
Night Of Day 2

Julius, Yuri and his 5,000 men marched away from the still under construction fort.

The recently captured Greecian soldiers turned slaves had been told their work for the day was done, provided with hot food, and places to sleep.

Meanwhile the weary Romanus men forced their tired bones to march once more.

No real fight was expected however their king commanded the march.

These men needed to seize the enemy camp, the supplies within would greatly aid in their own war effort lest the men all starve in the pursuit.

As there was not much of a road to speak of the Legion marched in a double column formation the men treading the grassland their footfalls crunching the grass stained with dried blood.

The scent of iron was still present in the air even hours after the bodies had been cleared away and buried in a mass grave at the sight of the battle itself.

The thrill of being led by a hero however washed away any fatigue or dread these men might have.

Julius strode the battlefield as a conquering hero and eat of his stride brought him closer to the greecian camp.

As it came closer the nearer they approached the more thrill their commander became.

Gone were his worst fears.

The Greecians had not wasted time and just ran away as fast as they could fearing that the Spartans would leave the battlefield and come for them right after the battle itself.

This left the camp intact, hundreds of tents and tons of supplies were captured.

The logistic divisions of the legion working tirelessly to get a total listing of all that was captured.

Julius true to his word sent most of the treasure back to the Spartans, though he made them come for it after his own men created a mountain of the treasure.

Julius himself only took the Greecian coins which were absorbed into his system inventory and converted to his own nations funds.

The goods he cared most about the Spartans didn't even look twice at.

The tents, pack animals, carts, and most importantly food.

Almost all was left behind, if the enemy was thinking straight they would have set the camp alight to prevent these things from falling into enemy hands, however now Julius was in the best possible scenario.

A runner was sent back to the fort informing them that the legion would be staying in the camp and at first light the fort was to be abandoned, and all forces to muster outside the greecian camp before they once more began the march.

As a reward however the wind recovered was also split with half being rationed to each legion in their own places of rest for the night.

The greecian camp was better in terms of hospitality than their own for as the greecians had already been here for a number of days, and while the water itself was cold Julius could even offer up a bathtub they found so the lady could wash away the forests funk that had accumulated on her body.

Festive was the mood, as the soldiers regaled each other their tales of the days battles.

Julius their leader took part choosing not to embellish his achievements but his own men chose to do that for their far to humble commander and king.

The meal was much appreciated by the legion as this was their first real meal for the food served after the battle was simple gruel meant to be eat fast so that they could just as quickly fall asleep and recover.

The meat roasting over the fires brought with it a succulent scent but none grabbed at the meat.

They waited until their King and Queen had taken the first bites of the food offered to them.

Not wanting to disappoint Julius used his hands to grab up the meat and toss it into his mouth, next to him Yuri had whipped out a small dagger to slice her own portion before stabbing pieces on it and bringing them up to her mouth.

As the perceived royal couple feasted the roasting animals were torn into by the men as if they were zombies going after a freshly caught human.

Within mere moments each roasting beast was stripped to it's bones as happy men continued to chew the flesh, their faces slick with grease and gristle.

The wine ration was limited but it still allowed each man to have a full cup.

Numerous times a toast was called for, each time celebrating Julius, the victory, and in Julius's case he toasted the victorious dead who without whom their would have been no victory!

The party lasted into the darkness but before it was too late the assembled legion had broken up and made their way to their new tents.

for they knew that as much fun as they were having now, harder days were sure to be ahead of them and it all would begin starting the following day.

Julius meanwhile escorted Yuri back to one of the nobles tents, having stationed some of his Praetorian guards around the perimeter, before heading off to his own chosen tent.

Contained within was an actual bed, while he'd been camping many times already the thought of being able to rest in a real bed, after such a long day was truly a godsend and so after achieving great results Julius first claimed his prize of rewards from the system before falling deep into sleep the minute his body hit the simple mattress spread out before him.

The god morpheus calling him into the land of dreams once more.
