
White Knight (1)

"Dude, will you just stay still?" Ken whispered harshly, his voice dripping with annoyance.

Steve who was fidgeting like crazy, couldn't even look at his friend. They were currently in Steph's house, waiting in the lounge room while the girls got ready for the big night tonight.

Stephanie's father was sitting across from them, wearing a serious expression. Ken wasn't at all intimidated by the guy, partly because he wasn't taking his daughter to the prom.

The other part was because he'd seen far more intimidating people back in Japan. Hell, Tetsu was 10 times as scary as this guy, yet Steve looked like he was about to sweat out of his suit.

"So, I'll be expecting my daughter back before 11pm tonight Stephen. And if I smell even a hint of alcohol on her, there will be dire consequences." Steph's dad stated, his expression stern.

"Y—Yes sir!" Steve almost jumped out of his chair, his whole body shaking.


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