
280: The wrong impression

Sui's heart felt heavy as she moved around the Imperial Palace, heading toward the Grand Duke's chambers.

Her body language must show how uncomfortable she feels because Sui was stopped more than twice to ask about her condition or whether she wanted relief medicine or not.

Even the aide took one look at her and cringed before commenting something.

"Hey, are you alright? You are not coming down with anything dangerous. You look…"

The aide trailed off, not knowing what to say anymore. 

Sui must have looked horrible for the aide to make this comment. 

"I am fine. I don't know why everyone keeps asking me this question. Does my face look that horrible?"

Sui asked, and Grand Duke Lucius scoffed at her question.

"Bad? Talk about death warmed over. You look like you are ready to collapse at any second now. I don't know if I want to help you die or help you live at this point."

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