
Chapter 91: Cold Blooded IV

Even then, Mirko didn't look like she cared.

"Oi, kid! Hold that thing still! Web it up or some shit!" She yelled, already running to them.

Nodding, Peter shot a few more webs at its face before sticking to its back on all fours.


Wanna know the best part about fighting people way bigger than him? It gave him extra space to move when he needed it.

Quickly, the masked teen began skittering across the creature's body, leaving behind a layer of web as he worked his way up and down before going back again.

Just as he found himself back on its back while the Lizard struggled against its bindings, it was violently kicked in the face, causing it to let out a roar cut short by another kick.

"The hell are you doing, brat?! Fucking hit it!" Mirko yelled, going for a strong knee to the creature's side.

Oh, oh! They were tag teaming it?

He was fine with that.

Pushing himself up into the air off of its broad back, Peter came down with a punch straight onto its snout before shooting a web into its face and yanking it right into his other fist.

For a second, it felt mean to just hit this thing like this.

Then he remembered how his spider-sense screamed every time the creature took a breath.

So maybe it was justified.

Its jaws snapped at the air just as Mirko's foot moved away from its face, Peter kicked him in the back of the knee and brought it down as it looked away.

For a moment, it was going great.

Even if the Lizard guy could take a hell of a punch, it was obvious that he and Mirko had the advantage.

Seriously, the creature was on its knees, unable to move and making desperate attempts to bite one of them as She and Peter just wailed on it!

In the back of his mind, he thought that if they continued doing that, it'd eventually go down.

Then the place in the back of his mind that thought resided in was overtaken by a deafening buzzing.

Next thing he knew there was something around its neck, lifting him into the air before slamming him into the pavement.

The Lizard's tail.

Damn it, it must've slipped out of the webbing!

The appendage tightening around his throat, making him gasp and Mirko kick the creature in the face harder than before, even drawing blood and breaking off some scales from the impact.

They looked like they hurt, sure.

But the Lizard didn't seem to mind powering through them.

The long tail tightened even more around his neck, making his grasp at it before it used it as a blunt object and swung him right into Mirko.

Mirko flew from the impact, crashing into an abandoned car as the Lizard used its tail to chuck Peter away so it could focus on clawing out of the webbing.

He flew across the street, air finally filling his lungs again in a moment of relief.

Then he hit the rock hard pavement.

Directly with the back of his head.

And with that, he was out.

For a good second, he swam around in sweet unconsciousness.

No kicky rabbit ladies.

No monster lizard people.

No growing suspicion of Oscorp and the small possibility that the lizard he's fighting may be connected to the spider that bit him.

And best of all, he wasn't Spider-Man.

For a good second, Peter stayed there.

For a good second , Peter Parker simply enjoyed that blissful ignorance to the world around him.

A second later he was back, gasping for air as his ears were filled with the sound of screams from people who hadn't run away yet.

And he was still very much still Spider-Man.

He'd laugh at the irony if it didn't suck for him.

And the worst part of this whole thing? Peter's body just began to get back up as his mind tried to get everything working after the hit it took.

As he rose to his feet, he stumbled forward and caught himself on a nearby car, simply leaning there for a moment.

He wondered if Mirko was having a similar debate to get up or not.

She probably stood back up the moment she hit that car, honestly.

The sound of an impact reached his ears, followed by roars and a lot of cursing. He could hear cars flipping and concrete cracking, even if he couldn't really see much.

Guess Mirko just got back to it.

Peter squinted, trying to focus his eyes through the blurriness. He could tell one of his lenses was cracked, the shutter system probably broken.

Which wasn't great, but whatever.

He should've brought a repair kit.

As his eyes focused, Peter pushed himself off of the car and back onto his feet, groaning at the pounding in his head.

"C'mon, Parker… get your just-hit-concrete head together…" Peter muttered, about to run back into the fight before his spider-sense buzzed.

And Mirko came flying through the air, just having been thrown away.

Peter shot a web line that stuck to her foot, quickly yanking her back and giving her enough time to actually land on the ground.

"Kid, where the hell have you been?! I've been fighting this thing by myself!" She yelled, a lock of her hair tied around her arm to stop the bleeding.

"Landing on the road headfirst." He said, the world still spinning a bit.

Mirko muttered something along the lines of 'Oh' before going right back at the Lizard guy who was in the middle of flipping cars in a blind rage.

You know what? He's tired of this, and he doesn't want to see how long he can last with a concussion or what this thing will do to people who decided to spectate the fight

This thing was going down now .

Flipping over abandoned cars and random destruction, Peter shot a web and yanked himself across the street onto the sidewalk.

