1st Month of 298 A.C. Winterfell
Robb Stark
The direwolves, they had found the direwolves right where Jon said they would find them, another show that what Jon saw often came true, it made him wonder about what his cousin had dreamt of a couple of nights ago. Of a bloody hand, and a jeering crowd, a man crying for the moon, and someone far away laughing whilst the strings were played. Robb, knew that Jon sometimes got worried by what he saw, but that he did not always talk about his visions, though Robb knew that sometimes his brother would dream of things and would talk out loud as the nightmare happened. They had shared a room when they were younger, and as such Robb knew somewhat when to judge when Jon was worried or angry, or upset. It was tiring he supposed, and then of course there was his cousin's appearance, the hair, and the eyes, they seemed to hint at something and though none had ever thought to ask about it, there was some hidden acknowledgement that perhaps father was not being completely honest about Jon, and yet mother never seemed to care, in fact mother had been Jon's strongest supporter for as long as Robb could remember.
And when the other heirs of the north had come to Winterfell, well they had learned where the order came and where it stopped. He still remembers when someone, he thinks it was Torrhen Karstark tried to talk down to Jon because of his bastard birth, and they all made a fool of him. Karstark had kept his mouth shut for some time after that, and had only just recently begun talking within their little group. Robb knew that his father said that the heirs of the other northern lords were in Winterfell to get to know him and to know each other, and to some extent he could accept that, however, there was a part of him that suspected there was more to what his father was doing. It seemed as though his father was planning something, what it was, Robb did not know, but there was definitely something being planned and Robb wanted to know, desperately he wanted to know. He was nearly a man grown, but his father kept him somewhat in the dark about those plans and included him in others. He knew that Domeric Bolton was supposed to be used against Lord Roose, that Bolton and Karstark were growing far too friendly as it were. Robb knew something would happen, he just did not know when.
Then there was the fact that he was getting married today. He truly could not believe that the day had finally come. He had known Wynafryd since he was around four and she seven, she had come to be a companion for Sansa, and as such, they had grown close. Robb was glad that his family liked Wynafryd, for he did, he truly did. He did not know if he loved her, like father and mother loved one another, but he most definitely cared for one another. He knew that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, and he knew things about her, and she him, that none else did. Over all, he thought that he had made the right choice in choosing Wynafryd as his wife, and the fact that she was also second in line to White Harbour did not hurt either. His wedding, gods, he did not know what to think. He had kissed Wynafryd before, and done other things, but he had never truly been with a woman before. And that was what was worrying him as well. Still he clears his thoughts as he sees her walk towards him. She looks stunning, absolutely beautiful, with her hair done up in a simple braid, her cheeks are rosy, and her eyes are for him, only for him. He feels his heart quicken slightly as she comes nearer.
Eventually, she and her father stop before them, and father speaks. "We are gathered for the union of two families, old in heritage and tradition. Robb Stark and Wynafryd Manderly. Let us begin."
His father looks at him and nods, and Robb says. "Who comes?"
Ser Wylis Manderly speaks then. "Wynafryd Manderly, comes, a maiden flowered and grown. Who claims her?"
"Robb Stark, heir to Winterfell, and the grand north." Robb responds.
"Do you promise to protect her and ensure her safety?" Ser Wylis asks.
"I do hereby swear. By ice and fire, I shall do my duty to ensure she is safe and healthy." Robb responds.
"Then as her father, I give her to you." Ser Wylis says. Letting go of his daughter and allowing her to come and stand beside Robb.
Robb looks at her and smiles, he feels his heart flutter slightly when she smiles back. His father speaks then. "What happens here is an old and natural tradition. To ensure the continuation of the old gods, and their heritage, I must know. Is there anyone here who does not wish these two to be married?" Silence greets this and then father continues. "Now, Robb, Wynafryd, there is one thing you must ask yourself, when the time comes, to choose between glory, honour, or each other, who would you choose?"
Robb feels something akin to irritation at the question, such an irrelevant question. "I would choose you." he says looking at Wynafryd.
"I would choose you." Wynafryd responds.
"And when the darkness comes, and the world shakes and quivers what will you do?" his father asks.
"We shall stand together, firm against the tide, and ensure the north and Winterfell remains firm. We shall not allow anything to break us, for we are of the north, and winter is coming." they respond in unison.
Robb looks at his father and sees him smiling. "And with that, you might make her your lawful wife."
