
looting the train

"The heist would be today. I had decided to save the rare candies for when my Pokemon reach higher levels. I imagined giving my level 95 Banette the five rare candies. So I chose to wait patiently unless it was an emergency.

Anyway, you might wonder where I am now; the answer is on the outskirts of Pewter City. In what location? Right on top of the train rails that we are going to rob. The so-called 'bullet train' that connects Pewter City with Viridian City. It seems that in this world, although they have invented balls capable of altering space and storing living beings, trains are still the equivalent of the year 1800.

I was wearing a mask to hide my identity and the rocket uniform. The leader of our squad is Marcus, an experienced trainer who relies on his impressive Steelix to stop the bullet train on its way to Pewter City. Steelix's strength is our best card to stop transportation and carry out our operation. Or so Erick told me.

Speaking of the mysterious trainer named Erick, who, despite his apparent youth of 14 years, demonstrates an ability to be the leader of the Rocket team, His Pokémon and strategies are a mystery to many, but we trust that he will help us achieve our goal.

With everything in place, we prepare to act with precision and speed. The train is approaching from Viridian City, and our plan is underway to get the passengers' money. Currently, I am with my superiors Erick and Marcus in front of where the train will pass. I will be in charge of the previous cars along with my 'friend' Ledger and three filler characters, including Alex.

Jackson, Julius, and eight other people would be in charge of the central cars. Garfield and 14 other people would take charge of the later cars. In total, we will have to loot quickly before the police come. Could Jenny be the police? I don't know; it would be better to find out another day.

I was nervous because the key to this heist is Erick and Marcus. Victory or defeat depends on whether they can defeat the guards, which I had doubts about. I didn't expect it to be a 6 vs. 6 pokemon battle that would last a long time. I tried to ask what the strategy was beyond stopping the train with the Steelix, but Erick and Marcus said that was none of my business; I should take care of looting the passengers once they have finished.

But now that I am with them, I will finally be able to see their mysterious behavior. Oh, and speaking of the plan, here comes the train.

"Sal Steelix" Marcus did the honors. He knew that his resemblance to the mountaineer's sprite was not for nothing. "Grrrrrrrr" Steelix made a sound like he was in Jurassic Park. The train stopped.

"Venomoth, butterfree according to plan! Use a sleeping pill in the second car." I saw how the two bugs spread spores throughout the car. I heard panicked screams, but it wasn't the signal yet.

"Wait!" Marcus shouted, watching for movement in the second car, where the guards were. "Now, come out, Exploud." Exploud, the sound of a pokemon, gave a cry of alarm. We all received the signal that this was the time to enter.

"Come on, Mello." Ledger called me, and I followed him along with the rest of the battalion. The train was a luxury train only for the rich; that could be seen when looking at the first person I passed. He was a well-groomed old man with a monocle and hat from Victorian England.

"Go Golbat," Ledger started, and we followed his actions. "Go Murcrow." "Raticate" "Go Ekans" "Gligar" With a glance, active analysis Golbat LVL 22 Raticate LVL 20 Ekans LVL 19 Gligar lvl 16 Not bad; with these Pokemon, it will be easy to steal.

"This is a robbery; give us your money; no one has to get hurt," I shouted. "If not, my Golbat can give you liposuction for free," Ledger commented, laughing. It was true; Golbat absorbs 300 ml of blood per second, and with that, he could kill a child. The pokemon threatened the closest passengers.

"I won't give anything to some wretches," he said. He didn't finish the sentence because Ledger punched him in the head. I saw my classmates taking their bags. "Give us your money, valuables, anything." "I don't have anything," replied an angry passenger. "Golbat," the vampire pokemon, sucked the too-brave passenger.

"Agggggg" "Okay, okay, here," the same passenger replied. Corvus, for his part, was flying over the roof on my order, looking at the valuables that passersby had. I watched as he took a gold watch from the same guy who was just attacked by the Golbat.

For my part, I only had to watch how my colleagues extracted people's pokedollars. And that's why I took Konrad out, for my safety. "Go Konrad." "I can finally stretch my legs," said the legless pokemon. The Shuppet laughed, and as soon as he came out, he pointed at a suitcase.

