
Chapter 57: All Out War Against Tepes Faction

"Team 1, move to the east and attack. Team 2, half of you make sure no one escapes, and the other half make sure to rescue the victim. Team 3, go from the west and attack. Make sure no Bloodsucker survives."

I watch from a distance as my people attack at once. I watch as rainbow light flashes out from a distance and watch as the underground facility explodes, exposing the farm of the vampire. I can see the others carrying humans who can still be saved and give mercy to the ones who cannot be saved. We will give them a proper burial later.

"Yasaka, how is the hunter team?"

The golden-haired woman looks at me and says,

"You are right. There are four more hidden bases around the city. They are now hunting them down one by one. However, they cannot handle them all. One base is untouched."

"I see. Where?"

"To the east."

I look at Karina and say.

"It is your guy's turn, now."

Karina nods and orders her people to her people. I watch fifty magicians fly to the sky, and after waiting a minute, I see a cloud of bats approaching us. With the enemies in sight, the magicians create magic circles around them, and a second later, they release a hail of spells at the incoming bats.

The bats transform into fifty vampires who are screaming in pain from the surprise attack. They fall to the ground, and I know that it is time to join the fight.

"Alright. It is time for us."

I look at my guardians and give them a nod. They nod back, and we start to move. The four of us move through the forest, and when we arrive at the area where the vampires fall, we can see them writhing in pain.

Hmph. Weak. They cannot even move while in pain.

I take out my sword and dash forward. I can see the vampire look at me in surprise, and before he can do anything, I already swing my sword and kill him. I move to the next target and swing my sword once again. When I see one of them move toward me, I take out my pistol and shoot him right in the head.

The fight does not last for even three minutes. Hell, it cannot even be called a fight because we just kill them all without them doing anything.

After killing the last of them, I look at Martha and say.

"Martha, will you?"

"Of course, my lord."

Martha puts her hands together and starts praying. As she prays, her sun flame comes out of her body, burning all the corpses into ashes. After we are done, we return to the and see Yasaka talking with her crew.

"What happened?"

I ask Karina. She looks at me and says,

"The hunter team encountered some difficulties. One of the noble houses under the Tepes Clan is protecting one of the bases."

I nod and look at Yasaka before saying.

"Does your team need reinforcement?"

Yasaka looks at me and says.

"No. We can handle this, Vale. Let my people prove themselves."

I nod in understanding and trust Yasaka to handle the situation. For now, I look at the battle that is happening in the distance. Craiova is one of the biggest vampire nests in the entire Romania. It is where they receive their human cattle from Bulgaria and Serbia.

Previously, Bucharest was the biggest human cattle trade, but after we took over, they changed their base to Craiova. This is the reason why there are a lot of vampires in this city.

"Karina, how about the barrier? Is it still holding?"

"They are good. I can maintain them for another hour or two at max."

"That should be enough."

The barrier is there to protect the mundane people and hide the fact that there is a fight outside their city. We don't want any panic from the civilians; the barrier is handling that.

While watching the fight, I can feel a group of Youkai coming from the city. It looks like the hunter group is done hunting their prey and now joins the fight. It looks like the hunter group already handles the vampire noble.

With the hunter team joining the fight, the battlefield shifts, and the fight ends in ten minutes.

We join the others and see corpses on the ground; all of them are vampires.

"Take the injured to the tent! We will teleport them to the base."

While no one is dead, there are a lot of injuries. Some of them need immediate treatment, or they will die, and some of them need a prosthetic limb.

"Sun Team! Burn all these corpses. Magician team, please fix the area."

With that last order, we start to work. This is the first step to free Romania from the leech that has sucked its life force for a long time.


|3rd POV|

Lord Tepes gathers all of his allies and his sons to have a meeting. The situation for their faction gets worse by the minute because they get attacked by two factions at the same time. The Millefiore Family attacks them from the south, and the Carmilla Faction attacks them from the North.

The first attack against their power base in Craiova is a surprise for them. They send their troops there, but the Millefiore Family greets them with something called Extreme Violence. Animals with flames around their bodies attack their ghoul troops and easily kill them. Their fighter fired countless bullets that were very effective against them. The Youkai hunt down the vampires that manage to run away, but by the end of the day, nothing is left from their attack team.

Slowly but surely, the Millefiore Family destroyed their base. It is to the point that the Millefiore Family is even more dangerous than the Carmilla Faction, and they are an ancient enemy.

"We need a solution. We cannot fight on two fronts at the same time. Do we gamble it all and attack the South to take back our territory, or will we split our force to attack the two factions at the same time?"

Lord Tepes says that while looking at his subjects. At first, no one is willing to talk, but after a few seconds of silence, Marius Tepes says.

"What if I have a third option, My Lord?"

"Oh? Tell me."

"Instead of me explaining it, why don't I call someone who can explain it better than I do?"

Marius takes out a device from his pocket and throws it in the middle of the room. A second later, a hologram of a young man appears in the middle of the room.

"Who are you?"

Lord Tepes demanded.

"My name is Euclid Lucifuge, and I offer a solution to your problem."

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