Robb takes the grey Stark cloak from Jon, and after Ser Wylis has removed the Manderly cloak from Wynafryd's shoulders, he drapes the Stark cloak across her shoulders. That done he looks at her, smiles, and then leans in and kisses her. She tastes sweet, this wife of his, and he feels the urge to deepen the kiss but he knows there will be plenty of time for that later on, and so he breaks the kiss, and listens to the cheers, before taking her hand and leading her out of the godswood toward the castle.
As they walk from the godswood, the sound of the crowd disappearing behind them, Greywind walks beside them, the direwolf has grown quite big already, in the three weeks Robb has had him, and it is quite surprising. As if sensing that, Wynafryd says. "It is quite strange is it not? You've only had Greywind for such a small amount of time and already he is quite big."
Robb nods. "Aye, I do not know what might have caused this. Perhaps there is some truth in what the old tales say, perhaps there is some magic within the direwolves and the things north of the wall."
"The wolves did come from beyond the wall did they not? Or at least their mother did?" Wynafryd asks.
"Aye that she did. But there was something odd about it. What might have forced her south of the wall?" Robb ponders.
"Perhaps it was that thing that has made all of our fathers very nervous?" Wynafryd suggests.
"What the things with the wildlings? Perhaps aye, though they might not have succeeded that much." Robb responds. They walk in silence for a while after that, still holding hands, the great hall comes into view then, and Robb stops a moment, holds the door open for his wife and then walks in himself, they walk to their places on the dais and sit down. Then, the others file in and sit in their relevant places. Father and mother sat in their places at the high table, whilst Jon sits to mother's left, a change.
Father stands then, and the hall falls silent. "Thank you all for coming today. We are here to celebrate a joyous occasion in the marriage of my eldest son and heir Robb, to Ser Wylis Manderly's eldest daughter Wynafryd. The marriage between the two, is a union of our two houses, and shows once more the trust and faith that House Stark has in House Manderly, and furthermore, that the north is as strong as ever. To Robb and Wynafryd, I wish you the best of health and many, many happy years together."
There is some assent at this, and then old Lord Wyman stands up. The Lord, who had been good friends with Robb's grandfather, is a portly fellow, but there is a cunning there. "Thank you Lord Stark for the honour. It has been sometime since last we were here together, all as one family. And that is what we are, a family, a family of northmen. Let us not forget that in the time to come."
The Lord of White Harbour sits down then. A moment's silence, and then all eyes are on Robb and Wynafryd, for a moment he wonders if they expect him to make a speech, but then he remembers they are waiting for them to take the first bite of the food that is being served. He waits a moment, and then picks up his knife and fork and cuts into the meat before him, he waits a moment, and then allows Wynafryd to eat it, when she hums with contentment the hall erupts into the cheer, and the feasting begins. As the feasting begins properly, Robb feels his wife lean into him and whisper. "I am sorry about my grandfather Robb, for some reason he feels the need to be dramatic almost always, since the time Ramsay Snow was slain."
Robb looks at his wife and says. "It is not a bother Wynafryd. Truly it is not. Perhaps more should have been made of the bastard's death. Gods alone know how troublesome he was. Let us not dwell on it then shall we? For it is in the past. And now we have our present and future before us."
His wife smiles then. "Of course, most definitely. Tell me Robb, what do you think of Theon and Wylla?"
Robb nearly chokes on the food he had been swallowing, it goes down though, and then he looks at his wife. "Theon and Wylla? Are they really a thing? I thought that that was just Theon lying through his teeth."
His wife laughs then. "Oh I do not know, parts of it might be lies, other parts of it might not. It seems that my sister has developed some sort of attraction for Theon, and if one were to believe her, he has developed an attraction for her. So what do you think of it?"
Robb considers this and then responds. "Truth be told, I am not sure. I care for Theon as a brother, but there are times when I mourn the fact that he is here. He can be quite ridiculous sometimes."
"Oh I know, and yet, if they are happy together, who are we to prevent them from being together?" his wife asks.
"Then do you think that they mean to be together then? Theon has not said anything of this to me. Not properly at least. It seems almost as if he is wanting to keep it quiet deliberately." Robb muses aloud.
"Well that would not surprise me. After all, knowing Theon he might well have wanted to keep it quiet for fear of making you think he was trying to copy you." his wife responds.
"What? Why would I think that?" Robb asks, genuinely surprised.
"Well, because there are times when I think Theon feels as if he is the younger brother to you." his wife replies, not unkindly.
Robb thinks on this and then laughs slightly. "That is true, very true."
