
Chapter 99

Just as Doffy was about to eliminate the two officers of the Big Mom Pirates, Oven couldn't contain his anger and frustration. "Doflamingo! You may have bested us this time, but that doesn't mean you can take us down, you bastard!"

As Oven confronted Doffy, Daifuku stealthily pulled out a mirror and whispered urgently into it, "Brulee! Get us out of here, now!" Brulee was their trump card, brought along as a precaution. With her Paramecia-type Mira Mira no Mi, she was the perfect escape plan if things went south, especially given their proximity to Marineford and Mary Geoise.

Doffy, noticing Daifuku's actions, chuckled with a sinister smile. "Hahaha, let's see what you bastards can do now that you're at my mercy!" His Haoshoku Haki surged, and the blue flames mingled with purple lightning erupted in waves as he prepared for the big finisher.

"I hope to see you guys in hell! Well, maybe not!" Doffy laughed, launching his attack.


A blinding blast of compressed flames spread out, incinerating everything in its path. The explosion was akin to that of a miniature star. Just as the flames were about to consume Daifuku and Oven, they suddenly vanished, pulled away into the mirror's realm. Doffy's expression turned sour as they disappeared from his Observation Haki. He quickly understood that they had used some means to escape the onslaught.

However, the attack he had initiated couldn't be stopped. The flames tore through everything in front of him for thousands of meters, leaving nothing but dust and ashes. The once serene and green Grove 27 was now a charred wasteland.

Doffy stood amidst the devastation, his eyes scanning the area. The blue flames flickered around him, casting an eerie glow on the blackened ground. The acrid scent of burnt wood and flesh filled the air, mingling with the heat waves rising from the scorched earth.

"Heh, they got away," Doffy muttered to himself, his smirk returning. "But they won't forget this. The Donquixote family is not to be trifled with."

As the Fish-Men and mermaids safely boarded the galleon, Doflamingo returned to the galleon and gave the order to set sail. The ship's sails flared to life, and as it began to move away from the burning port, the crew was relieved to leave the chaos behind.

"Doffy-kun, what about Ross-kun? Is he not going to join us?" The Fish-Man leader, now covered in crimson blood, stepped up to inquire. He could not see Ross on the ship. Earlier, once they breached the basement, they had forgotten about everything else and were fully committed to saving their family. He had even neglected to think about Ross, who had single-handedly stopped the Big Mom Pirates. Now, guilt gnawed at him.

"Hahaha, don't worry about my little brother. He'll join us soon enough. We'll just stay away from the shore so the flames don't take our ship too." Doffy's reassurance was cut short as his eyes widened. His observation Haki flared to its maximum. In a split second, he shoved the Fish-Man leader away and, with a single brilliant maneuver, sent a massive, flaming pillar into the night sky.

"Majestic Destroyer!!!"

The flames ascended, lighting up the dark night, just as a massive fist made of magma tore through the clouds, aimed directly at the galleon. If not for Doffy's quick counter, the galleon would have been reduced to ashes. The two colossal attacks clashed, lighting up the entire sky and sending shockwaves rippling through the sea.

Both attacks pushed against each other, vying for superiority. The flames and magma intertwined in a fierce struggle, casting a fiery glow over the ocean. The galleon's crew watched in awe and terror as the night sky turned into a battleground.

"Keep her steady!" Doffy commanded, his voice cutting through the chaos. The Fish-Men expertly maneuvered the galleon, their years of experience showing as they navigated away from the epicenter of the clash. The brief stalemate between the attacks was all they needed.

The flames held their own for a moment, but then the sheer intensity of the magma began to overpower them. The magma attack slowly gained ground, pushing the flames back. Just as it seemed the galleon would be engulfed, the ship swung clear, narrowly escaping the destructive force.

Doffy breathed a sigh of relief, but his eyes were still alert, scanning the horizon. "We need to move, now!" he barked. The crew sprang into action, their movements a blur as they steered the galleon away from the shore, The charred remains of Grove 27 were a stark reminder of the battle they had recently survived.