Next to a mailbox.

Yeah, he wasn't above using government property as blunt objects!

Peter grabbed the metal object, groaning as his fingers dug into the metal before ripping out of the ground.

He tightened his grip on the makeshift weapon, already jumping over flipped cars and toward the Lizard.

Its clawed hand swiped through the air, getting a small cut on Mirko's leg before the woman hopped a few feet away.

Then Peter came in.

Before either of them could react, Peter slammed the mailbox directly into the Lizard's head, bringing it to the ground and denting the object.

Not waiting a second, Peter hit the Lizard again, throwing him across the street and into a streetlight.

Mirko and Peter watched as the creature tried to get up from the ground before finally falling down, not saying a word as Peter dropped the ruined mailbox.

"Y'know heroes are supposed to try and lessen collateral damage, right?" She asked, breathing hard and tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"I… I really don't care, man. I just… I don't, I feel like I may have a concussion."

He turned to look at her, dozens of cuts and scratches littered her body. It made him feel bad he didn't shake off the fall from earlier quicker than he did.

Mirko put a hand on his shoulder, nodding with a grin on her face.

"Attaboy, kid."

Somewhere, he could hear sirens approaching and turned to see what looked to be a news van turning the corner onto the street.

Guess he should go web this guy up an-

A series squad car turned the corner, speeding down the street while blasting their sirens.

And then, the Lizard opened a single bloodshot yellow eye.

It thrashed onto its feet, roaring at the sound like a wild animal. It's eyes landed on him and Mirko, then on the cars creating the sound that brought it back from unconsciousness.

Quickly, it got on all fours, and began to violently run away.

Crawling over the cars it flipped and the destruction it caused, the creature quickly made it to a manhole, tearing the cover off before crawling into the sewers and disappearing.

Oh shit .

Before he quite knew what he was doing, Peter was running. Flipping over cars and the fallen streetlights toward the manhole.

"Kid, what the fuck are you doing?!" Mirko yelled, hopping after him.

"Going after the guy! We can't just let that thing run away and pop up somewhere else!" He yelled back, a part of him wanted to just let it go and let it be someone else's problem, but he knew he couldn't do it.

He already looked the other way, once.

And he wasn't dealing with things like this back then.

Mirko kicked a flipped car in between him and the manhole, Peter narrowly stopped himself from walking into it.

Pointing at the manhole, Peter turned to face the scowling woman. "Are you seriously gonna let it get away? That thing could kill someone in whatever street he shows up next!" He yelled, Mirko pinched the bridge of her nose.

"We're not letting it get away, dumbass! I'm losing a shit ton of blood right now, you have an inch deep shoulder gash and possibly a concussion! It's fucking idiotic to go after that thing right now!"

And you know what? She was right.

Peter knew she was right.

His brain screamed at him to sit down while his muscles burned and ached, the mere movement of his left arm made him want to scream.

Huffing, Peter closed off his shoulder wound with a shot of webbing.

"I missed the part where that's my problem."

Flipping over the car Mirko had kicked, he dropped into the manhole and began making his way through the dark tunnel, ignoring Mirko's yelling.

As he ran deeper into the sewers and did his best to ignore the way his shoulder burned, the sounds of the surface slowly began to become more and more muffled.

Before long, it was just him and the sounds that echoed across the tunnels.

For what felt like a few minutes, Peter searched the underground for the creature, sometimes coming across split paths.

Every time, he'd go for the one that his spider-sense warned him about.

Head pounding and spider-sense ringing, Peter finally reached a graffiti covered section of the sewers where his spider-sense screamed the most.

For a moment, it was quiet. Just him and the buzzing in the back of his head.

Then, the water shifted slightly, making him lower himself to the ground of the small pathway between the water.

From the surface, the tip of a tail popped out.

Then the creature launched itself at him from the shallow depths, Peter leap at it right back.

They caught each other in midair, Peter punched it in the face while twisting his body around it's wild claw swipes before they both crashed into the water.

Peter popped out first, gasping for air and knee deep in the waters. Before long, the Lizard popped out a few dozen feet away.

Quickly, the boy used one web-shooter to block off the tunnel a few feet behind him and the other to do the same on the Lizard's side.

"Awfully rude for you to leave early, man!" He joked, bringing up his fists as the creature snarled. "I didn't hear no bell back there."

In response, the Lizard gave off a low growl that grew into a roar, echoing across the tunnel before it began charging at him.

"Yeah" Peter narrowed his eyes, looking at it through broken lenses. "You said that already."

Alright… Round 2.


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