
Chapter 138 True Dragon Nine Crowns_2

He spoke, but his eyes were flashing with an unusual light.

"Why should I give up my dreams? Why should I admit that I'm worthless?"

He, Yu Xiaogang, would not accept this!

As long as he lived another day, he would never give up on his research and attempts with the Martial Soul. He still believed that one day he would astonish the world with his strength.

"Hmm," Yu Yuanzhen's face showed a gratified smile. "I'm glad that you think this way. When we return to the family, I will give you two shops."


Yu Xiaogang did not refuse Yu Yuanzhen's suggestion and asked, "Father, are we leaving now to return to the family?"

Yu Yuanzhen, however, shook his head. "Wait a moment, I still have an important matter to attend to. Stand aside and wait."

Another matter? Yu Xiaogang was startled, not expecting Yu Yuanzhen to be so busy.

But he still stood to the side as Yu Yuanzhen had instructed.

"Born from the dragon, spread over Nine Mountains. Each mountain bears a crown, and all unite into one."

At this moment, Yu Yuanzhen was murmuring to himself.

Yu Xiaogang was stunned; this scene seemed familiar, Yu Yuanzhen had just muttered this...

However, this time was different from before.

After Yu Yuanzhen's voice had ended, Yu Xiaogang saw a dazzling light burst out from the crown on Yu Yuanzhen's head.

The Holy Radiant Dragon's Martial Soul beside him also raised its head and let out a long howl.

Boom, boom, boom.

The ground also trembled at this moment.

The earth shook and the mountains swayed.

This time, it wasn't just them. Even distant disciples from the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan noticed the anomaly.

They looked in the direction of the Nine Mountains, their eyes filled with shock and confusion.

"It's an earthquake!"

"No, it seems like some treasure has appeared."

"No matter what it is, we'll know if we go and see."

Many disciples of the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan wanted to go and see.


"Stay where you are, no one is to go."

Suddenly, a voice overpowered everyone else's.

The crowd looked for the source of the sound.

They saw Yu Luomian's figure, who had appeared at the scene without anyone noticing.

Yu Luomian spoke loudly, "Everyone listen well, this is the manifestation of our ancestors, an omen of good fortune; our Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan is about to prosper! But remember, keep this matter quiet for now to avoid attracting the attention of our enemies."



Upon hearing Yu Luomian's words, numerous disciples of the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan nodded repeatedly.

They hadn't forgotten that young man who went up to their sect and killed many disciples of the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan.

It was a hate engraved in their bones.

An auspicious sign from heaven meant their ancestor had seen their suffering and helped them get revenge.



Inside the palace of True Dragon Mountain.

Yu Xiaogang was stunned.

Swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish, swish.

Before his very eyes, he saw one streak of light after another falling from the hole in the center of the grand hall and then floating around Yu Yuanzhen, slowly turning.

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight...

Yu Xiaogang counted them clearly, there were a full eight of them.

"Are these the treasures hidden in the other peaks?" Yu Xiaogang asked instinctively.

"That's right, these are the treasures hidden in the other eight peaks, left behind by the Holy Radiant Dragon for us," Yu Yuanzhen said and waved his hand, and the light from the eight items dimmed instantly.

Yu Xiaogang saw them clearly and couldn't help exclaiming, "Are these eight soul bones?"


Before Yu Xiaogang's eyes, there were limbs, wings, a trunk, and a tailbone.

"Yes, but not quite," Yu Yuanzhen said with some complexity. "It would be more fitting to call them Soul Bone Fragments, only these are fragments left by the Holy Radiant Dragon."

"Soul Bone Fragments?" Yu Xiaogang was utterly bewildered. He had lived for decades and had never heard of this term before.

"They are called True Dragon Nine Crowns. Simply put, these Soul Bone Fragments do not have the functions of a soul bone. After fusing them with different parts of the body, one can only receive improvements in Cultivation Level, Soul Ring duration, and physical strength, without obtaining any soul skills," Yu Yuanzhen patiently explained.

So that was it... After listening to Yu Yuanzhen's words, Yu Xiaogang's face showed an expression of sudden realization. "Then Father, doesn't that mean your Cultivation Level can make rapid progress?"

"Rapid progress?" Yu Yuanzhen laughed. "You wouldn't think so after you learn the price I must pay to activate the True Dragon Nine Crowns."

