called that... but, a regular one? It's hard to say. Here's an example."

I created a hologram using magic while showcasing enormous cities and people living there. 


Diana continued to watch in the background when another Amazon managed to run up and talk to her.

I used magic to conceal myself at that moment, remaining invisible in the normal spectrum. 

"Princess, why did you run away so suddenly?" 

The Amazon asked her.

"Euboea... I just..." 

Diana looked around and kept returning her eyes to where I was hiding, but I was using a weak spell from the Book of Thoth to keep myself hidden.

"Send her back; you've dirtied yourself again, Princess." 

Euboea said with a smile while taking Diana by the arm and leading her away. 

"Why do you need the Lasso of Truth?" 

I heard Euboea ask Diana.


I muttered and retrieved several drones from my ring. 

They could become invisible due to advanced light refraction camouflage. They flew high above the island and gave me a full picture.

"Well, at least she didn't immediately punch me in the face." 

I said to continue to survey the island while trying to hide from the Amazons' gaze. 

I also felt like a god was paying close attention to me.

I saw a beautiful blonde woman come out of the rainbow light as soon as I was done looking at the beautifully decorated garden.

"Approach me, oh brave warrior." 

She called me with a soft and captivating voice. 

Just looking at her, a man would have a "reaction"; there was too much "sexiness" around her, and her aura itself aroused and attracted attention.

"I don't feel like approaching a goddess who is famous for her intimate relations with many men... you might even rape me." 

I said, but still landed nearby. 

My words might seem very sharp, but I immediately tried to test her attitude toward me in this way, and I could always escape if needed.

"Your words are rough, but your heart is very loving..."

Aphrodite smiled.

"And what does the great Aphrodite need from me?" 

I raised an eyebrow.

"You ended up on our island, and, of course, I became interested in you. Don't hold yourself back; I can see that you want me..." 

Aphrodite said it seductively.

"The only person who didn't want you was impotent or gay, and even then, I'm sure you would find a way to help them... The strength of will and the ability to control yourself is precisely what distinguishes humans from animals, so I'll refuse." 

I replied.

"It's clear to me that your heart is open to being loved by many. But I can't delve deeper into you... There is something sinful and bright inside you. You could indeed fight even my brother Ares in his weakened state, but I would prefer you to challenge me in bed." 

Aphrodite smiled seductively.

"Thank you, but I'll still decline. I have girlfriends I have feelings for and sleep with... even a goddess doesn't fit my plans. Don't take it as offense especially at a goddess of whores."

I replied firmly.

"Ah, it's nothing." 

Aphrodite waved her hand and she was not offended in the slightest. 

"That's exactly what I like about you. It's not often you find someone so intelligent with such a big and loving heart. You're very intriguing, Anthony Luthor, aren't you? I'll remember... It's been a while since I've had a lover like you... My brother has completely lost his mind with his desire for war, and I've tried to give him love and care."

"Maybe he just knows that you give that love and care to someone else." 

I shrugged. 

Aphrodite was far from the strongest in combat and I could see that already. But she was strong enough to be called a goddess.


Aphrodite sighed, sitting on a chair adorned with flowers. 

"Nevertheless, my brother can be quite dense, loving only war and violence..."

Aphrodite sighed sadly. 

"I'm still trying to change that... maybe you'll still give him your love?" 

I felt some attraction to her, but it wasn't caused by direct influence, but it was her passive divinity.

"Not this time, what the..." 

I dodged a spear with a tip made of a much weaker version of the Eighth Metal, but this metal could easily cut through ordinary metals. 

The spear was held by a more mature version of the Princess in local attire. 

I looked to see where Aphrodite had been and saw that she was gone as if she had left.

"That's not very hospitable." 

I chuckled and caught the spear's tip in my hand easily stopping the "attack." 

This woman was so strong that she could easily pierce steel which would seem strange to a regular person because she was an Amazon.

"Men have no business on the island." 

She said it with obvious disdain. 

"Guard! Intruder on the island!" 

She raised her voice, still staring at me.

"Listen, I just used a magical artifact and ended up here completely by accident." 

I tried to explain the situation.

"Kneel before the queen of the Amazons." 

She said it majestically while yanking the spear from my grip, but it was more like I just let go of it.

"You attacked me, and besides, I'm not your subject. Why should I kneel?"


She snorted royally even if that's possible. 

Still, she didn't take her eyes off of me which meant she wouldn't let go or calm down.

"Pff, feminist." 

I mirrored her attitude. 

The woman immediately narrowed her eyes. I could already hear the approaching footsteps of the Amazons. 

"Are you seriously attacking me just because I'm a man? Even if I don't want to harm anyone?"

"In my life, I've already felt the taste of your deceit and betrayal more than once." 

She replied but was still tense. She relaxed slightly when a dozen Amazons arrived, including Diana.