The musicians begin playing, and Robb knows, he just knows that Domeric will be playing before long, the man can never resist playing his harp. Looking at his wife he smiles, and stands. "Would you like a dance my lady?" he asks.
She smiles back and responds. "I would like nothing more my lord." She takes his hand then, and they walk down toward the floor.
As they begin dancing, others soon follow their example, and Robb is not surprised to see Torrhen, his cousin leading Arya out to dance, and even though Arya might say she despises dancing, when it comes to Torrhen she is most definitely willing to forget her inhibitions. The dance continues, and Robb sees Beron dancing with Sansa, he frowns at that, he wonders why they are dancing, he knows Beron has feelings for Sansa, but that his sister does not share them, no, her feelings lie elsewhere. They change partners then, and Robb finds himself dancing with Jorelle Mormont. That dance is quick and is almost over before it begins, and Robb then finds himself dancing with numerous other girls, before he finally finds himself dancing with his sister. He looks at her and asks. "Are you okay?"
His sister looks somewhat put out by the question. "Well, I am, but I am not. I don't understand why he won't at least come down and ask me to dance. He stands there glowering, but does nothing about it."
Robb knows his sister refers to their cousin Jon, and yet he is not sure how he feels about all of that. He looks at her and says. "Well, why not go to him then?"
His sister looks at him and laughs. "Because that's not this works Robb. I would have thought you would know that by now. Girls don't ask boys, it's the other way around."
Robb looks at his sister and sighs. "And that is why most girls are unhappy. Well you know what, if you won't ask him, I will ask him for you." With that, their dance ends, and Sansa moves to another partner, and though he can hear her protesting, Robb moves towards his cousin, he is tired of their little game, if they are to do something, they might as well get on with it. He stands before his cousin, with his silver-brown hair, his strong eyes, and says. "Are you going to ask Sansa to dance?"
His cousin looks at him a moment and then says. "I was getting there, I just….I just needed to…."
Robb looks at the wine cup in his cousin's hand and laughs. "Getting drunk won't make it easier Jon. Come on, just do it, what's the worst she could say?"
He feels absurd saying that, and yet, he knows something of relief, when his cousin puts down the wine cup, and walks with him to the floor. Robb waits a moment, and watches as his cousin and sister begin their dance, and then he looks around for Wynafryd, seeing her with her father, he walks back to the high table and sits down. He looks at his father then and asks. "What are you planning father?"
His father looks at him, and Robb is surprised by how old his father looks. His father is only five and thirty, not old enough to look as he does now. And yet his voice is strong. "There is a storm coming son. A storm the like of which we have not seen for generation, and I have to prepare the north for it."
"You mean because Jon Arryn is dead?" Robb asks. "Is there something more that might be happening within the realm then? Do you not think he died of natural causes?"
His father looks at him and replies. "I do not think anything that happened within King's Landing within the past few years has been natural Robb. You know some of what happened, but there are things that have yet to be shared, things which you will learn in time. And yet the court is coming to Winterfell, and we must be ready for that."
Robb thinks over this and then asks. "Do you think the Lannisters had something to do with Jon Arryn's death?"
His father does not give him a direct answer, and instead says. "I think there is a chance they might have had a hand in it. And yet there is more that we do not yet know, so there must be time for learning and looking. That is what I am preparing for."
"How can I help?" Robb asks, and he means it as well, he truly wants to help, he wants to feel useful now, he wants to show his father that he can be trusted.
His father looks at him and smiles. "You are helping Robb. But, when the court comes, I need you to keep an eye on your cousin. Robert, cannot see him, not yet at least."
Robb wants to ask why, but he knows better than to ask why when it comes to Jon and so he merely nods and says. "I will." he pauses then, thinks over whether or not he wants to know the answer to this question and then decides he does. "What are you planning on doing with Jon? Will you take him south with you when you go?"
His father is silent a long moment, and Robb fears that he might have asked the wrong question, but then his father says. "I am not sure, I do not think taking him south would be wise, and yet there is an argument for taking him south and preparing. But that is for another time, I believe there is something else about to happen."
And just like that, the Greatjon stands up and bellows. "To bed with the newlyweds."
The rush happens, and Robb laughs, but as he is carried out of the room, he feels a chill run down him and he hears a whisper, the whisper of something, and he shivers.
If you’re ready for a story that dives deep into the struggles between family, loyalty, and the harsh reality of Westeros, Winter’s Promise is your kind of ride. And if you want to see what happens before anyone else, check out early chapters on https://dravenshadefall-shop.fourthwall.com