
chapter twenty nine

"Could it be her laptop??" "I admit it, it's true" "What? how- why? you said you'll move on" she released me, "I dont know okay, you just- I wished but I don't know, you, I just feel things for you I know that I shouldn't feel" "Why?? why? you're making me feel guilty, I'm with Namjoon now, we're engaged, I have kids, I can't be with you, you shouldn't have tried to kiss me what would happen if Namjoon knew" she then looked me in the eye worried, I touched her face and she closed her eyes holding my hand for a few seconds before removing it, I held her and hugged her closed, "I'm sorry for trying to kiss you last night, I didn't do it though if it makes you more comfortable but I'm not sorry that my feelings for you aren't gone, I won't try to be in a compromising situation anymore, I just wished you loved me first and I saw you First, you could have been mine and those kids would be ours" I looked her in the eyes, and kissed her forehead, cheek and chin, "Go now sweetheart, I'm sorry" she hugged me tight before leaving and closing my door and I closed my eyes and sighed fighting the desolation my heart was falling into.

I came down later and laid down on the couch when I saw Jennifer, our eyes met for a few seconds before Namjoon came down carrying Min Kyu and kissed her, Callista brought down a beautifully dressed Ga Young and I carried her, "Great! now let's go, this is the guys outing with the children!" Jin said, "We'll be dropping you guys off, are you with your face mask? you don't want people to recognize you do you?" Jimin told her, I put my hand into my wallet and brought out a Korean customized facemask, "here" she said, "Thank you" our hands touched when she wanted to collect the mask and we looked at each other before she removed her hand taking the mask, I cleared my throat, "Come on let's go" Callista said.

Jungkook's POV

                 I carried Ga Young from Jimin and went out, "Let's use our bikes" I said as I carried Ga young and put her on the baby carrier I was wearing, and Namjoon did the same thing, "Fine with me" Suga said, "Guys what about us then?" Lee Joon Gi said, "Fine, car is it then" I said and turned to the Hyundai palisade, "But it's only eight seater and we are 11 excluding the girls, "Then some of you should ride the bike, carry the girls and we'll carry the rest of us, "I'm riding the bike" I said, "I'm riding the bike too" Namjoon said, Suga brought his bike out, "so just you three?" lee Joon Gi said, "So only ten in the car? it's complete" Ahn hyoseop said and got into the car, "Jennifer come and ride with me" Namjoon dragged her, Callista sat with Suga, "it's just us little one, get ready for the ride of your life" I wore my helmet, Jhope, Jin, Taehyung carrying Min hyun got into the car with the others and Callistus, then we drove off, while on the road, using my full speed, I looked at Ga Young from time to time but nothing happened, she was practically enjoying it, I smiled and continued, I slowed down when I noticed them slowing down, when I looked it was in front of a salon, I removed the helmet but was wearing face mask, I was playing with Ga Young while Namjoon and Jennifer were talking, then Jennifer came up to me and kissed Ga Young, "We are gathering attention" I said looking around, "Yeah sorry, just take care of her well, I'm worried" "And you're not worried about me??" I folded my hands, she then kissed my forehead smiling, "Be safe too" I wore my helmet smiling, then she went to Suga and kissed his forehead, before he wore his helmet and we drove off, driving straight to the amusement park, when we got down, we gathered the attention of some people even without removing the facemask, "No no, I'm not riding any rollercoaster" Jhope said as he got down, we laughed, "No Hobi hyung, you're surely riding" I told him as we walked into the amusement park, "Cotton candy!!" V and Jimin shouted, I was even eager to eat it more, "Ga Young do you want some cotton candy!? who brought cash? I only had my black card" "Me too" Jhope said, "Well I came prepared for my kids" Jin said and brought his fat wallet out, "Me too" Suga said, Jimin dragged min hyun to the stall and we followed too, Namjoon came to me, and checked on her, "Ga Young are you okay in there??" "Tell daddy yes, you're most comfortable with Jungkook your favourite uncle" "Hey!" Jimin, Jin and V shouted, and Namjoon rubbed my head, "Ga young I get the feeling that this is gonna be a lot of fun, get ready, we're a team"


