
Intro to Deception 101

(Viki's Pov)

I woke up on the couch, with a blanket on top of me. I scratched my head and looked around. The curtain were still drawn and from the looks of it was around evening. I rubbed my eyes and yawned, last night tom and I had a great time watching Tv, eating ice cream and talking about stuff. Somehow I felt a little sad that I didn't see him.


I got up and stretched my body, a loud rumble came from my stomach. I was about to move to the kitchen when I heard the door open behind me. I heard his smell, it was Tom, there was another smell lingering around him. I turned around and he saw me and nodded, "You're up." He held a baggie up and shook it lightly while smiling, "You hungry?"

I walked over and took the bag, it had 2 cheeseburgers, fries, milkshakes and fudge. I took in the smell and the aroma from the food hit me like darn truck. I took out a few fried and ate as I moved to the couch. He poured himself a drink as I got the burger out and took a bite into that deliciously succulent beef. I was hungrily gorging the burger.

"Slow down, there… it's not gonna run… unlike the other meals." I stopped my self and started eating slowly and he came and sat down on the couch with me and turned on the tv. I turned to him and asked, "You look exhausted… where were you?"

He looked at me and then to the Tv and said, "I was having a long lunch with Bonnie."

I scoffed and he looked at me, "Come on, what's with the two of you? Just have sex already… all this will they won't they…" I turned to him and said, "It's not a damn show."

He looked a little nauseated with my comment, he rubbed the bridge of his nose as he said, "That's not why I went to see her, okay?"

Did he went to talk about the ring, "So what did you two talk about?"

"She's having a hard time with some stuff, it's keeping her awake at night… her friend wanted me to talk to her."

"Who Elena?"

He shook his head, "No, Caroline."

"Are the two of you?"

"No! And why are you so interested who I see?"

He looked at me and I just shrugged my shoulders, "Nothing better to do… I guess." I ate the burger again.

"Well, it's a good thing that today I was going to teach you about drinking it from the tap."

I slowly turned my head to him as I looked at him with my eyes wide open, "WHAT?"

"I'm talking about blood." He looked at me like it was obvious.

"I was thinking more of beer… or water… possibly soda, not blood. And how would we even go about doing that. Isn't everyone in town on vervain?"

He looked a little uncomfortable as he looked at me and rubbed his hands together and said, "Yeah, I had something in mind… but you can't really tell anyone."

I folded my arms as I squinted at him, "I continually grow more and more creepy."

He scoffed, "It's not creepy… well" He looked away for a second as he shook his head again, "Well, anyway… since as you said, 'We can't get anyone from town.' So I was hoping you could drink from me and practice it before the real thing."

I nodded slowly as I picked up the burger again and said, "So, I drink from you and possibly get acid burns on my throat from said blood. Does that sound alright?"

He rolled his eyes and sighed, "That's why it's a good idea, the burning will make you cautious and it's not like I can die if I don't have any blood in me. I can just refill."

I grabbed the milkshake and took a big sip, while he watched me with wide eyes, eagerly waiting for the answer. I sighed and put the milkshake down and said, "Fine, you're the expert… we'll do it your way." He smiled and nodded and I went back to eating but I had a question pop in my head and I asked, "Why do you not want me to tell others?"

"No reason…" I swept his hair to side as he continued to watch the Tv, "Finish up quick."

After I was done with eating, we both went to my room, Tom said it would be best done behind closed doors, I don't get it. What's the big deal? I did that thing with Damon. Tom came into the room with a couple of blood bags and placed them on the bed. "Okay, sit down and we'll start." I sat down on the bed next to him. He folded his sleeve of his shirt and moved his hand in front of my mouth. I looked at him and asked, "So I just take a bite?"

He nodded, "Yeah, that's the idea… come on don't be nervous it'll be fine." I took the hand and placed my mouth over it and took a bite. As the blood touched my tongue, the sweet taste of the blood and the tantalising sensation of vervain did create a symphony in my mouth. Although it burned me up as the blood poured down. It was still as intoxicating as ever.

"Now, concentrate…" Tom's voice barged in and ruined the moment but I listened cause I didn't wanted to get sprayed again. "Hear the blood, the heart… it will tell you when you need to stop… take yourself to the edge when everything becomes dull, that's when you stop."

What kind of edge is he talking about. But I tried to hear and I heard his heart still beating vigoursly and his blood still ran without any dull sound. So I continued to enjoy myself drinking fresh blood. But soon it was here, that dull moment… the edge of it. As I heard it I stopped drinking and removed his hand from my mouth.

I looked at him and he was smiling, he wiped the blood dripping down my lips, "You did a good job." I smiled and giggled as I looked at him, I did a good job. "Now let me refuel and we'll continue." I smiled and nodded as he picked up the blood bag and drained it in seconds.