Just as the galleon moved away from the shore, a large Marine battleship intercepted its path. Standing on the figurehead was an incredibly tall, light-skinned, and unusually muscular man. He towered at about three meters, with a square-shaped face, pronounced facial features, and short black hair.

He wore a standard Marine cap and sported a crimson, double-breasted suit decorated with a pink rose on his left buttonhole. A Marine Vice Admiral coat draped over his shoulders, and one of his fists was transformed into flowing magma.

The Fish-Man leader, now catching his breath, approached Doffy once more. "Who is that?" he asked, his voice tinged with both awe and fear.

Doffy's eyes narrowed, the gravity of the situation clear in his voice. "That, my friend, is Admiral Candidate Akainu. We're not just dealing with the Big Mom Pirates anymore. The Marines are in play."

Cannons rang out as the Marine battleship began firing with abandon, not caring if the island behind them was damaged. It was as if they were determined to sink the ship at any cost.

"Tch, this is troublesome," Doffy murmured to himself, "As I am now, I am no match for this guy. I hope I can stall him long enough for my little brother to catch up." His entire form morphed as blue flames danced around him once again, ready to face the Hunting Dog of the World Government.

"Prepare for impact!" Doffy shouted to his crew as cannonballs whistled through the air, crashing into the water around the galleon and sending plumes of spray into the sky. The ship rocked violently, but the Fish-Men's expert navigation kept them from capsizing.

Akainu's voice boomed across the sea: "Donquixote Doflamingo! Surrender now, and your crew might be spared!"

Doffy responded with a defiant laugh, his haoshoku haki flaring. "You think you can intimidate me, Akainu? Bring it on!" The sky crackled with energy as blue flames and purple lightning swirled around him, creating a formidable aura.

The two forces clashed mid-air, a massive fist of magma colliding with a roaring pillar of blue flames. The impact lit up the night, sending shockwaves rippling through the sea. The sheer power of the clash was enough to create a temporary calm in the stormy waters, like the eye of a brewing hurricane.

"We need to get out of here!" The Fish-Man leader shouted with urgency in his voice as he guided the crew to maneuver the ship. "Doffy-kun, hold him off just a little longer!"

Doffy, locked in a deadly dance with Akainu, could feel the immense pressure. "Just a little longer, Ross," he thought, hoping his brother would arrive soon.

Akainu's face was a mask of grim determination. "You will die here today; you do not even have the luxury of being captured alive, Doflamingo," he declared, unleashing another powerful magma fist.

"Not today, Akainu!" Doffy countered, summoning all his strength to fend off the attack. The collision of their powers created a spectacle of light and heat, illuminating the night sky like a second sun.

On the galleon, the crew worked frantically to navigate through the chaos. The Fish-Men used their superior strength and skills to keep the ship steady, their determination unwavering despite the overwhelming odds.

Doffy's mind raced. "I need to buy more time," he thought, his eyes scanning the horizon for any sign of his brother. "Just a little longer, and we'll make it."

As the battle raged on, the fate of the Donquixote family hung in the balance, each second bringing them closer to either salvation or destruction.

Meanwhile, Daifuku and Oven, now in the mirror world, shared a look of bitter defeat. "This isn't over," Oven growled as he managed to whisper before he slipped into a deep slumber because of his injuries. "We'll be back, and next time, we won't underestimate them."

Daifuku nodded, muttering to himself, his mind racing with thoughts of their next move. "We need to report this to Big Mom. She won't be pleased, but we have to regroup and plan our revenge."

Brulee, within the mirror dimension, trembled with shock and horror at the devastated condition of her brothers, Daifuku and Oven. Oven's situation was dire, with a bloody stump where his left hand used to be.

"Brother!!! What's happening? Who did this to Brother Oven?" She cried, her voice filled with panic, as she cradled Oven, who had already passed out from exhaustion and blood loss.

"Brulee!! We don't have time; get us to Big Brother Katakuri NOW! He may be in trouble," Daifuku roared, his voice laced with urgency and desperation. Despite her doubts about anyone being able to match their formidable big brother, Katakuri, Brulee felt the urgency in Daifuku's voice. Katakuri had always been their shield, the one who never faltered, no matter the storm.

