
Burn My Dread

Asclepius clothes were badly damaged, and half his mask was broken, revealing a horrible scar he was trying to cover up.

He simply started up to the sky, while watching Enji battle the Kybui.

"Troublesome. This is so... Tiring."

Junko shielded Arashi from Adam who was clearly expressing malevolent intent. He wanted to Kill Arashi.

"If you won't kill him, then I'll do it for you!"

He was about to leap at Junko but then a blast of fire hit him in the head. The attack confused him for a brief moment, but he was largely unharmed.

"That attack had divine power... What's the fox shikigamis host doing here?"

Hoshiko noticing Junko shielding Arashi was very confused. The clothes Junko was wearing, fit the description of the previous attacker.

"You are..? Are you on our side now?"

Junko wanted to decline but, she was likely the only help she was going to get.

Adam was shocked to see Hoshiko here.

"Why aren't you dead? That yellow teeth geezer was supposed to feed both you and the old man to that fax fox? Did you kill him?"

Adam reinforced his hand using inner enhancement, and was about to forcefully take her.

"It doesn't matter, I'll just feed you to it myself."

The world around Adam seemed to distort, almost as if it was glitching. He somehow teleported in front of Hoshiko, and was about to knock her out.

Just before he could, the air next to the two began to spark until a small portal opened up. As it did, two bullets emerged, and hit Adam in the face. They were explosive.

A portal formed below Hoshiko, and it quickly swallowed her. The initial portal that fired the bullets grew larger, and then an adult male emerged.

Another portal formed under Arashi, which surprised Junko.

He wore a blood red coat coat with with dust cloths and a white scarf. His cowboy hat hid away his white hair, and his sunglasses shielded his amber eyes. In each hand he carried a black and white 39cm long pistols.


As the smoke cleared, two crushed bullets fell from the cloud, revealing Adam who was unharmed.

"That stung a little? Where did you come from?"

On his right arm, he wore an arm band which said P.E.S.

"That arm band? Another psychic from S.N.A.D? You'll get in my way in the future, so I'll take care of you right now."

Adam teleported Infront of the unnamed psychic, and was about to punch a hole in his chest, but he suddenly began into a portal he made below his feet.

As he fell, he fired another shot at Adam which once again struck him in the head.


A second shot, this time hit him in the back of the head.

"Holy hell your tough. It's a good thing that I'm not here alone!"

From the portal which the psychic escaped from, a woman emerged. She was blonde and wearing a very formal suit. She too had the P.E.S armband.

She drew her sword which had a black blade, and as she did a yellow orb of psychic power appeard.

"An emitter??"

He tried to defend but the Orb exploded right Infront of him.

Adam tried to block, but the orb exploded and it even pushed him back.

Once he backed away, he noticed the attack injured his arm. Although it quickly healed with that strange glitching power, Adam had become wary of this person.

"Who are you? Your not like the other psychic rubbish?"

"You face the captain of the psychic execution squad, Aiko Uzuki. An emission type psychic."

Hearing her title, Adam become excited.

"Your their strongest psychic right? Killing you will send a message!"

The second he said that, three more yellow orbs instantly spawned around Adam. They all immediately exploded so Adam had o choice but to defend.

Aiko's cold eyes looked at the mess she had created. She knew this wouldn't be enough to kill him.

"Your description matches the one Weatherman gave me. Since your the one who hospitalized my vice-captain, I'll make sure to punish you thoroughly."

She was sincerely blunt with her words. Although she couldn't show it, she had only sheer rage for him.

Adam jumped out of the dust cloud as he shouted,


In his hands, psychic power began to form, and then take the shape of a spear. This surprised Aiko.

"He's capable of enhancement and emission???"

Aiko formed an orb of psychic power just above her sword which it abosorbed. She slashed at the air, which caused a larger wave of psychic power to be released, while Adam threw his spear.

The two clashed, causing a great explosion blinding them both.

The only one not affected by the flash bang was the teleporting psychic, who formed a portal around Adam and Junko, sending them away somewhere.


"I know your angry captain, but in situations like these you need to keep your head cool."

He pointed the barrel of his gun towards the Kyubi which was still roaring towards the heavens.

"I don't know why it hasn't moved out of that place yet, but we need to deal with the fox before we can take care of Eclipse."

She thanked him for keeping her on track. If she got distracted for too long, then she might not have had enough stamina to deal with the Kyubi.

Obi created another portal, leading them to the top of a building a decent distance from the now destroyed temple.

On it was the still unconscious Arashi who Hoshiko carried.

Hoshiko was kneeling over Arashi whose pulse was growing even weaker. Due to using that forbidden technique, he was slowly dying. The only reason he survived till now, was thanks to Junko who disrupted the flow of psychic power in his body.

Aiko approached Arashi, and only felt bitterness towards herself. If only she got here faster, then this wouldn't have happened.

"Girl, I sense the power of the fox shikigami within you. Inari no Okami posses the ability to drive away curses and bring good fortune. Use that power to heal Arashi."

It was a sudden demand, but it wasn't impossible. Hoshiko however, wasn't sure about herself.

"I'm not sure I can-"

Aiko got down to Hoshikos level, as she exuded a threating aura. Although she was terrifying, Hoshikos evil eyes showed someone who was tired from all the fighting, someone who was burnt out, and didn't want anyone to suffer anymore.

"My companions have risked their life to protect yours thus far. Although he would've wanted to die this way, I'll never forgive if that happens."

Hearing that, Hoshiko held out both her hands over Arashis heart. She then activated the full power of her blessing for the first time.

"Goddess inari! Please save him!"

As the power of the fox shikigami in her awakened, she grew a tail and fox ears made out of fire. Hoshikos hands started to burn as the fire reached it's way into his body.

Arashi suddenly began to breathe, which was a sign she could stop.

"I can't heal wounds, but I can prevent them from getting worse. He won't die atleast."

Aiko smiled at Hoshiko as she thanked her.

Obi who had disappeared moments earlier, reappeared with Enji this time.

"Oh? You took your time captain? No weatherman?"

"He's still recovering so I decided not to bring him. Obi and me will be enough."

She suddenly walked to the edge of the buildings roof as she aimed the tip of her sword towards the Kyubi.

"It's time we ended this."

Aiko was a member of the 4 golaiths. They were psychics who excelled the most at their specific manipulation art of psychic power. Aiko being the golaith of light ment she possessed the greatest emission power of psychics from her generation.

But this wasn't all, she was also blessed by a god too. The patron god of Shinto, the strongest god in Japan.

Amatarasu, the goddess of the sun.

The clouds above the Kyubi shook from her power, turning dark as thunder began to pull out. The power to disrupt nature. A calamity.

"Sun summoning. Greatest disaster."

The temperature around the mountain began to grow, 100 degrees celcius, 500, 600, 700, 1000, 2000, 10000 far to high for any organism on earth to survive.

The clouds in the sky were instantly vaporised as something reminecsnt of the sun hung in the sky. Infact, it was the sun itself.

The Kybuis fur was instantly set ablaze, and any spirits or plants were burned to a crisp.

And then it fell. The entire area was destroyed, and even the concrete of buildings began to melt. What ever was left of the temple, gone. The Kyubi, incinerated. The mountain, erased.

"It scares me every time I see it, the indominatable power of the sun. But that's part of the reason why, our captains the strongest."

Obi forgot someone

Redist_Kingcreators' thoughts
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