"Doesn't obtaining the recognition of the True Dragon Nine Crowns suffice?" Yu Xiaogang asked, still puzzled.

"It's not enough, far from enough," Yu Yuanzhen shook his head. "The price to activate the True Dragon Nine Crowns... will be my life!"

"Life as the price!"

Yu Xiaogang shuddered, having not expected Yu Yuanzhen to pay so much.

"However, with sacrifice comes reward. When I truly unleash the full potential of the True Dragon Nine Crowns, I will also gain immense power. At that time, there won't be a single person in the whole world who can stand against me, Yu Yuanzhen."

Having heard Yu Yuanzhen's words, Yu Xiaogang shuddered again, "Father, are you going to make a move against Qin Xiao?"

Without a doubt, Yu Yuanzhen's answer was affirmative, "The hatred between me and Qin Xiao can only be washed away with blood. Once I return to the sect to arrange some final affairs, I will go and slay Qin Xiao myself."

"As long as he lives, I won't have peace of mind."


Several days later.

Star Luo Imperial Palace.

"Is there any news on Youming, the Grand Duke?"

Star Luo Emperor sat on his throne and asked his servant in a deep voice.

"Your Majesty, there's none at the moment."

The servant replied respectfully.

"By the timeline, Duke of Netherworld would have already entered the territory of the Tiandou Empire and should have returned by now. Could it be that some unexpected event has occurred?"

Star Luo Emperor furrowed his brows, murmuring in confusion.

However, the servant below had no answer for him.

Misplaced words can be as dangerous as consuming the wrong medicine.

In a worst-case scenario, it could lead to death.

"Go, continue to investigate and report back."

Star Luo Emperor waved his hand, indicating the servant could leave.


The servant swiftly left the hall as if granted amnesty.

But then.

Very quickly, the same servant returned.

"What is it?" Star Luo Emperor uttered curtly.

The servant hurriedly answered: "Your Majesty, Youming, the Grand Duke, has returned."

"Then why hasn't he entered? Is he expecting me to invite him personally?"

Star Luo Emperor's face was as cold as frost.

"I'm afraid, the Duke can no longer enter on his own."

"What do you mean?"

"The Duke is gravely injured and had to be carried back. Fearing he might offend Your Majesty, he asked me to relay the news first."


Having heard the servant's words, Star Luo Emperor could no longer stay seated.

With the status and position of Youming, the Grand Duke, who would dare lay hands on him?

After regaining his composure, Star Luo Emperor immediately said, "Then have him carried in at once."


The servant left again, looking rather abashed.

Not long after.

Two Silver Armored Guards carried a stretcher into the main hall.

Star Luo Emperor's pupils constricted sharply. The person on the stretcher was none other than Youming, the Grand Duke.

However, at that moment, the Grand Duke's face was as pale as paper, looking gravely ill.

Even the front of his robe was drenched with blood.

"You, help me up, I can still greet His Majesty."

Youming, the Grand Duke, said with a tremor in his voice, attempting to struggle to his feet.

"Forget it, don't bother, just lie down and talk."

Seeing this, Star Luo Emperor promptly stopped the Grand Duke's effort.

"No, I must kneel before Your Majesty."

The Grand Duke, while insisting, exerted all his strength and rolled off the stretcher onto the floor.

Then, shivering, he managed to curl up, forming a kneeling posture before Star Luo Emperor, "Your Majesty, I... have failed your expectations."

After listening to the Grand Duke, Star Luo Emperor's pupils suddenly constricted. He had a faint idea of what might have happened.

"All of you leave, except for the Duke, who may remain."

Star Luo Emperor gestured for the two Silver Armored Guards to withdraw.

In the blink of an eye, the hall was empty.

Star Luo Emperor slowly settled back onto his throne and then spoke in a deep voice, "Speak, what exactly happened?"



The True Dragon Nine Crowns is a setting within an anime, which I found quite interesting, so I brought it here.

If interested, readers can look up the relevant content for themselves; it's quite fascinating.

I also think that only with the combat capabilities of the Blue Electric Overlord Dragon Clan, which possesses the True Dragon Nine Crowns, can one be considered a part of the upper three families.

Besides, I wish everyone a Happy New Year.
