
Ties Of Friendship

The day passed since the meeting with the delegates, three of whoms representatives were cast out of these lands via Julius's Mana arts, the other two delegations remained, and took up Miri's offer to explore the city, their actions of course were monitored by the Praetorians but the report provided to Julius stated their actions were not suspicious as they merely questions the people about the new lord their experiences in the war against Visigoth, and on whether they'd be open to trade with their nations.

All these were fine for Julius as trade would be appreciated and an insular economy would not be able to flourish as luxury goods could be found across the continent but not many really could be found in the south where Latinium presently stands.

Zeff after a moderate amount of time spent with Miri returned to Julius's side before questioning him about the day's events.

"Are we at war again?" <Zeff >

"No, I cannot speak for Roserun as they are likely to attack in the near future, but as for Ramie, and the Principality they lack the naval force to contend with our Carthaginian brothers, and while we share a small border with them, they should be fearful of our land army which swept Visigoth, and now Lunan aside to powerhouses of land combat.

"But we didn't really defeat either of them with our armies?" <Zeff >

"That doesn't matter, as long as they believe it to be true they will be afraid, for people always fear what they don't understand." <Julius >

"I see, so we appear more powerful so long as we don't reveal how weak we really are?" <Zeff >

"Well I wouldn't call us weak, but yes compared to some of our new neighbours we could be defeated while certainly putting up a valiant resistance, but... in time we can grow and with that growth, we can challenge their dominance on the continent." <Julius >

"I see." <Zeff >

The conversation there faded off, but the room didn't remain silent for long as the door sounded before Serena entered with a downcast look on her face.

"I apologize my people's refuge has caused you such troubles milord" <Serena >

"Stop with the titles while we're alone, and it is honestly no trouble, I'm certain if we hadn't taken the entire fleet Ramie would be using it to invade our lands even as we speak, but they are outraged that naval dominance following Carthage's fall did not pass to them but instead resides with us, and the Greecians. They are just a petulant child throwing a tantrum because things didn't go their way." <Julius >

"Children... huh, oh well if it's that way then it's fine so long as it's within your plans" <Serena >

Her reply came with a blush crossing over her cheeks, which did not go unnoticed by Julius.

"Though their hostility is something we should discuss, officially speaking Ramie, and the Principality are still at war with the Kingdom of Carthage and though technically in exile you and your people are the ruling faction, which means Serena you are still at war" <Julius >

"At war...? But..." <Julius >

"Don't worry should they invade my lands we will protect your people, what I was getting at was, granting your people the right to attack those who invaded their lands and possibly even raid the coasts to free their peoples who have been taken advantage of" <Julius >

Finishing his sentence Julius held out a sheaf of paper to Serena

"What might this be?" <Serena >

"They are called letters of Marque, I would like to have you sign these so that we can provide them to our ships who can then in turn raid the former Carthaginian coast, free the people and slaves we can, while harassing their shipping and capture military ships if we can as well" <Julius >

Technically speaking all the ships they owned aside from the ones recently captured in Lunan are Serena's and her people but if they fly the Latinium flag and are captained by one of his Naval Officers then he can raid with impunity against Ramie without the need to declare war itself.

"So while we are not a nation ourselves our name is still powerful, and by using that name we can allow our allies to raid on our behalf while drawing the animosity of Ramie to our fallen nation and perhaps only a bit towards yourself, but since this Marque allows the private individual to act he Is not technically following your orders at least on paper so Ramie has no justification tor reprise you for their actions?" <Serena >

"That is correct, while it might not be a popular strategy among your people as they would need to have my men in place of their captains but it would allow this strategy to be used, and train my people in naval tactics and combat at the same time, can I ask this of you to convince them?" <Julius >

"No worries I shall pass along your words and they will surely agree! The more of our people we can save the greater our power will be when we reclaim the homeland" <Serena >

Knowing full well Julius will not restore Carthage as an independent nation Serena sent him a wink, before quickly signing the Marques before leaving all but 10 on his desk, and leaving the room to head for Nova Carthago to begin her next mission.

The day ended with a private meeting between Julius and his team against the Germanics and Dacian delegation.

Simple agreements were met, and while not a non-agression treaty it was more a declaration of friendship, coupled with a free-trade agreement, They wanted to acquire Latinium's iron while Julius requested man-power and specific types of timber.

With the agreement set the massive population of Germania and Dacia who more than half their populations were slaves would begin flowing into his lands, these people would fall under his own nations slave laws improving their conditions and in some cases allowing their freedom, or the creation of slave battalions to increase the size of his army.

Their west was temporarily secured as they were bound by honor so Julius could mildly relax in that direction for about 5 years, while the north must be watched against Visigoth, the South and Roserun would require the most immediate attention, and well Serena and her people would be patrolling and raiding the south alongside naval volunteers against Ramie.