"Brulee, stop daydreaming and get us back to the auction house now!!!" Daifuku commanded sternly, snapping her out of her hesitation. His fear was palpable, and Brulee knew they had to act quickly.

"Alright, hang on!" Brulee responded, her voice trembling but resolute. She manipulated the mirror dimension, and a portal began to form.

Within the mirror dimension, Brulee hurriedly navigated through the reflective surfaces, her mind racing with concern for Katakuri. The mirror portal shimmered, and in an instant, Daifuku and the unconscious Oven were transported back to the auction house.

As Daifuku and Brulee emerged from the mirror, they were greeted by a scene of utter destruction. The auction house lay in ruins, debris scattered everywhere, the air thick with dust, and the acrid smell of smoke filled the atmosphere. Both Daifuku and Brulee stood frozen, unable to comprehend the devastation before them. Katakuri, their invincible elder brother, lay on his back like a broken twig amidst the wreckage, his body battered and bruised yet still emanating a fierce resolve.

"Big Brother!" Daifuku shouted, rushing towards Katakuri, ready to aid his brother. Brulee followed closely, her eyes wide with fear and concern.

Just then, a massive pillar of lightning tore through the ground right in front of them, leaving a gaping ravine that made them stop in their tracks.

"Oh, more guests!" I narrowed my eyes, observing the new arrivals. My observation haki had sensed intruders, and now I understood how. I had completely forgotten about Brulee's abilities. I should have taken care of all the reflective surfaces within what was once the auction house. This place was no longer recognizable.

Katakuri, seemingly on his last breath, turned his head with difficulty. His usually composed face showed a rare hint of helplessness and pleading. "Daifuku, Brulee... get away from here. Get away from the monster. I will hold him back. Get back to Big Mom, NOW!" he roared with what little energy he could muster. Despite his broken leg, he pushed himself up with sheer will and fired another attack at me, imbuing himself with armament haki.

"Kagami Mochi!!" he shouted, rushing forward. A few surfaces around him transformed into mochi, but the scale of transformation had drastically reduced as Katakuri was practically running on fumes.

"Katakuri, are you sure you want to fight me in that condition? Maybe now that your siblings are here, I should entertain them properly," I chuckled, turning towards the two newcomers.

Katakuri's eyes widened with fury and concern. "Rosinante..." he muttered under his breath. His own battle with me had shown him my monstrous strength, but hearing me target Daifuku and Brulee added another layer of urgency. He tried to intercept me.

"Brulee, take everyone to safety. Daifuku, you stay with them and protect our siblings," Katakuri ordered, his voice steady despite the turmoil.

"No, Big Brother! We can't leave you to fight alone!" Daifuku protested, but Katakuri's stern gaze silenced him.

Just as Katakuri was ushering his siblings to run away, I flickered right on top of him. My entire being was wrapped in Armament haki and lightning, with my conqueror's haki bursting out. I punched down, hitting Katakuri smack in the middle of his face.

"Blue Hole!!!"

The devastating attack was a signature move I had learned from my mentor, Garp, with a few modifications of my own. As the attack landed, Katakuri made one last gesture for his siblings to run away. Though Daifuku wanted to rush forward, Brulee pulled him back into the mirror world.

As the attack landed, a resounding boom resonated throughout Grove 1, and a massive crater, ten meters wide and hundreds of meters deep, was created. Katakuri was lost in the darkness within this massive hole.

I flickered back to the edge of the pitch-black hole, just as I was about to pursue Brulee and see if I could catch up. My observation haki picked up a powerful aura approaching Doffy by Grove 27. Although I had been fighting Katakuri, I had always kept an eye on Doffy's end, and it seemed like someone strong from the Marines had come in.

"It looks like playtime is over," I muttered to myself. "Time to wrap this up and regroup." With a final glance at the crater where Katakuri had fallen, I prepared to face the new threat approaching my brother. The battle was far from over, and the stakes had never been higher.

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