We came home pretty late around 8pm on the night, with balloons and ribbons and stuffed animals, the other guys had gone back home directly since we would be going out in about an hour "Man I'm tired" I sat down on the couch, removing the baby carrier and carrying Ga young who was wearing a bunny hat, everyone crashed on the couch too, "Do you think Jennifer is back already??" Jimin asked, I started looking for sign of life, "Of course she is back, and sure enough have a surprise for all of you" she came out from the kitchen tying an apron, "Woah!" all of us shouted, she was looking really very beautiful, she had done her hair, braided it even with additives and did her nails too, she was just glowing more than ever, "You're looking so beautiful" Jhope said running to her, Suga ran around her slowly and touched the hair "Is it painful?" she shook her hair, "No not at all" "Woah, I feel like doing mine" V said, "Cali did the same thing too, wow like world wide beautiful the second" "Really who is the first?" she asked, "My daughter Ga young" Jin said, and we all laughed, Jennifer then looked at Namjoon where he was still standing "Guys turn around now" he said and we all turned out back but I guess he was kissing her cus I could hear their lips faintly, crazy reaction to seeing your wife all dolled up for you, I saw the dinning with food, "Wow is this the surprise??" I ran there and others followed, "Yeah, figured you'll be so hungry and you got a show in an hour, no one especially me wants you fainting on stage" "You're the best Jennie" Jhope said and sat down to eat, all of us sat down and began to eat, while she carried Min Kyu first and fed him before exchanging him for Ga Young. "Guys so there's this thing, I'm specifically picking out the outfit you'll wear today okay, I dropped it on your bed

so once you're done showering and you put it on come downstairs okay" "Why do I get the feeling this is gonna come in grand style?" Namjoon Hyung said, "I don't mind" Jimin said, "Me neither" she then passed me a banana milk, "Kookie here" "Sweetheart this is yours, so you'll stay awake tonight" she gave Namjoon Hyung iced Americano, "Suga Oppa, I know you're trying to stay away from caffeine so even if you like the drink I can't give you so have this instead " she gave him a milkis drink, "Woah milkis drink!" Jhope shouted, "Thank you" he said, "Hobi Oppa, here" she gave him an expresso, "Thank you Jennie" he blew her a flying kiss, "Jin Oppa, here's a hershey chocolate for you for world wide handsome" "How did you know" I asked, "Hey I'ave pretty much watched half of your videos and there's something called internet duh" she smiled, "Jimin shiiiii, here, your sweet pear juice, hand made " "wow, thank you sweetheart " he collected it, "And cute V Oppa, here's a coke, hurry up guys, let me go give this kids a bath and get them ready" she stood up and left with both of them on both side if her arms, "What happened to her?" Jhope asked, "I think she just cares" Jimin said, I drank my banana milk and went upstairs to shower, after drying my hair, I looked at the cloth on the bed, wearing them all I laughed, "was she planning for me to go in just pencil jean and white singlet?" I thought but either way I put on the black sneakers she brought out and went downstairs and surprisingly everyone was also Wearing the same thing, "Nice, now follow me to my room" she dragged my hand and we went into her room, she opened her bag and gave me a shirt I had never seen before, but that wasn't the thing, the design and material was unique and something I think I have never worn before, "it is a black transparent jacquard material in you favourite colour black, seen in my people's tribe way" "Really?? nice" "Yeah I plan to dress you all like Igbo people today" I quickly went to wear it and I now understood the use of the singlet, the clothes made a whole lot sense, looking like a normal shirt with long sleeves, when I came out I saw her holding done beads, "The dressing is incomplete without African beads" she wore me a white gaint size bead on my neck and done red ones on my wrist, "You've been planning this for some time now right" "Yep" she made me sit down and did my make up and once I looked into the mirror, I looked different with the minimal eye pencil and on my lip, red and black, "You're good to go" I stood up and hugged her, "Thank you Jennie" she patted my back, "You're welcome Kookie" we went downstairs and everyone shouted, "What?" I turned around for them, "Wow!" Jimin and Suga was surprised, "I look nice don't I?" "Yes!" Jin shouted, "Okay, Jin and Suga come on" they went upstairs, "Jennifer said her people dress like this" "Really? wow it's really nice, which material is so nice like this?"  RM asked, "She called it uh.. Jacqueline" "What did she say was her people's ethnicity again?" "Uh.." we were thinking, "Ah Igbo" Jimin said and we search it on the net, "Wow wow" Jhope was shocked, "Wow some of them don't even wear shirt" "Did you see other tribe" I pointed out, "What's yoruba" Jimin spelt it out, "Or Hausa" V spelt it out, "Rap mon Hyung do you know it?" V asked "let's ask Jennifer " "Ask me what?" she came down with Jin and Suga, who wad wearing the same thing as me but a different color, Suga Hyungs' was white in colour matching the shoe she picked out for him first and the same beads, and Jin hyungs' own was pink matching his shoe, and the same beads, "Wow, Igbo" "The makeup makes sense really" V said, "Take pictures" Jin said. "Okay Jimin and V your turn, come on now" they both ran upstairs and she followed right behind them.

