
Chapter 59: Separation

"You poor Shinoa, you're pacing back and forth, not sure what to do with yourself."

A familiar voice sounded, and Shinoa froze in place. She was in Shibuya, entering her apartment to gather some things.

"You're so lonely that you'll throw yourself into the arms of the first person who shows you attention..."

As she heard these words, Shinoa turned around and saw... HIM. 

The one Tony had mentioned, the one who was in her hair... Shikama Doji or Shika Madu.

"Says the one who deceives everyone and manipulates everyone." 

Shinoa said that and took a step back.

"My dear Shinoa." 

Shikama spoke with an unchanged, gentle voice. 

"I've known you since birth. I've always been with you. I've seen your dreams and your desires... you can't deceive me. They say virgins have the most lustful fantasies, don't they?"

"Hm, I don't understand what you're talking about."

Shinoa struggled to hide the blush creeping up her cheeks, but she managed... or believed she managed.

"Yes-yes, of course, Shinoa."

Shikama gently called her name. 

"I just wanted to see you... some events forced me to leave you, and believe me, I didn't intend to. But that's life, and there's always something that surprises me. For example, in recent weeks, I lost access to your heart as if something forcibly blocked my vision... feelings, and abilities. I felt your joy, lust, sadness, and lust again. I saw how you looked as if into the void, and various emotions rose in your heart, but you tried to shield yourself with huge walls around your heart."

"You came to find out what's going on? You'll find out soon enough."

Shinoa tightened the activated scythe in her hands.

"I'm glad you're okay."

Shikama still said, and it seemed to her that white wings were behind him for a moment.


Shinoa girl fell silent.

"Until we meet again, Shinoa. You're just like your sister... she was so fascinated by everything... in life and in death."

Shikama said and seemed to vanish as soon as Shinoa blinked.

"Well, that was a meeting... I need to tell Administrator-kun about this." 

Shinoa said and immediately messaged in the group chat.


"Now we wait for those Progenitors who are supposed to come here." 

I said, looking out the window of the mansion at the underground city. 

Looking around, I saw Krul standing still with her hands clenched and her eyes closed. 

A second later, her eyelids twitched, and bright red eyes opened.

"It's unusual to have emotions returned to such an extent..."

Krul murmured, her eyes betraying her confusion. 

"It makes me want to do something new... hmm." 

Krul didn't even know how to explain what she felt.

"I think if we return most of the vampires' emotions, their compassion will return as well."

I muttered.

"We've observed how people treat their own kind for hundreds of years. I don't think hatred and disgust will disappear in an instant."

Krul spoke wise words.

"Vampires are even worse; they couldn't care less about their kin because of their nature. While you may have mourned the deaths of your subjects, it's clear you don't harbor any feelings toward them... it's simply your army, your power, and your authority that were dying."

I spoke.

"And what's wrong with that? They serve me, their queen."

 Krul retorted with royal arrogance, clearly not understanding what was wrong with that. 

"As for Mika... I made him a vampire, and he drinks my blood, so I feel something akin to... maternal instinct."


I noticed a message from Shinoa.

Shinoa Hiragi: I met Shikama Doji in my apartment in Shibuya!

That message was enough for me to create a magical seal beneath me, and I teleported abruptly to where I felt Shinoa's scythe that I had recently repaired.

As soon as I appeared in Shinoa's apartment, she immediately attacked me.

"You're quick, Administrator-kun... You're now in the girl's room, in my room. Do you want to do something kinky with this thin and virgin body?"

Shinoa asked with a smirk. I simply put my hand on her head and checked if everything was alright with her.

"Hm, what did he say?"

I asked.

"He was curious about losing access to my soul and heart which greatly surprised him."

Shinoa informed me. 

"Then he said I resembled my sister and left... He definitely had some sinister plans for my delicate body."

"Definitely. You were a very good option whose body could be seized." 

I told her what could have happened. 

"But he manipulated everyone in your family for a long time, and only your sister realized it and began to resist."

"Hmm, I think you should praise me, not my sister."

Shinoa poked me on the shoulder and nestled her head against my chest, murmuring in a less cheerful tone, more... genuine.

"I was scared when I saw him... I realized I didn't stand a chance in a direct confrontation. I thought he had come to kill me..."

"His plans are too unclear even for me."

I hugged Shinoa. I forget sometimes that she's a young and inexperienced girl because of her behavior.

"It's my birthday today."

Shinoa whispered quietly.

"Happy Birthday... Why didn't you say so earlier?"

I asked.

"I didn't see a reason to. All sixteen birthdays for me are like one—pure loneliness. Sure, Mahiru used to try to keep me company... but after that, I was alone day by day. I'm turning off the broadcast, and sorry Winter. I'll turn it back on tomorrow."

Shinoa smiled slightly and interrupted the broadcast.

"Now you're not alone; you have friends in the chat, you have me, and you have a squad that trusts you."

I said to her.


Shinoa smirked at my shoulder.

"Thanks, Admin... Tony-kun."

"Shinoa, do you want to come with me to my world?"

I asked, and Shinoa slightly pulled away from me to look into my eyes.

"To... your world?"

"Yes. It's much more dangerous in terms of various anomalies. There are heroes, villains, demons, spirits, zombies, and even gods…" 

I told her about what I had written about in the chat multiple times.

"Do you want to take me with you to always use my growing body?"

Shinoa pretended to have figured out my plan, and it was... endearing.

"I won't deny it."

I said that and quickly kissed her on the lips. 

Meanwhile, my hand went along her back straight to her neat little butt.

"What wicked thoughts come to my mind. Just... if nothing keeps you here..."

"No, nothing is keeping me here."

Shinoa smiled joyfully. 

"Besides, I've wanted to see your world for a long time, and I can return anytime."

