
118 - New school?

[I may have a better alternative for you.] Selena replied, leaving me surprised and confused.

What could be better than just finishing school and being able to dedicate myself to my career? I thought intently.

[What would that be?] I replied confused.

[In Oakland there is the Oakland Arts Academy, a school that specializes in teaching and developing future artists. It's not as demanding as what they do in Korea with the internship agencies, but it's a much more flexible school for students who are already artists, and with a curriculum that may help you develop artistically even more than studying on your own at home]. Selena explained via text message, making my eyes widen.

A school that focuses on artistic development? I had heard of something like that in my old world, but since it was always so far away, I never bothered to pay attention to it.

But now that I think about it, maybe that would be a good thing?

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