She exclaimed in surprise when she noticed my familiar acquaintance.

"Mama... Is he an intruder with some bad intentions?"

Diana suddenly turned somewhat harsher.

"He's a man, and that explains everything."

A tall redhead warrior with a huge axe on her shoulder pronounced with great negativity, seemingly ready to chop my head off.

"Yes... just as I read. Aren't you created to bring love into men's hearts and reduce their bloodlust? Now you're just dripping with contempt and that very bloodlust."

I expressed my thoughts.

"Shut your lying mouth."

The redhead pointed her axe at me while other Amazons aimed their bows at me.

"It looks like I'll have to face some attacks..."

I said this as Diana abruptly reacted to my words and rushed at me. 

There was a fire of excitement in her eyes, and I could feel that her fist could crush a hill and shatter dozens of tons of stones. 

That's exactly what happened while taking the blow to my arms. I simply flew out of the garden, breaking through the wall of plants with my back.

"That was unpleasant... but weak. I expected more."

I summarized. 

I was in front of one of the strongest Justice League members from the original comics. 

She was the one who often gave Superman a run for his money. 

This version was younger and didn't have those powers yet, but it's possible that she had the same potential.

She was still holding back even now.

"You endured my attack."

Diana who had already caught up with me, sounded a bit surprised as she stood beside me.

"Now endure mine."

I lunged forward and struck her squarely in the hastily put-up block.

I wasn't enhancing myself with aura, Chi, or magic this time, but the impact was visible to the naked eye. 

The force sent Diana flying as if someone had pulled her forcefully from behind, and she crashed into a local hill. 

I didn't really want to hit her especially one I found attractive, but I couldn't just ignore her attack. 

The other Amazons opened fire seeing how Diana was literally knocked away.

"I think I'd better go..."

I didn't finish my sentence, as Diana returned and immediately attacked me with her strikes to show the training and combat experience she'd been taught to fight since childhood on the island. 

It's hard to say exactly how old she was, but I doubted she was much older because of the obvious naivety in her gaze.

The force of our blows cracked the earth, and the wind raged around us.

"You're a very strong warrior."

Diana gave me an evaluation after taking a blow to the stomach capable of literally shattering a small hill. 

"I didn't think there could be someone so strong in the world of men."

"Thank you for the compliment, Princess. You're also quite strong, but why all this? I don't want to fight."

"You all say that..."

The queen's voice was heard, and by her side gathered hundreds of Amazons. 

They were all extremely attractive women... and they all looked at me with negativity.

"Oh, come on, now. I even spoke with your goddess, and she was perfectly fine with me."

I said it with a hint of dissatisfaction.

"But you... a goddess."

They all dropped to their knees as soon as Aphrodite appeared next to me. 

She was surrounded by a rainbow light that made people feel calm and soothed their hearts, but not literally.

"Yes, I didn't expect you to greet a man like this..."

Aphrodite bit her lip, and I could see a fleeting glimpse of pain in her.


Hippolyta didn't even know what to say.

"Don't apologize; it's not your fault. The gods just don't have time for your island, and Father... Zeus forbade any interference there, and his prohibition is still in effect. I'm taking a risk even now."

Aphrodite explained.

"Then why did you appear?"

I asked.

"So you don't hold a grudge against the Amazons. Life has made them forget the love I instilled in each of them. It might have also made them develop a hard heart towards men for all they've endured, especially from Hercules... Let him stay under the island until he realizes what he's done."

Aphrodite said that sounded hurtful.

"I'm not holding a grudge... at least not openly." 

I added after a moment. 

"Alright, I'll go; I don't feel comfortable here."

Then I teleported to Metropolis.


"Goddess, did you... did you abandon my people?"

Hippolyta managed to gather the courage to ask.

"No, of course not, my child." 

Aphrodite smiled. 

"The gods still value you. It's just that they have other things to do. Ares has started attracting attention again with his actions; perhaps Zeus will react to it somehow. I... apologize for not showing up earlier. After all, you are all my creations."

Aphrodite said lovingly, brushing her palm against Diana's slightly dirty cheek. 

"I see something beautiful budding in your heart."

She smiled wider. 

"I give you my blessing and I think you'll understand it with time... and I'll also have the opportunity to join him in bed."

Aphrodite whispered the last part so softly that no one heard it.

"Don't worry about that man; he's not as bad as you think. On the contrary, he could help you out of the goodness of his soul; I sense it. Well, I must go now, or Father will notice my absence."

Aphrodite concluded and disappeared from the island.

"... He's still a man, though." 

The redhead murmured quietly.


Princess Diana looked sternly at her. 

"The goddess herself told us that he's not so bad, and besides, he's a strong warrior. I believe he's not a bad man."

Diana spoke while giving the impression that she was defending her fiancé.



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