Shiinoa provided a logical argument. 

"... I wasn't interested before, but, uh, do you have a girlfriend in your world?"

"In a way..." 

I answered somewhat uncertainly. After all, our relationship with Lena wasn't exactly normal.

"So, it's still a harem?" 

Shinoa asked without changing her expression and nodded to herself. 

"Alright, then you'll introduce me to her."

Before I could reply, she immediately started gathering her things. 

When she was ready, I put her belongings into my ring, and Shinoa clearly wanted something similar for herself. 

After that, we went straight to the hospital to see Shiho's sister who happened to be a Seraph of the End specifically the Seraph of Destruction. 

I confirmed it once I saw the red-haired girl lying in the hospital bed with Shiho and Guren by her side.

"Oh, you're here."

Guren was surprised and wary when he saw me. 

"How did you... ah, silly question. I suppose you know who she is if you came here?"

"Yes, the Seraph of the End, the Fifth Trumpet, that's how you call her, I believe."

I said. 

"She has a lot of hidden restraining spells on her; perhaps that's why she hasn't regained consciousness."

"Don't look at me like that; she was under Kureto's care completely... who's already dead."

Guren explained himself when Shiho looked at him.

"But you knew about it... about all these experiments." 

Shiho spoke, clearly trying to contain his anger.


Guren sighed heavily. 

"You have to do everything to do something right and save many lives. Yes, I knew about her and the experiments. However, I couldn't do anything about it then, and I still can't now because she's too valuable asset. After Kureto's death, there will be a ceremony dedicated to him, and... I'm barely holding everything together as it is."

"Good old Guren."

Shinoa shook her head, and Yoichi and Mitsuba, standing slightly aside with backpacks on their backs even nodded in agreement. 

The First Progenitor created the entire Imperial Army, and it was he who controlled our entire family... Tell me, is my sister still in the sword? Can she hear me?"

After Shinoa's question, Guren glanced slightly to where a pretty girl resembling Shinoa was standing.

I had to strain a bit to see her because my soul hadn't been normal in a long time.

A demon can project its image outside of a weapon, but only the wielder with whom it's bonded can see it.

"She can hear you."

I responded while keeping my eyes on the demon that was staring back at me. 

"Mahiru-no-Yo, right? The fusion of Mahiru Hīragi and the old demon Noya... a plan where you're supposed to defeat the First or simply escape his plans."

"You can see her?"

Guren was genuinely surprised.

"Interestingly, this is the first time something like this has happened in our memory."

Mahiru-no-Yo replied, then looked towards Shinoa, and... a smile appeared on the demon's face. 

"Shinoa has grown up so much."

"You can't separate?"

I asked with interest. 

"Do you remember about the First?"

"And his experiments... we can separate, but not right now. If Guren becomes Namanari, it would be the best outcome; he would become much stronger."


I approached Shinoa and placed my hand on her temple to transfer my aura and magic to her, allowing her to see Mahiru-no-Yo.

"You look just like I remember... only with red eyes, and is she my sister?"

Shinoa looked at me questioningly.

"Yes, along with the demon, and she remembers you, but because of... her existence, she can't express emotions normally."

I explained.

"Whoever you are, are you also making plans against HIM?"

Mahiru-no-Yo asked.

"I guess."

I nodded. 

"Alright, since I'm here, I can do a good deed."

I slightly smirked at my words and started using Alchemy to create a living body exactly like her but without red eyes.

"Uh-huh, and they're obviously bigger than mine... for now." 

Shinoa said it nonchalantly while noticing the body's chest.

"Guren, how much do you control your transformation into a demon and your bloodlust?"

I asked.

"... enough to keep myself in check." 

Guren replied while still not taking his eyes off the formed body, the same as Mahiru-no-Yo.

"Guren, you pervert, stop looking at my sister's body."

Shinoa blocked his view with her body.

"He wasn't just looking anymore."

I remarked. 

"Alright, the body is ready, and it's made with Shinoa's DNA, so she's once again your sister in a way. Your soul is currently bound to the demon Noya, but I can separate you, and then you will have to immediately occupy the body. Understood?

"... our plans didn't include this outcome, and it might interfere." 

Mahiru-no-Yo responded after a pause. 

"And then my darling might not become strong enough..."

"Do what he says."

Guren said it abruptly, with clear hope in his eyes. 

"I needed strength to help you come back to life and help our friends... and part of it is happening now, so just listen to him."

Guren commanded Mahiru-no-Yo.

"... I wonder what the result of this will be."

Mahiru-no-Yo said but nodded nonetheless.

"Then get ready for a sword to penetrate your chest; it might be a little painful, but you can handle it ."

I said this and drew my sword from its sheath, feeling the power coursing through me once again. 

"Pu tilps!"

I said while feeling tension with my Will, and I immediately pierced the sword into Mahiru-no-Yo's chest. 

Dark energy started pouring out from where I had pierced the sword, and Guren himself knelt down as he was linked to her. 

Even though it was only a demon's projection, it was enough for me to have the ability to separate the demon Noya from Mahiru Hīragi.

Noya returned to the sword since Noya was the demon Guren made a deal with, but Mahiru entered the ritual and became a demon by merging with Noya. 

This dark soul quickly occupied the perfectly suitable body, and metamorphoses began immediately. 

Muscles started strengthening, becoming denser, and the color of her eyes changed to red, but her ears remained unchanged.

"Is she... alive?" 

Guren asked somewhat without a doubt and approached her who opened her eyes at that moment.

"And here I am, alive again due to an unexpected turn of events." 

Mahiru said and pulled him towards her to her naked body. 

"Hm, it's so nice to be able to influence the physical world again."

"It feels like I'm watching porn with my sister... This is so wrong..." 

Shinoa blushed. She was already standing next to me while holding my hand.



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