
Chapter 62: Poisonous

Holding someone's hands wasn't a big deal, yet even as Rye held on to Klas' hands refining her magic, all she wanted was to get it over with and leave.

Something It took a full ten minutes before she finally decided that she could no longer take the silent tension she could feel in the air and the intensity of his gaze on her.

Her eyes were closed and she could feel him standing extremely still in front of her yet it felt like he was seconds away from touching her.

"Done! I'll wait until someone reaches out to me for your initiation as a General," Rye said, fixing her hood and turning around at the same time without once meeting his gaze.

Walking forward quickly with the intention of leaving the room.

But just before her wish could come true, just as she prepared to push open the door, she heard Klas speak.

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