
Getting Business Done.

1993/California/Los Angeles.

"Did you receive the Stuff " I asked whispering into the phone.

"Yes." Said an unknown man whispering, from my phone.

"Make sure you sneak the stuff into his food." I said whispering into my phone,

"Understood I'll do it swiftly since I owe tyrone one and since it also benefits me." Said the unknown voice whispering from my phone.

"This little meeting right here just tells you that some of the police are corrupted." I thought and you must be confused as to what I'm doing now we'll let me rewind back a few minutes ago for you to understand.

TIMESKIP: A few minutes ago.

Im currently outside of a huge prison, standing by my car waiting on a guard that gangster wannabe recommended me to give my poison to and if you haven't noticed the clues by now I'ma go ahead and give it away I'm getting rid of oliver samwell yea I know it's risky but hey I have too if I wanna obtain his his company, you ask why I don't just build my own well that's to much work when I can go ahead and obtain one that's already planted itself Into the beauty market so yeah there you have it.

(Crystalline's POV)

"Where the hell is this fucking man at it's hot ass fuck out here." I said, fanning myself.

"It's not not that hot ms knowles." Said a fat prison guard walking up to me.

I looked at the fat prison guard with a are you serious face and said while fanning myself "Child please I am a damn black woman so me standing out here is gonna sweat my damn hair off."

The fat white prison guard had a confused face making me roll my eyes and pull out the poison from between my breasts and handed it to him and said "Make sure you give this to an inmate named jerome smith."

"Understood and do you have the cash with you as well." Asked the fat white prison guard, taking the poison and stuffing it in his crotch area.

I went to my trunk and popped it open and pulled out a suitcase and went back to the the prison guard and handed it to him and said "And I assume you will keep your mouth shut because if I hear even a bit of speculation about this incident you know what will happen." I said, looking him dead in the eyes with a serious face.

The prison guard kept nodding while taking the suitcase and dtarted leaving, with me standing here watching him enter the gate of the prison.

"Fuck it's hot out here." I said while going back to my car and getting into it.

I started my car and pulled off towards beverly hills.

TIMESKIP: A couple minutes later.

I pulled into my driveway and turned my car off and got out of it while locking it and made my way towards my my front door and opend it and went inside while closing the door behind myself and locking it.

"Finally I'm back home." I said, kicking my white heels off, and headed towards my recording studio.

I entered my recording studio and sat in my rolling chair and powered my laptop on and Immediately finished the small tweaks to my album and published it.

"Finally it's published now I can work on the song." I said to myself while working the control's.

After I finished setting the up the beat of the song I steal from Mlmariah which is all I want for christmas is you, i picked up my laptop and headed into the recording room and sat it on the stool and out my headset on and played the tune.

I took a deep breath and said singing, going up and down on the registers while holding the notes midway "I don't want alot for christmas."

"There is just one thing that I need." I said singing, holding the notes midway.

I don't care about the presents, underneath the christmas tree." I said singing, going up a little in the register while doing little register flips and holding the notes midway.

I closed my eyes and said singing with more emotion, holding the notes midway "I just want you for my own."

"More than you could ever know." I said singing going up a register but went back down with control, holding the notes midway.

I took a deep breath and said singing in a high register but immediately transitioned into my head voice voice while playing with the registers, holding the notes longly "Make my wish come true."

"All I want for christmas is, you, yeah." I said singing in a high register while descending down the register while playing with it and transitioning into my head voice, holding the notes longly.

TIMESKIP: 5 minutes later.

I took the headset off and put it down and picked up the water bottle and drink it while thinking "Now I can publish the song after doing a little bit of tweaks then we're good to go."

I chuckled at the bad bitch vibes I give off and grabbed my laptop while throwing the water bottle into the trash can, home running it and went out of the recording room and sat on the couch and immediately started doing the small tweaks to the song since everything else was pretty much perfect.

While I was doing the edits to the song my phone suddenly started ringing in my cleavage area, making me pause what I was doing and pull my phone out and seen it was good old berry, and answered it.

"Hey berry." I said, while still editing the song.

"Hey crystal I have some good news for you." Said berry with a excited voice.

I had a confused face and asked "What's the good news."

"Bill clinton invited you again to perform at his Inauguration ceremony." Said berry, hoping I'd say yes, yes if you've noticed the keyword , again, he invited me last year and I rejected i wasn't getting payed for it and on top of that I was busy with my stock business and you know what I'm talking about and also because mj didn't invite me for the the world performance so I didn't see the need to pop up for people I don't know.

"Is he paying this time." I asked, while finishing the tweaks.

"Yes he's offering 5 million for your appearance." Said berry, still hoping I'd accept.

"Ok let him know I accept and Im sending my album information over with a single I just finished." I said, while publishing the song, and sending berry the information.

"Ok I received it and I'll handle the rest." Said berry while hanging up.

I put my phone up and suddenly jamie fucking fox flashed in my mind making me sigh while thinking about my supposed new lover "I have a feeling this little thing we have isn't going to last long and I hope it doesn't because I would pretty much love to rekindle old times with a taco first than to be forced fed and have to deal with a hot dog."

I sighed again while getting off the couch and heading out of the recording studio intending switch into my bikini and get into my jacuzzi and relax and wait for the death of oliver samwell.



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