
Chapter 97 Victory!

Trolls were cut down from behind while trying to flee.

Before they could rise again, clay golems that had stepped up quickly would heavily trample their backs.

Next, excited Wanderers would rush forward, using ropes and iron chains they had prepared in advance to tie them up, and then gleefully dash toward the next troll.

The valiantly fighting trolls, ferociously intimidating in battle, now appeared as the color of gold coins in their flight!

"Catch a troll, and earn a battle reward of 50 gold coins!"

These were Angela's words during the final charge, which ignited even greater fighting spirit among the soldiers, causing the trolls to cry out in distress and scatter in all directions.

Butler Ralph coldly drew his thin sword, with a stern gaze, closely watching the adventurers who couldn't be trusted:

"Those adventurers who joined the standoff and inflicted serious injury or death on at least one troll may join the pursuit."

"All others, please stop!"
