
Chapter 11: My Hero

As I sat down in my room, memories from my past surged forward, overwhelming me like a rushing river. Taking a deep breath, I braced myself to revisit a part of my life that I rarely talked about.


Date: February 3, 2002

Location: California City

As a 5-year-old Jonathan Anderson sat in front of his television set, he was captivated by the spiderman cartoon images flashing across the screen. It was a Sunday morning, and his favorite show, Spider-Man, was on.

"Spider-Man, Spider-Man," Jonathan sang along with the catchy theme song, his eyes glued to the animated action unfolding before him. "Does whatever a spider can."

"Is he strong? Listen bud, he's got radioactive blood," Jonathan sang along enthusiastically, his imagination soaring with each verse. "Can he swing from a thread?

As Jonathan playing, pretending to be Spider-Man, his uncle Chris watched with interest. Chris wasn't just Jonathan's uncle, he was his favorite visitor, often coming over to spend time with his nephew. Jonathan's parents, Luke and Maria, always enjoyed Chris's visits. Luke, Jonathan's dad, and Chris were brothers, sharing a strong bond despite their different paths in life. Maria, Jonathan's mom, was Filipino, while Luke was American.

"Hey there, little Spidey," Chris said with a chuckle, approaching Jonathan with a smile. "Having fun pretending to be your favorite superhero?"

Jonathan smiled at his uncle, nodding eagerly. "Yeah, Uncle Chris! I'm Spider-Man! I can swing from webs and fight bad guys, just like him!"

Chris ruffled Jonathan's hair affectionately. "That's the spirit, kiddo. But remember, being a hero isn't just about the fancy moves and cool gadgets. It's about doing what's right and helping others even when it's tough and spiderman never give up even life hits him hard like a brick."

Jonathan nodded, taking in his uncle's words. "So, like Spider-Man never gives up, right?"

Chris smiled warmly. "Exactly, just like that. Spider-Man shows us that even when things get rough, we keep going. That's what real heroes do."

Growing up, I often witnessed my uncle's acts of kindness within our neighborhood. Our houses were next to each other, so I got to see everything he did up close. Whether it was assisting elderly women with their belongings, treating children to candies, or aiding in the search for lost pets. My uncle was super kind.

At first, I didn't really understand what my uncle meant by never giving up, even when life gets hard, because I was just a little five-year-old back then.

I remember a moment when I was 8 years old, curious about why my uncle always went out of his way to help others in our neighborhood. When I asked him about it, his response was simple yet profound.

"Do I need a reason to help them?" he replied with a smile.

I was taken aback by his response. It was such a simple yet profound answer. It made me realize that kindness didn't always need a motive or a reason. It was something you did simply because it was the right thing to do. From that moment on, I began to understand the true meaning of compassion and selflessness.


My parents died last month, February. I remember back then

Date: April 3 2012

The pain of losing my parents was like an open wound that just wouldn't close. They meant everything to me, my rocks, my love, my guide. And suddenly, they were gone, leaving me feeling empty, like there was a hole in my life that couldn't be patched up.

The accident happened out of nowhere. One minute, we were all together, laughing and joking, and the next, they were gone. It felt like the world had shattered beneath my feet, leaving me lost in this sadness and confusion.

During those tough times, Uncle Chris was always there for me. He listened when I needed to talk, and he was like a steady rock, keeping me grounded when everything felt like it was falling apart. His love and support meant everything to me.

"Kiddo, you can stay at our house, you know," Uncle Chris said, his voice gentle and reassuring. "your Aunt Lesa is worried about you, and Sarah would love to have you around."

I looked into his eyes, seeing the genuine concern and love shining back at me. In that moment, I knew that I wasn't alone, that I had a family who cared for me and would support me no matter what.

"Thank you, Uncle Chris," I said, my voice choked with emotion. "But... I don't want to leave my house, Uncle. Those houses are full of memories with our families. Remember how we ate together as a happy family, you, me, my parents, Aunt Lesa, and cousin Sarah? I remember those days, and besides, we are neighbors. You can still visit me there."

Uncle Chris nodded understandingly, his expression filled with empathy. "I understand, kid. You're still 15. I will be your guardian. I will visit you from time to time, just like I always do."


Now I understand what my uncle meant all those years ago.

That's when Uncle Chris's words from all those years ago came flooding back to me. When I was just a five-year-old, watching Spider-Man cartoons with him, He said something, a lesson that would stay with me forever.

"Spider-Man never gives up, even when life hits him hard like a brick," he had said with a reassuring smile.

Back then, I didn't really understand what he meant, but now, looking back on everything I had been through, it all makes sense.

Life had indeed hit me hard, like a brick, with the loss of my parents. But just like Spider-Man, I knew I couldn't give up. I had to keep moving forward, no matter how tough things got.

On March 7, 2018, I was a 21-year-old senior in college. my uncle had been diagnosed with cancer. Seeing him suffer was heartbreaking, and I spent many days at the hospital, praying for his recovery

As I sat by his bedside, my uncle noticed the sadness in my eyes. "What's with the sad look?" he asked me, his voice filled with concern.

"Uncle, I'm scared that you won't..... make it," I admitted, my voice trembling with emotion.

"Don't worry, kiddo," my uncle reassured me, his eyes filled with determination. "I won't go down without a fight. I want to battle this cancer. I want to attend your graduation day."

His words gave me hope in the midst of the sadness. But then, something he said brought tears to my eyes.