"With my frisk ability, I can detect a lot of what humans call pokedollars in that briefcase." "Hey you," I told my partner in crime, "take that briefcase; my shuppet has a good nose for money. Recruit Rocket listened to me. "No Please" "Be quiet" "Wow, you're right, jackpot; look at all this money." The recruit laughed.

"Ma'am, stop crying and put the bag in the bag." Ledger finished harassing the last passenger. And with that, we went to the fourth car. We had to go up to the sixth. The second squad, from seventh to eleventh And the third squad, from eleventh to fifteenth Everything was going well, but I had a bad feeling about it all.

"Konrad, use shadow sneak to blend in with my shadow." "Understood" Konrad materialized into a shadow and mixed with my own. This way, I would avoid surprise attacks. Murcrow in front and Shuppet behind "People like you make me sick," said a passerby from the fourth car. "I'm going to count to 3, 2, 1" I drop his money and his gold brooch into my partner's bag.

Corvus apparently got tired of playing and put himself on my shoulder. "Mm, these don't have anything shiny; I'll stay here for now," said the crow. It's well known that crows pick up shiny things and put them in their nests, so that's probably what's making Corvus so excited about the mission. Anyway, more conveniences. I really have a bad feeling about all this.

Boom And boy was he right. When we arrived at the fifth car, Zigzagon and Breloom gave us a warm welcome. Weren't there supposed to be no coaches here? "Extreme speed" Ledger and his Golbat were pushed out of the train. I saw in slow motion how he went out the window, breaking it. "Nibble" "Ahhhhhhhhh," the Zigzagon continued attacking us and bit the arm of a recruit whose name he didn't know.

"Mach Punch" The Raticate and the Ekans were K.O. by the Breloom. I don't have time to activate the system! "Murcrow thunder wave now!" The result was more or less desired. Everything in front of me was paralyzed, including humans. "ahhhh" "agggh" That, of course, includes my allies. Oops Anyway, now I can activate analysis.

Breloom LVL 30 Zigzagon LVL 19 That Breloom is the threat; I don't have time to see the movements. "Murcrow wing attack" Corvus's wings became covered in wind, and he sent the Breloom to its trainer's side. A passenger tried to catch me in the middle of the confusion, but Shuppet was faster, and I knocked him out with a feint to the head. Alex did not have the same luck and was stabbed by another madman.

Shuppet knocked him out just like the previous one. In retrospect, it was a good idea to camouflage Shuppet with my shadow. Now it is obvious that that attack in my previous world would have burst that unfortunate man's skull. In this world, humans have some resistance to Pokemon attacks. That's why I survived that pin missile from that bedrill at the beginning.

Now that he knows about my Shuppet, I have to be more careful. 2 vs. 2 Wait, there is another Pokemon present. The gligar is not affected by thunder waves. "Gligar, get back with your trainer or help me." The gligar nodded at me and did not help his trainer, who was bleeding to death on the floor. They must not have a good relationship.

I saw around me that all the passengers who were not paralyzed were jumping out of the windows, except those who had a nearby exit. There were some stragglers who were simply curled up on the floor. The trainer and I stayed in downtime, waiting for the people without pokemon to come out, I guess. I took advantage of it to see the movements of their pokemon with my system. Zigzagon LVL 19 Gender: female Movements: sand attack, bite, tackle, fast attack, extreme speed Breloom LVL 30 Gender: female Moves: bomb seed, substitute, leech seed, force palm, mach punch, low kick, stun Everything was going well until the trainer brought out a third Pokemon. Shiftry Shit Shiftry LVL 40 "This is my initial; prepare for your end, villain," the coach told me.

Let's see priorities I have a plan and strategy for my survival. Save the wounded; Alex is bleeding to death. Save the lives of the three paralyzed allies in front of me. "Aren't you forgetting someone?" Ledger appeared on the scene, his golbat angry at Zigzagon's treacherous attack. "Sharp Air Golbat" The golbat pushed the paralyzed recruits (including Alex) out the window.

