
Collecting My Rewards

"Congratulations, you're the first team to pass this test with flying colors. I'm looking forward to what you all can accomplish. Now meet me here tomorrow at the same time as today. Don't be late." he says before as he Shunshin away. Leaving us in use dumbfounded, not understanding what just happened. We all stand there, kind of scratching our heads, before Sakura asks. "so we passed, right? I'm kind of lost; I thought only two were supposed to pass. Why did we all pass?"

I scratch the back of my head before saying. "Well, one thing I can think of is he was lying. The second is the whole test was one to see our skills, and maybe the second was teamwork because he faced all of us and tested our skills. But no matter how much I thought about the bells, it made no sense. If this was an actual ninja mission, it shouldn't matter who has the bells between the four of us. It should only matter that we got the bells. No matter who returns with it, we were sent to get them out of the four of us. So maybe it was just seeing if we could work together."

Sasuke nodded his head in understanding before saying, " That makes sense. There was no way to win by ourselves, and it should not matter who brings back the objective as long as it is accomplished. But I would like to say that we would have probably lost if you hadn't intervened. I know if Naruto had come to me with the idea, I would have turned him down. So thank you, and are you ready to start training?"

I gave him a shocked look, never expecting him to thank me or anyone. But I said, "Thanks, and sure, I would love to, but I won't go easy on you. I'm a very strict teacher—just ask Naruto." I Pointed at Naruto with my thumb, who gave a nod and said, "Ya, he will push you hard, but it is all worth it. I would've been dead last without him." He said with a bashful look and rubbing his nose.

Sakura then spoke up. "how do you all still have so much energy to keep going? I feel like my body is made of stone." I looked at her and said, "Well, we are very active every day while we were pushed a little hard. None of us used that much chakra during the match, so most of the training we will be doing is chakra-based anyways, so if you want to join us, you can." she looked tired and reluctant but said. "fine!" I then walk over to the tree stumps and pull out 3 big lunchboxes and said "well let's eat lunch before we start. You will need the energy to make it through my training."

Naruto and Sasuke come over and start eating without much convincing, but Naruto complains about Sasuke not deserving the food I cook and that it was made for him, making me snort. I then see Sakura hesitating, so I tell her, "If you're not gonna eat because of a diet you're on, then you might as well go home cause you're gonna need every last bit of energy while we are training, so make your choice." She gives me a frustrated. Look it down with Sasuke and Naruto and start eating one in the boxes. I sit down with them, pull out a fourth box, and join them and enjoy our lunch while we start small conversations here and there.

Everyone enjoyed my food, bringing a little bit of joy to my face, but as we finished, I became more strict and said, "Ok, Sakura and Sasuke, I'm going to start you on what is called tree walking. It's very much like the leaf-sticking technique but on a bigger scale. You will place your feet on the tree and your chakra into the bottom of your souls and try to stick yourself to the tree. Your goal is to make it to the top of the tree in the fastest way possible. If you master tree walking, I might teach you water-walking, which is twice as hard as tree-walking." as I was talking, I walked up the tree and hung upside down while I continued to talk. Gaining a shocked look from both of them.

"Now, I don't expect either of you to master this in a single day, but I'll say this: To fully master this particular skill, you have to be able to hang upside down like I am holding 10 leaves to your body for an hour," I said as I passed down 2 kunai and told them to use them to mark their progress.

I dropped down and gave them a bit more in-depth explanation about how to do it, and they slowly began trying. It took a while, but eventually, Sakura was able to get her first foot to stick, and about 10 minutes later, Sasuke was able to as well. As they were doing their training, I started to do some taijutsu on the water while Naruto was still trying to get his clone count down. An hour passed, and Sakura was already halfway up the tree, but Sasuke was only about four or five steps up before falling, looking extremely frustrated.

So I walked over to reassure him that he was doing really well, making both of them look at me confused, so I told both of them. "the reason Sakura is making so much more progress is one. She's a lot lighter than you and has a lot less chakra than you do. She doesn't have to work hard to control her chakra as you and Naruto do. And can make faster progress on a chakra control exercise than any of us. Naruto and I took a week to reach the top of the tree, but she's only been going for an hour, so don't feel bad." I then pointed to Sakura

"and you when you reach the top, it does not mean you are done. You need to build up your chakra, so keep hanging on and start doing exercises to make it harder to keep going. plus, if you want a womanly body that people would kill for, then you need to stop dieting, and I can teach you some stretches and exercises that will help make you look more womanly." Sasuke looked better and went back to trying to make some progress, while Sakura gained a more tentative look, not knowing if she could really trust what I was saying.