(Tom's Pov)

I finally got around to teaching Vicki how to drink from the tap, but there is still a difference between practice and the real thing. Anyhow I can at least check this off my list, next thing to teach her would be compulsion. I might need to get a daylight ring for her as well. I am still hoping that Bonnie comes around other wise… I heard the door bell ring, I checked if someone else was going to answer it but it rang again. I put the glass of whiskey down and went to see who it was.

I opened the door and it was quite the surprise, "Bonnie?" She looked at me and smiled, "Can I come in?" I stepped aside as she walked in and I closed the door. "What brings you here…" I checked my watch, "This late? Does your grams know where you are?"

She chuckled a bit as she turned around and said, "I would have but as you know, she doesn't like you much… or at all."

"I did not know that." I looked at her as she smiled and shrugged her shoulders.

We stood there for a moment but not a moment later, "Who is it?" Vicki shouted to me.

"That's why I'm here." Bonnie looked at the stairs and found Vicki over the rails looking down. "What's she doing here?" Vicki asked. Bonnie looked at me and said, "I think it would be better for us to sit and talk." She turned to Vicki and said, "Come."

I nodded and led her to the parlour. Both of us sat down on the couch and Vicki came in and sat between us. Bonnie looked at her and then at me as she adjusted a little and said, "Today when we talked, you made me realize, that we are supposed to help our friends… so I have decided that I'll help you needed me to make you the daylight ring for Vicki I will."

Vicki looked at her and hugged her in excitement and yelped. "Thank you, thank you… oh you don't realize how much it means to me. I have been stuck in this creepy house for so long, I haven't seen the daylight in such a long time. Thank you."

Bonnie tapped her back, "Yeah." She pried Vicki off as she looked at me and said, "So?"

"So?" I looked at her as my brows arched.

"So… how about it?" She looked at me and then Vicki turned around glaring at me.

I nodded but then a thought popped into my head, "How will you do it?"

"I thought given your expertise and experience, you might have the recipe. To make the ring." She looked at me as though stating the obvious.

"What do you mean expertise?" Vicki questioned Bonnie. I got up and said, "I'll look…" I got up and left them. I went into my room and opened the almirah. I searched for a spare grimoire, I ducked down and found one. Taking it out, I looked for the recipe and found one. I tore it from the grimoire and brought it downstairs. "Got it." I raised the recipe but as I saw them, I stopped.

"What's the hell?!" I growled

Vicki was kneeling down unconscious as Bonnie held a wooden stake to her heart. "Hello… old friend." She looked at me with a vicious grin.

I took a deep breath as I looked at her face and said, "Emily."

She winked at me and said, "Took you long enough… Now I'm sure you know what I want from you."

"Let her go, before." Even before I could finish she laughed hysterically and said, "Before what, Tom? You wouldn't dare to hurt Bonnie. But even if you were to, I would simply" She slowly pushed the stake into her chest. "Stop!"

She looked at me and said, "Get me my amulet." She grunted. I clicked my tongue as I rushed to my room to get the amulet. I appeared before her in seconds, "Now let her go."

She pouted, "Tut-tut-tut, not too fast Tommy." She squinted her eyes, "Now destroy it." I crushed the amulet in my hand, and as the dust from the old amber fell onto the ground, "Good bye, Love." So did Emily. I rushed to her side and checked Vicki, she was okay as for Bonnie, she was unconscious. Not a minute later, Damon, Stefan and Elena came busting in.

They saw everything, Elena rushed to Bonnie's side as she checked on her. Damon came at me and pinned me to the wall and asked, "Tell me you didn't."

I looked him in the eyes and said, "I did…" He let go of me and his eyes darted left and right looking for something, anything. She yelled as he punched me and I fell on the ground, I looked at him as he walked away.

I felt the blood tricking down my busted lip as I wiped it clean.


Vicki was sleeping off in her room, she woke up after a while, she didn't even know what happened. It's not a surprise but she was pissed at Bonnie, even more so when I said, that she'll be sleeping here today. She hadn't woken up from the possession. I placed her in my room. I was outside the house in the woods, with a glass of whiskey in my hand as I heard someone approaching, "Well, might as well, get this out of way… Sorry." It was Damon, he came and stood by my side.

"What are we gonna do now?" Damon asked. He looked at me, "There has to be… you know the witchy stuff more than anyone I know."

"We'll find another way, the amulet was just a battery. We won't need it since we have 2 witches from the same line… we'll do it one way or another. You'll get what you want." I turned to him and he looked dumbfounded.


Hey guys, I had a little free time in my hand and decided to post this one. let me know if you liked it and secondly, do any of you know any good, Dc or power ranger FF. And I want to specify, I don't want to read any ridiculous powers.

Thank you.


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