

" Can we talk about this elsewhere? I am no longer at ease or feel safe here. " I whispered to Claudio as fear rode my mind.

" Follow me " He instructed and we walked out of the training ground. I lowered my head and followed Claudio as he traversed through the corridor of the Castle. By the time Claudio stopped, I deduced that we had arrived at his private quarters.

" Keep guard and don't let anyone into the chambers unless it's an emergency or my sister Lenora " He commanded the guards as they opened the door and we walked in. Once the door closed, he moved into the chambers and I could only follow him like an obedient slave. " I would say welcome to my chambers but I am not sure what right you have for my kindness to be extended to you "

I kept silent and my eyes were glued to the ground. I knew that Enforcer Claudio heard it all and by now the guard who gave me the intel from Pa was dead.

" Explain yourself. " He commanded me.

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