
Errors have been made

That whole trope where the hero spares an enemies life and they come back later as an ally or even friend was bullshit. People held grudges for less here and you expect that someone will just let it go? Not a chance in hell. Like it's one thing if the whole fight was a misunderstanding but if someone just straight up wanted you dead sparing their life very rarely changes that afterwards. Rather than dealing with a reoccurring villain I'd rather just nip the issue in the bud and go on with my life.-

Ironically for many that would make me seem like a villainous person but honestly speaking those people could go eat shit for all I care. Anyways Adamantite was a very impure metal ore this high in the dungeon so after I got rid of these impurities the me sized crystal shrank to being barely larger than a basketball. This was less than ideal still since that would still be too large to stuff in my bag without taking up a bunch of room.

'I suppose I can just go a bit unorthodox with it and turn it into a layer of armor until I can get back to the surface.' I thought with a shrug.

My technique gave me the unusual option of just forming the metal into a different shape without truly utilizing it, a sort of disguised ingot if you would. In this case I was just going to turn it into a solid metal plate covering my torso like a cuirass. It was much heavier than any normal piece of armor would be but nobody was likely to bat an eye at it even if I walked right in front of their faces with it on.-

With that small matter settled I left the hidden space in the dungeons wall and continued tracing my way around the entire wall of the nineteenth floor. Most people would quickly tire of the rough sensation of the dungeons stone wall under their fingertips as they walked but for me it was entirely different. Through my contact with the dungeons wall I had a sort of connection to the dungeon itself that gave me a flood of information to try and make sense of. For example I could feel it when a monster was being formed behind a wall if I was close enough and could even interfere with the process with some serious effort.-

The dungeon REALLY didn't like when I did that as if I had to give it a good comparison it was like how you breathed instinctually but then someone punched you in the solar plexus and now you had to manually breath. It was like that but scaled down massively due to the dungeons size. Even despite being scaled down I highly doubted it was a pleasant sensation for the dungeon and it retaliated viciously. By that I mean it flooded the spot I was fucking with with powerful monsters spawning.-

That was how I got in my current predicament in which I was surrounded by six green dragons and no less than ten gun labella. That was to say six large powerful level four fire breathing monsters and ten giant level three sniper dragonflies, a bad situation for even me to be in. At first I had managed to distance myself from the wall when these things were sent at me by the dungeon for my violation but the gun labella were proving hard to escape from which led to the six green dragons finally surrounding me.-


A powerful explosion went off in the center of this grouping as the dragons all unleashed a fire breath at me simultaneously. I had barely managed to fling myself outside the pillar of fire using a dense blast of my own flames this time and I was sweating. "Small" wounds like a blade through the chest or a claw scratch I could mend with my technique but an inferno of flames? That was death if it hit me as the damage was too much all at once. It was the reason that I got as close as possible to my enemies when I fought, to limit them to close range attacks as well.-

'Gotta deal with those gun labella before I can handle the dragons.' I thought seriously as my mind went to a cold calculating state as I felt the very real threat to my life.

"Hell fire!" I spoke the incantation for my flames to improve my power and control over them as they danced over my skin and armor.

In mid air I punched out and arrows of black flames zig zagged through the air targeting those annoying bugs that hadn't stopped shooting those projectiles at me. Four of them dodged the flames and left my control range while the last six either failed to do so entirely or barely got grazes by the flames with only one not catching fire as a result. With that single attack I had halved the number of the bugs while the green dragons had immediately shifted to target me with their own flames.

'No time for a second attack , MOVE!' I thought as I sent another blast of flames from my feet to redirect my fall out of the stream of bright red flames that went through that spot mere moments later.

I hit the ground hard and rolled before leaping to all fours and kicking off the ground as hard as possible to propel myself away from the flames chasing me. By no means was I moving in a graceful manner but rather anyone with eyes could see that I was desperately escaping the continuous streams of fire that the dragons were sending my way.

'This can't go on or i'll just tire myself out!' I thought as my mind raced to find a way to break out of this situation

Like a second wind I locked onto a strategy that may work and employed it immediately.

"BOOM!" I unleashed a vast amount of flames straight out of my chest launching me at extreme speed straight up while simultaneously knocking the breath out of me. As I had explained before while I couldn't be burned by my flames I still felt their impact and in this case it I basically set off a brick of C4 under me which meant naturally all that impact had to go somewhere. As a level three with stupid high endurance stats on my previous two level ups this wasn't enough to blow me apart or anything but I definitely felt it.-

I was sort of glad for the thick adamantite chest plate I had on as that was probably the only thing that kept my organs and ribs from taking serious damage from this move. Still it paid off as I had exceeded the distance the dragons could hit me with their flames giving me a little breathing room.


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