
The Horrible First Meeting

In fact, they were due any time now and so Asmodeus was sitting on a comfortable seat, watching the female knights and Leviathan clashing against Aki and the Inukami shrine maidens in a battle using proper weapons and abilities. 

'The Inukami warriors are not weak, but they only showed their true skills in actual battle. During training, they held back their holy magic and ferocious attacking style.'

Asmodeus watched as Aki clashed with Leviathan. Despite the pair of them both being stronger leaders, it was the way his new demon paladin could direct and command the other knights while clashing with Aki, who became invested in her duel.

Fredrika, the former vice-captain, asked Sheila to become their new captain after noticing this talent, whereas Vinea became less burdened and only dealt with the issues outside of battle, like forming battle plans and strategies.

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