Three hours go by like this before I clap my hands and tell everyone to "go home! It's getting late, and we have to meet our sensai tomorrow morning. Plus, if things keep going at the rate they have been, we have three hours to train before he arrives so we can keep our training sessions going tomorrow." I start walking out of the training ground, Naruto not far behind me, asking if we could go get ramen to celebrate. I giggled and said sure.

We eventually make it home after eating, sitting down on the couch to watch TV when I hear a. #Ding#

{Mission complete}

{First Steps}

(1){Pass your first test with your new senseis}

(2){Land a single strike or steal a single bell from your senseis}

(3){Show teamwork without expressly telling your teammates of the objective}

(4){Don't remove your weighted butt plug or remove your chastity during the test}

{Bonus Mission}

(5){Where your new outfit}

(6){Make Naruto wear his new outfit}


(1){Becoming an official ninja}

(2){Gain a starter Kenjutsu sroll}

(3){Makes your face more feminine and makes you more charming}

(4){Upgraded toys}

(5){Infused your outfit with power}

(6){Can change some of Naruto's mannerisms}

I was happy to finish another mission and collector rewards. I pressed on the first one, but nothing happened. Feeling kind of dumb, realizing it was just passing the test that meant I became a real ninja. Then I pressed the Second one.

(2){Gain a starter Kenjutsu scroll}

(The starter Kenjutsu scroll allows you to create a kenjutsu style that is tailored to your body.)

As I finished reading, a familiar scroll appeared, exactly like the starter taijutsu scroll. I was not going to use this just yet; I wanted to master the basics first before Learning something more complex. I then clicked the third reward.

(3){Makes your face more feminine and makes you more charming}

I didn't get an explanation since he pretty much explained itself, and I'm certainly blinded by a flash of light as it dies down to see if Naruto has noticed, but he hasn't looked away from the TV at all. I look at the mirror on the wall in the kitchen, and I see my face has become much more feminine than before. It was more androgynous just a few seconds ago. There was no mistaking it. Now I look like a young girl. I then click on number 4

(4){Upgraded toys}

{x2 EXP and x2 comprehension panties} is now {concealing x4 EXP and x4 comprehension panties}

{x2 chakra nourishing bras} is now {x4 chakra and breast tissue nourishing bras}

{Chakra Controlled Weight Training Butt Plug} it now has a multiplying effect once reaching max weight.

{Chakra Storing Chasity Cage} it now has a Multi-slot storage and extra effects.

{x2 Chakra Regenerating Dildo} It is now about 12 inches and was pink with fake balls on the end that can now produce fake cum.

I see all this new information but decide to tackle it later. After clicking the number five, my clothing starts to flash red.

(5){Infused your outfit with power}

(Your new clothes will feel like silk but be as hard as steel, and they will also accent your feminine features more.)

The last one was the one I looked forward to the most as I pressed on it.

(6){Can change some of Naruto's mannerisms}

As I pressed it, a screen appeared with an image of Naruto; instead of facial sliders and body sliders, I was given choices about how he walked and talked. I looked through most of the walking types and chose a tomboyish walk. It was way more feminine than he usually walked, but it still matched his overall style. I then go through how he talks; this one's much more comprehensive. It covered a lot of things like his verbal tech, the picture of his voice, and the words he could and could not say, but I ended up just making his voice a lot more high-pitched, giving him a very girly-sounding voice. And to mess with him, I took his ability to curse and prevent him from referring to his dick as anything other than a clit.

Wanting to hear Naruto's new voice, I shove my hand down the back of the shorts, impress firmly on his butt plug, causing it to vibrate. Making them let out a very girly moan. I didn't start to move in and out, making him moan even more. eventually, he let out a big moan as he came like a girl in his cage. I get up and leave him there frustrated, swinging my hips on the way to the bedroom. I hear him Rush in after me, and we have a little fun before our first official day ninja.

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