Jin's POV

               "I want us to add one more performance on stage with Jennifer " "Hey I was thinking the same thing too Hyung" JK said, "I'm not against it, I rather like it" Suga said, "it's gonna be great you know, let's make history with Nigeria too" Jhope said, "Where's Ga Young and Min Kyu" I asked and Namjoon showed me the baby seaters, they were staring at me, "Aww, kids how does your favourite uncle look like? handsome right?" I posed, "No I'm handsome " JK came, "You who, kids here's a flying kiss " I gave them flying kiss and JK and I started bickering and they started laughing, "Hey, Jennifer is really a fashionista, this babies clothes are really stylishly made, it's perfect " Min Kyu was wearing a black suit and Jennifer had touched his face a little, and Ga Young also had a black dress on with small touch of makeup too, they looked like celebrities, we heared footsteps down the steps and Jimin and V jumped down, "Ta-da" "wow" Jhope went to them, Jimin's top was blue like his shoe, and it had no arms like ours, with beads on his arms too and one white one on his neck, while Vs' was Gray like his shoe, and had short arms exposing his hands, the same matching beads with us, "Why is the design different?" JK asked, "Because I'm highlighting their special features dear, you got broad shoulders, it won't really match the concept I'm thinking, and JK and Yoongi is more better with hands down when it's this material, now last bit not least, sweetheart, sunshine let's go" "Watch the kids for me " Namjoon told us before going upstairs with Jennifer, from the colour of their shoes I already guess the colour of their clothes, Jimin and V were taking pictures when I sat down and told them about what we planned to do.

Namjoon and Jhope came downstairs, Jhope hands were exposed just like Jimin and it was green in colour, while Namjoon was black in colour and was long sleeved, the makeup was all simple but it looked real hot, "Alright group photos" Jennifer said and made us stand together taking shots, "Now let me go dress up too" "What are you going to wear?" Suga asked, "uhm... it's a secret, you'll see" she ran upstairs, I went to the fridge and took a snack of honey butter snack and sat down, Jhope made a call for the bodyguard and the limousine, while I was trying to go upstairs to get something when I paused and the bag of snack fell down, the sound of heels was heared ad I went back and that was when Jennifer came into full view, "So... how is it??" she excitedly turned around waiting for compliments, "The guys came forward as we stood watching her, the material she wore on her waist was long, no cutting on any edge and she tied it to one side it stopped just before her knee on her lap, and had red beads around it, but the top was more killer, it was also one material tied to her back and came forward to the front looking like a cloth, and she had beads on her shoulder that was worn, and red beads on both hands and legs. "Wow" all of us said at once, "Is it bad?" "No!!" we shouted and I walked around her, "It's just like on the phone" I said, "Is this a fashion shoot, you're going to be stealing the spotlight" Jhope said, "I can't believe this, you're - you're so beautiful" Namjoon was speechless, "Thank you baby" she winked at him, "What's this?" V touched the crown on her hair, she was wearing a red crown and packed her hair into a ponytail bringing out two at the front, "It's crown" Jk came forward with Jimin and bowed, "Your royal Majesty " she laughed, "Guys stop it you're making me shy I feel like I should go change" "No no" we stopped her, "How's the makeup?" she looked at speechless Suga and he just gulped, I laughed and Namjoon held his shoulder shaking him, "He's gone " Jhope laughed, "Sorry for scaring you suga Oppa " "Scare? no you're perfect " "Okay the car is here, let's go" I said after looking out the window, and everyone left the house, Jennifer Carried min kyu and Namjoon took Ga young, we got into the vehicle and was on the way, "Guys" Jennifer called us and we turned to look, "I feel like throwing up" she said, "Are you pregnant again?" Suga asked and Namjoon gasped, "Are you?" he asked immediately, "No I'm just nervous" "Ah" all of us relaxed back, "It's normal but dont worry you have us" Jhope said, "Yeah, I even use to be nervous too, it's no big deal I guess" Jimin said, "Yeah" Suga also supported, "Aish, I'm sure jk and V aren't even nervous" "Right now, I am" JK said, "I can't wait to see people's reaction when they see you" V said, "You mean us?" she said and played with Min kyu, "Hmm, Jennifer uh.. so you see the live video" "You mean of us kissing?" "Yeah, my mom saw it and-" "No, don't tell me family meeting with me coming along?" he nodded, "And your sister knows too??" he also nodded, "Danger " I whispered. "I can't, you - I don't know how to act or behave " "She's real nice I promise " he tried to convince her, "Hmm, real nice huh? I still can't do it, I uh.. may faint " we laughed, "Lame excuse" JK said, "Okay fine, but not now anyway" she said, "I was thinking new year" she clicked her finger, "much better, I can just use food to pretend to not talk" I laughed, "Really?" Jimin laughed and said, "You're a badass Jennifer " I told her.

