
Chapter 175 Don't Talk, Just Act

Yang Yi might seem like the boss on the surface, but it was Brian who led the actions, and Yang Yi was very aware of this.

Lack of experience is just that, and there's nothing shameful about it. In any industry, pretending to understand when you don't is a major mistake, so Yang Yi didn't mind being in the position of a learner at all.

However, Brian was very careful to maintain the dignity of Yang Yi as the boss.

Chris followed someone into a two-story building commonly seen in Tijuana. The front door of the building looked particularly sturdy with a security camera mounted outside. Although he hadn't approached for a closer observation, it was obvious there were people behind that metal door.

It was unclear how many people were inside, but the metal door seemed very strong, and it was certain that the people inside were armed.

The scene looked like a fortress that needed to be taken by force, and for Yang Yi, it was indeed a fortress.

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