"Even if I'm gone, I'll always be with you," he said softly, his voice filled with determination and love, for his nephew, for his family.


by My Chemical Romance


Turn away

If you could get me a drink

Of water 'cause my lips are chapped and faded

Call my aunt Marie

Help her gather all my things

And bury me

In all my favorite colors

My sisters and my brothers, still

I will not kiss you

'Cause the hardest part of this

Is leaving you

Now turn away

'Cause I'm awful just to see

'Cause all my hair's abandoned all my body

All my agony

Know that I will never marry

Baby I'm just soggy from the chemo

But counting down the days to go

It just ain't living

And I just hope you know

That if you say (if you say)

Good-bye today (good-bye today)

I'd ask you to be true (I'd ask you to be true)

'Cause the hardest part of this

Is leaving you

'Cause the hardest part of this

Is leaving you 


Graduation Day

On graduation day, mixed feelings filled me as I walked up to collect my diploma. Joy bubbled up inside, proud of what I'd accomplished. But there was also a heavy heart, knowing my uncle was fighting cancer.

As they called my name, I looked around, trying to find people I knew. And then, I saw him: my uncle, sitting there with a tired but proud look on his face.

Approaching my uncle in the crowd, my heart raced. I was stunned to see him there, knowing that he has a cancer to fight. But Despite looking tired and his hands trembling slightly, he had a proud smile on his face, his eyes shining with love and pride as he watched me on stage.

Uncle Chris," I stammered, barely believing my eyes as I approached him. "I--- I can't be-believe t-that

you're here.

He pulled me into a tight embrace, his arms warm and comforting around me. "I wouldn't miss this for the world, kid," he murmured, his voice was like a comforting reassurance, that calming my nerves.

"Uncle Chris," I said, my voice choked with emotion as I embraced him tightly. Despite his illness, he had mustered the strength to be there for me on this important day, defying the odds and showing me once again what true resilience looked like.

"I'm really happy you came," I managed to say, my voice trembling with gratitude.

He squeezed my hand gently, his eyes meeting mine with unwavering love and pride. "Of course, I'll always be here for you, kid. No matter what."

He patted my shoulder affectionately, His eyes were filled with tears. "You've made us all proud, kid," he said softly, his voice trembling with emotion. "Congratulations kid."

I held back tears, my throat tight with emotion "Couldn't do it without you, Uncle. You've always been my hero."

His smile grew wider, his eyes shining with pride. "That's what family is for, kid," he said, his voice steady despite the tears in his eyes. "We stick together, no matter what comes our way. And today, seeing you up there, graduating with honors... Well, I couldn't be prouder than what I am now."

Tears filled my eyes, and my heart swelled with pride. "I love you, Uncle Chris," I said, my words heavy with emotion, pouring out from deep within me.

As he enveloped me in another hug, holding me close, I felt the warmth of his embrace and the reassurance of his love. "I love you too, kid," he whispered, his voice calm and soothing, a comforting presence in the midst of my emotions. "Always remember that."

And in that moment, with my family's love around me, I realized that no matter what happened next, I'd hold onto my uncle's words and love forever. He was more than an uncle; he was like a second father, always there with his wisdom and kindness to help me through life's toughest moments.


Sad Song Song by We The Kings


You and I

We're like fireworks and symphonies exploding in the sky

With you, I'm alive

Like all the missing pieces of my heart, they finally collide

So stop time right here in the moonlight

'Cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes

Without you, I feel broke

Like I'm half of a whole

Without you, I've got no hand to hold

Without you, I feel torn

Like a sail in a storm

Without you, I'm just a sad song

I'm just a sad song

With you, I fall

It's like I'm leaving all my past in silhouettes up on the wall

With you, I'm a beautiful mess

It's like we're standing hand and hand with all our fears up on the edge

So stop time right here in the moonlight

'Cause I don't ever wanna close my eyes

Without you, I feel broke

Like I'm half of a whole

Without you, I've got no hand to hold

Without you, I feel torn

Like a sail in a storm

Without you, I'm just a sad song

You're the perfect melody

The only harmony I wanna hear

You're my favorite part of me

With you standing next to me

I've got nothing to fear

Without you, I feel broke

Like I'm half of a whole

Without you, I've got no hand to hold

Without you, I feel torn

Like a sail in a storm

Without you

Without you, I feel broke

Like I'm half of a whole

Without you, I've got no hand to hold

Without you, I feel torn

Like a sail in a storm

Without you, I'm just a sad song

I'm just a sad song

I'm just a sad song

I'm just a sad song


A year later, my uncle passed away, and I was heartbroken. But even in my sadness, I found comfort in believing that he, along with my parents, would always watch over me from above. He was my hero, just like Spider-Man strong and resilient. As the saying goes, "Everyone can wear a mask," and for me, my uncle wore the mask of a hero every day of his life.

"So yeah, that's why I ended up saving that little girl, even though it cost me my life in the process. Then suddenly, I found myself here in this Spider-Man universe in 1947, reborn as Michael Wilson, a 15-year-old kid. That's when it hit me – I wanted to help Peter Parker, just like my uncle helped me.

You see, Peter's story resonates with me. He's lost his parents, just like I have, and he has his Uncle Ben, just like I had my Uncle Chris. When Uncle Ben died, it felt like I was going through my own loss all over again. That's when it hit me, I didn't want Peter to go through that pain. I want to be there for him, to prevent what happened to Uncle Ben, and to teach him everything I've learned along the way.

Even without you, System, the Spider-Man system, I was determined to teach Peter. But now that you're here, it'll be even easier. Together, we can guide Peter, help him grow, and hopefully, prevent him from experiencing the same loss i did."

To be Continued