The car finally slowed down and they were already taking pictures before we could come down, when it stopped Jennifer sighed, "Today we're all gonna die" "What?? your very own husband words?" we laughed, I could already hear the chants of our name, RM passed me Ga Young and began to talk to Jennifer, "Ga young, can you see mommy is scared, she's not being bold and strong" I whispered, "Wait until you stand in front of thousands of camera for the first time, Hey I watched your first video" she hit my shoulder, "Ouch, Ga Young mommy is beating your favourite uncle" I complained, "You can do this, come on"  "Okay we're all gonna die but not today, no, not today, I don't even know what I'm saying" we laughed as the car door opened and Suga got down, then Jhope, Jimin, JK, Taehyung, then I followed and the gasps that came with it was huge, I'm guess our outfits must be the cause other than Ga Young, she even smiled for the camera, RM came down and then put his hand in to get Jennifer, "Wait for an incredible shock" Jhope whispered to me and I laughed, he carried Min kyu first and then Jennifer's hand came out as she came down and there was flashing of lights and screams of many people, "Told ya" he said, "Oh boy her cloth is causing a reaction" Jimin said as we looked at people discussing our outfit, we waved for a while before going in, Jennifer in the middle as always, RM and me beside her and the rest of the guys following side by side in a slanted line,  when we finally got inside, we met with bang pd and the rest of the staffs, they were whispering, "Let me guess, you designed their clothes" "She did" I said and he carried Ga young, "Ga Young, how are you" she held his cloth, and Namjoon came closer as he touched Min Kyu, "The press conference is already ready and after that it's your concert, since you are already ready, there's no need for the makeup artist to touch you up so let's go directly" he passed me Ga young back, "We need to clear this up, hybe are really mad about what happened" JK said, V sighed, "We will" Jhope patted him.

We walked more closer to the door, and then, the door opened and cameras started flashing, there were a lot of people also present, "Jennifer was right? it's much" we were led to the forefront to sit down, more like an interrogation table, immediately they started asking different questions, before they were told to calm down. Jennifer stood up immediately, "Is there any translator or something?" A reporter familiar with English stepped forward, "To cut this short, let me summarize it for you, the kiss on live cam wasn't planned or orchestrated, it was all just a mistake and I would like you all to drop the case, the video is there and we got proof so don't bother trying to push the case it's called invasion of privacy" I wanted to laugh but held myself in other for the cameras not to capture me, "But-" "Hold on I ain't finished, secondly the children, my children, Ga Young and Min Kyu, isn't related In anyway to Kim Seokjin or kim Taehyung, even none of them, so I'd like to have that rumours dropped, it can be self inflicting sometime especially on the kids, I'm pretty sure the father won't like people calling his kids theirs, thirdly, me living with the BTS members isn't that much of a big deal, they aren't gods and so stop making a huge reaction out of nothing, I'm sure some armies might be pretty mad, but honestly if the people I'm living with don't mind, the others cam go hit their head on the wall" this time most of us laughed, she could savage people in a conservation, "I'm not here to be rude or insult anyone but this press conference is a total waste of time, you're delaying millions of armies who came to watch the concert by holding them here, and it's not fair, me as an army will be pretty pissed off, thank you" she sat down, Namjoon then stood up and started talking and rounding up, when he was done, we all stood up and began to leave as the cameras were flashing on our faces, when we arrived back at the dressing room exclusively for BTS, Jhope and V hugged Jennifer, "Wow, this was one awesome presentation I never knew I would attend" JK said, "Yeah she was like just savaging the conversation at the same time dishing orders" "Pretty sure the headline news is gonna focus on her" Suga said, "That'd because I raised her well" I said proudly, the door opened and bang pd entered, "That was a nice response but right now it's gaining lots of comments,for the main time let's just focus on your concert and nothing else.

Next chapter