Well, now there are no distractions. 4 vs. 3 Golbat, Gligar, Murcrow, and Shuppet vs. Zigzagon, Breloom, and Shiftry "Go for the Shiftry." I gave him my best advice in this time of crisis. The strongest is the first to fall; it is the law of life. "Don't worry, I got it," Ledger reassured me. "Golbat, sharp air again. "Vendabal" answered the vigilante. Obviously, he won. I was moved from the fifth to the fourth carriage with my shuppet and Murcrow.

"Listen, Konrad, I have a plan." I ran back to the fifth car again with Corvus. There was no one left; all the remaining fighters were thrown from the train by the gale. "Are you coming back? I don't know if you're brave or very stupid." "You're going to go to jail anyway," the trainer said. "You underestimate my stupidity," I said. Then I heard it. BOOM The train became unbalanced for a moment, interrupting our battle.

Are Marcus and Erick fighting? Hadn't the guards been asleep? What exactly is happening? Why don't you come here? The battle takes just 3 minutes. If they were fighting, I would have heard the sound of fighting earlier coming from the second car. So why now? Either way, this was a miracle for me. Shuppet was not with me; he was in my rival's shadow.

"Now robbery! Konrad!" Konrad hit the trainer in the face, and three pokeballs came out from under Shuppet's skirt. Such was the power of the robot movement. The Pokemon went to their trainer's defense, but it was too late. "Damn," Konrad said before being knocked out by Shiftry. I caught them and returned Shiftry first, then Breloom, and finally Zigzagon.

"I'm sorry, but I win. Corvus paralyzes him." Running I went to see my classmates, especially Alex, who was bleeding to death. I started to look for it, but "Boy" "Marcus, where is Erick? "Unconscious, the tycoon Reaven threatened to commit suicide with a gun if we moved; meanwhile, an electrode from the guards came out of the pokeball, exploded, and left everyone unconscious; only I was left awake.

Marcus turned to see the entire situation. "What happened in this area? It looks like a war." "The enemy had a very powerful Shiftry, but I managed to take away his pokeballs." I gave the stolen pokeballs to my captain. "Good job" "Alex has been stabbed; we have to find him." "He's about that, here boy." He gave me his pokeball.

"Alex has died; now his pokemon is yours. "And the body." "Burned" I was shocked at what he said. "Don't look at me like that; we can't leave clues, and his face was a clue. Come on, we have to meet the others. When we all met up, I saw that the others carried out the mission without problems. Julius and Garfield had bags full of money.

Jacson had a suitcase with what he assumed were wads of bills, and Jack and Hector were smiling in the back and talking. But he didn't have time to think about that; someone he knew had died. I didn't feel particularly responsible or guilty. After all, they are the jinxes of the trade. But it still left me thinking, That could have been me.

There was also the fact that he was officially a Pokemon thief. He had taken away a person's companions and would probably never see them again. "Well recruits!" Said Erick just out of the car, his clothes in rags, his red hair disheveled, and his face charred. It gave me satisfaction to think that it was his fault for thinking this way. He was carrying what he assumed to be the tycoon Reaven on his back; it seems that they paid a good ransom for him. "We don't have time, so go ahead, Claydol." "There is a lack of people," a recruit noted. Erick ignored him.

"Everyone, close your eyes and hold hands. Claydol will get you out of here; we will teleport to MT Moon." I followed the instructions. We formed a circle, holding hands as if it were a satanic sect or something like that. And then I was on the MT Moon. "The robbery was a success; a lot of money and 15 trained Pokémon were stolen," Marcus said, as if one had not died on the way. "And we have an unconscious Reaven."

At this point, he received a wave of applause from most of the criminal team. In the mountain, we just met other recruits; these were Pokemon doctors. It seems that we are in a rocket lair inside this cave. They healed Shuppet, my Murcrow, and my new pokemon, Gligar, with the same devices that Nurses Joy have. I need to clear my mind; now what should I do? I'm on MT Moon, so... I can catch a Clefairy or... I could look for the Pokemon fossils. Kabutops and Omastar.

———————————— Author's note: What do you think of the fanfic? Any advice? How is it translated with Google? There will be words that will not be understood
