
444, System active skill, Crimson Lotus Heavenly Fire skill suppression, effective! [Second update]_1

Lin Yi's mouth twitched, sorry, I used too much force.

But even so, she hasn't woken up—what has Evil done to her?

Lin Yi lowered his hand, and the rainbow brilliance that had just ignited in his palm gradually dissipated, a radiance that could suppress all laws.

For example, just now, Evil was attempting to return to the Divine Realm but was restrained by the rainbow brilliance in Lin Yi's hand, or, one could say… was silenced.

Evil's fingers dug into the ground, his feet scraping out two long grooves on the surface; it was evident how strong the force was when he was flung, even Gu Yuena's indestructible skin was covered in numerous wounds.

He lifted his head, his eyes revealing shock and doubt, "I can't return? How did he manage to catch me..."

The Kindness God was no longer composed. She turned toward the three Law Enforcers beside her and asked with a frown, "What should we do?"

The Asura God said, "First, calm down. Let's be ready to back up Evil at any moment."

Destruction curled his lips, with a raging purple flame in his palm, and staring at Lin Yi, he rasped:

"I'm ready."


It was at this moment that Wang Qiu'er, as if finally realizing what was happening, pushed open the door and rushed out.

Lin Yi had just mentioned him, and in the blink of an eye, Lin Yi had vanished!

If she hadn't heard Tuan Tuan calling "Master" outside, Wang Qiu'er wouldn't have known what was happening.

She was shocked by the scene before her eyes, recognizing that the man in black was a god from the Divine Realm.

"Senior Lin Yi, do you need my help with anything?"

Lin Yi didn't look back, his tone calm as he said, "Block that guy's mouth. If he keeps being noisy, the entire Soul City won't be able to sleep."

Wang Qiu'er turned her head and saw Tuan Tuan rolling around on the stage while screaming, with words like "Tuan Tuan is so scared," "Shrimp Head Man," and other phrases being shouted out.

What is a Shrimp Head Man??? Wang Qiu'er was completely baffled.

But still, she followed Lin Yi's instructions and immediately ran toward the stage to transform the "rolling Tuan Tuan" into a "silent Tuan Tuan."

Lin Yi looked at Evil and asked, "Why did you take her away?"

Evil pulled his fingers out of the ground and, revealing a smile on his face, patted the dust off his hands and asked, "You are Lin Yi, right?"

After waiting for a minute and seeing Lin Yi just coldly surveying him, with no intention of responding, Evil coughed and suddenly laughed, "Just thought she seemed a bit lonely, and wanted to take her to the Divine Realm for a reunion with the Golden Dragon King..."

Lin Yi: "If you don't tell the real reason, forget about returning to the Divine Realm."

Evil's mouth twitched all of a sudden.

He began making frantic eye signals in one direction, hoping his "teammates" would come to his support.

Just then, to Evil's surprise, he looked behind Lin Yi to see a spread of red flames, and after the flames had passed, there appeared a very beautiful woman in red.

Evil was truly surprised; he wanted someone to support him, but he didn't want his wife to come over.

There was no doubt that Lin Yi was highly dangerous, the strongest target they, the Divine Realm Law Enforcers, had ever dealt with in countless cases.

So powerful that it gave Evil a feeling that he could not possibly win.

I can be in danger, and teammates can be in danger, but my wife, no.

Evil, who had just been all smiles, suddenly became serious and took a defensive stance.

But what he didn't expect was for Kindness to lose her temper so explosively; Evil's eyes widened as he watched his partner whirling through the flames, delivering a spinning kick toward Lin Yi's temple.

"Don't even think about bullying my husband!"

Stop, my wife! You can't beat him!

Evil immediately charged forward.

Lin Yi stood still, slightly turning his eyes as a wave of heat approached from behind. This terrifying heat had long surpassed the realms of ultimate fire.

He made no superfluous movements, merely slowly raising his forearm to block beside his head.


Kindness's face showed shock as her leg seemed to have kicked against a mountain, indestructible and unmoving.

Lin Yi was equally shocked in his heart, stunned by the rapid depletion of the Shield's health.

Damn it, one kick directly broke all historical damage records.

Lin Yi's hand flipped over, and he swiftly caught Kindness's ankle, flinging her whole body towards the direction from which Evil had charged.

The battles between the powerful occurred in an instant, and in less than the time it took to blink, Kindness, who was flung out, collided with Evil, who quickly retreated backward.

"Bad, the power is too strong, can't dissipate it!"

Veins bulged on Evil's forehead as he forcefully bent his knees.


Behind him, the tremendous force that couldn't be dissipated almost blew away the ground in a square hundred meter area, exposing the frightful rock below.

Evil took a moment to steady himself before setting Kindness down, and the two inquired about each other's condition with concern. It was then that Kindness noticed her husband's pale complexion and, looking at Evil's chest, saw it was caved in.

However, as it was the body of a god, Evil was recovering quickly, but his expression was still pained.

"Damn it!"

Kindness stepped forward, her red dress swirling as if it had ignited into a fierce blaze. She knelt on one knee, slapped the ground with her palm, and as she lifted it, a slow-floating Crimson Lotus Heavenly Fire emerged.

Kindness immediately stood up, her hands forming a strange gesture as the Crimson Lotus between her palms spun rapidly, while she chanted:

"Crimson Lotus as the guide, heaven and earth as the medium, the cycle of sun and moon, the eclipse of the great sun, with the core of my heart, I open the gate of heavenly fire. Burn, my Crimson Lotus, transform into a canopy of flames that blocks everything, unsurpassable above and below, Crimson Lotus Heavenly Fire!"

As soon as she finished speaking, Kindness spread her arms wide, and in an instant, the entire black sky turned into a blazing red.

The air temperature soared suddenly, waves of heat steaming up the sky.

"What is she doing?! Is she trying to destroy Soul Land?!"

The Asura God's eyes widened.

The Life Goddess murmured, "Kindness's original name was Flame, this seems to be her Ultimate Technique, Crimson Lotus Heavenly Fire, she's actually using it on Lin Yi."

Destruction suddenly found Kindness a bit more appealing.

Yes, just like that, destroy! Destroy everything! Destroy Lin Yi who stands before you!

Above the canopy, layers of crimson flames unfolded, yet the moon and stars remained unexpectedly bright and clear within.

The Extreme North Glacier started to melt, and inhabitants of the entire Soul Land, in their sleep, felt as if they were being roasted over a fire.

At that moment, every member of Martial Soul Hall, without exception, was jolted awake.

They all rushed out and looked up at the red sky.

Little Golden Crocodile, in his shorts, mumbled, "The sky is on fire..."

Can't match my strength, beginning to use spells, huh?

Lin Yi looked at the woman shrouded in flames opposite him and a trace of awe emerged in his heart.

The Flame that had become a god seemed even more powerful, far stronger than before.

At this moment, Lin Yi raised his right hand glowing with a rainbow radiance and snapped his fingers crisply.

[Crimson Lotus Heavenly Fire Skill Suppression, Activated!]


The sky instantly darkened, the heat waves fled without a trace, and the entire Soul Land returned to its normal temperature.
