
System store

The final bell echoed through the halls, marking the end of another school day. I was still reeling from Raven's unexpected words as I gathered my belongings and stepped out of the classroom. Outside, my mother was waiting, her smile a beacon of warmth.

"How was school today, Jade? Did you behave?" my mother asked, wrapping me in a hug.

"Yes, Mom, don't worry. I was very good today," I replied, returning her smile.

"That's my girl. I have a surprise for you today," she said, her voice tinged with mystery.

"Really? Let's hurry home then!" I exclaimed, excitement bubbling within me as I took her hand and we began to leave the school grounds.

But then, my gaze was drawn to Raven. She stood alone, her expression unreadable, as a butler approached and ushered her into a sleek luxury car.

"Jade, is there a problem? You stopped so suddenly," my mother inquired, following my line of sight.

"Is the surprise that you bought a car, Mom?" I asked, trying to guess.

"Sorry, my dear, but we're not wealthy enough for that. Maybe in the future," she replied, squeezing my hand gently as we walked away from the school.

After a twenty-minute walk, we arrived at our newly renovated home. The memory of paying for the repairs, after I accidentally burned half of it down, still seemed to weigh on my mother's face. Inside, everything appeared normal until I entered the living room.

There, in place of the old, was a brand-new television, reminding me of the peculiar blend of fantasy and modernity in our world. Here, technology mirrored Earth's, with computers, phones, internet, cars, trains, and buses. Yet, for some reason, my mother preferred her crystal ball over a phone, claiming screens were dangerous and addictive, especially for someone as young as me.

"Mom, really, thank you," I said, hugging her tightly.

It was true, this was a fantasy world, but at home, I often felt bored and restless, even with the system for company.

"I'm glad you like it," my mother said, lifting me with ease. 

She carried me to the couch, where she grabbed the remote and settled beside me. The television flickered to life, displaying an array of colorful cartoons that failed to pique my interest. After all, I was an adult trapped in a child's body, but seeing the joy in my mother's eyes, I chose to remain silent.

Hours slipped by, and in the interim, my mother retreated to the kitchen to prepare dinner. Her voice carried from the kitchen, "Jade, that's enough TV for today. Do your homework and take a shower; dinner will be ready soon."

I obeyed, gathering my schoolbag and moving to the table to start my homework. The simplicity of the tasks was a relief; I finished them in ten minutes.

"Mom, I've finished my homework. I'm going up to my room," I announced, packing away my things and ascending to my sanctuary. The shower was a cascade of warmth, washing away the remnants of the day. Afterward, I slipped into my pajamas and lay on my bed, summoning the system.

"System, unlock the system store," I said, a thrill of anticipation running through me.

[The system store has been unlocked.]

My gold coins dwindled from 1000 to zero, but the purchase was worth it. The system store materialized before me, a digital marketplace offering an array of items from techniques and affinities to attribute points and various objects ranging from houses to swords. It was a treasure trove for someone like me, caught between two worlds, and I was eager to explore its offerings.

As Jade opened the system store, a digital display unfolded before her eyes, revealing a catalog of wonders and curiosities. Each item was listed with its price in gold coins, a currency she currently lacked. Here's a glimpse of what the store offered:

| Item | Description | Price (Gold Coins) |

| Elixir of Elemental Affinity | Enhances one's connection to the elements. | 300 |

| Ring of Potential | Reveals and amplifies hidden talents. | 200 |

| Cloak of Invisibility | Grants temporary invisibility. | 600 |

| Boots of Swift Journeying | Increases speed and agility. | 250 |

| Amulet of Health | Boosts vitality and healing. | 150 |

| Scroll of Summoning | Summons a mystical creature to aid you. | 350 |

| Crystal Ball of Foresight | Provides glimpses of the future. | 400 |

| Necklace of Wisdom | Enhances intellect and decision-making. | 450 |

"Why are all the prices in gold coins? Isn't that a bit of a scam?" I asked the system, my voice tinged with skepticism.

[The items provided by the system are rare, hence the high cost, host.]

"I can't shake the feeling that you're trying to swindle me," I said, half-joking yet half-serious.

[Not at all. I am exceedingly reliable. It would never be my intention to deceive my host.]

I wasn't entirely convinced, but I decided to let it go for now, closing the system store tab with a resigned sigh.

"System, don't you have any other missions for me?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued.

[There are two new quests available for you.]

"Fantastic," I said, my spirits lifting as I tapped on the quest bar 

 [Academic Triumph : Secure the top position in your upcoming exams , reward : 200 gold coins] 

 [The Forest Challenge : Defeat a monster in the forest. The stronger the monster, the greater the reward.] 

"System, so I can take on the second quest anytime? There's no time limit, right?" I asked, my curiosity piqued by the freedom it implied.

[Correct, there is no time constraint on that mission, as with most missions. After all, as I've mentioned, nothing is forced upon you.]

I nodded in understanding, just as my mother's voice echoed from the kitchen. "Jade, it's time for dinner."

Closing the system tab, I climbed out of bed and descended to the kitchen, where my mother awaited with a delicious meal. We sat down to eat, and after a few minutes of silence, I ventured a question that had been lingering in my mind.

"Mom, where's my dad? Why is it just the two of us?" I inquired

My mother's expression faltered for a moment before she replied. "Jade, have you forgotten? You have two mothers, and your other mom is on a mission and will be back soon," she said, her smile attempting to mask the complexity of our family.

Her response took me by surprise. I hadn't expected Jade to have two mothers, but it was an acceptable twist. However, it contradicted the narrative I knew from the book, where Jade never met her second parent and lived solely with Lily from start to finish.

"Oh, sorry, Mom, I forgot," I said, scratching my head in feigned forgetfulness.

"It's alright, dear. You must really miss her. Now, let's finish up eating," she encouraged.

After dinner, I returned to my room and lay on my bed, my thoughts swirling with anomalies. Raven's unexpected kindness, the impending return of Jade's other mother—these were deviations from the story I knew. It must be the butterfly effect of my transmigration into Jade's body. With that final thought, I drifted off to sleep.
