
Travels VII

Many years passed after capturing the Wampus cat and I left North America to travel through South America. During these times, South America was similar and yet so very different. I had to use human transfiguration to appear like them, or I would have been eaten, sacrificed or simply killed. The Indians in South America weren't as welcoming to me as their brothers in the north. 

No matter what I did, they would try to attack me. I had to develop a new and improved Disillusionment Charm to move unnoticed. The Disillusionment Charm, was a charm that disguised a target as its surroundings by making it take on the exact colour and texture of its environment, effectively turning it into a chameleon. Wizards of rare skill, like me, could cast it to such an effect as to render themselves completely invisible. 

But that wasn't enough. There were still many ways to be noticed and I wanted to change that. I don't like weaknesses and that was definitely one. So I got to work on it. I thought about the concealment charms that I knew of. There were the Disillusionment Charm, the Fidelus Charm and the Muggle-Repelling Charm. That was all that I knew about. I am sure there were more in the Wizarding world, but I only had those. So I had to get creative. 

I knew what sounds were. In physics, sound is a vibration that propagates as an acoustic wave through a transmission medium such as a gas, liquid or solid. Sound is transmitted through gases, plasma, and liquids as longitudinal waves, also called compression waves. It requires a medium to propagate. So my idea was to either cover myself in a thin layer vacuum or to stop sound waves from leaving me. 

I went for the vacuum. Both were interesting options, but for now, I thought I'd simply create a Charm that created a thin layer of a vacuum bubble around my body. A vacuum is a space devoid of matter. The word is derived from the Latin adjective vacuus (neuter vacuum) meaning "vacant" or "void". An approximation to such a vacuum is a region with a gaseous pressure much less than atmospheric pressure. 

I created the spell by creating two layers of magic energy around myself. After that, I lowered the gaseous pressure as possible, before the two magic membranes burst apart. It did work somewhat, but it wasn't satisfactory. I wanted to have something better, something ... magical. I went back to the roots of magic. I didn't want to make this more complicated than it has to be. 

I concentrated and used my full mental powers and magic to force my will on reality. I wanted to create a fine membrane of vacuum around myself, without hurting myself. And then ... I did it. It wasn't perfect yet, but I was content with what I had. I called the new spell, 'Vacuum Bulla' or Vacuum bubble. 

The plus side of this spell is that it also solves the problem of having to hide my smell. 


Using my new Charm, I made my way across South America to observe and learn new types of magic or spells and rituals. I wasn't a fan of rituals because quite frankly ... I didn't need them. If I am impressed by the Wapus cats' ability to use illusions and Leglimency, I simply practice myself until I surpass that level. If I want to have a body that is as magic-resistant as a troll, then I build up that resistance. 

Frankly, me hiding myself to simply observe and learn got on my nerves the longer I spent in South America. It was in no way a fruitless endeavour, not at all. I found Amazonian Salamanders which were a variant of the Fire Dwelling Salamander, which I also found, in the Amazon rainforest. In the Amazon Forest, I also encountered Caipora, small and furry spirit beings who were extraordinarily mischievous. The Caipora usually has the form of a small indigenous boy that walks around the forest and confuses hunters therefore protecting the fauna. 

In the future Brazilian forests, I also encountered Curupiras. Curupiras were red-haired, forest-dwelling dwarves native to the region that would become Brazil. Curupiras were fiercely protective of any other magical creature and would defend them when they felt they were being harmed by humans. The feet of the Curupiras faced backwards relative to their bodies.

Like with almost all magical creatures I encountered, I tried to use some of the Curupira as wand cores. Curupira hair was an unstable wand core and I am certain that it will be associated with talented yet unpredictable wizards. It was not a bad core, not at all, but it was just not for me. I was still looking for my perfect wand wood and core. 


I also encountered some Nogtails, which I killed as soon as I found them. They were an affront to normal pigs. It was my duty to do that. Apart from that I also added Crazed Capybara, Fire Slugs, and Peruvian Salamanders to my home. But the real jewel of South America, when speaking about magical creatures was the Peruvian Vipertooth. 

The Peruvian Vipertooth was a copper-coloured dragon native to eastern and north-eastern Peru. Its scales are smooth and copper-coloured with black ridge markings and short horns on its head. Like the Norwegian Ridgeback, its fangs are venomous. It is the smallest and fastest known breed of dragon, about fifteen feet, which is five metres, long and able to conceal itself well from Muggles.

The Vipertooth fed mainly on goats and cows but was notorious for its particular craving for humans. This was also the reason many of the indigenous humans revered them and sacrificed humans for them. It was one such sacrifice of a young woman, that made me very angry and even snap.



I have just found a new tribe of Indians. They have impressive infrastructure for these times. But I guess it makes sense. Over the course of weeks, that I was watching the Vipertooth, I have surprisingly noticed a small group of humans come into its territory and leave carcasses lying there and then leaving. 

I was first confused. Why would they do that? Was this their official graveyard? Or what were they doing here? So I went to investigate and eventually found their settlement. I was impressed by what I saw. Letting magic be used side by side, non-magical architecture is truly the way to go. I will take notes for my own magic school in the future. 

It would seem that I just came in time to witness one of their ... customs or whatever they call it. A group of hooded men are walking up the pyramid-like structure to the top platform. It reminds me of the Aztec architecture. They are talking about something, but I don't yet understand them. I have been here for a few minutes at best. 

I see them bringing someone else up. The person is hooded and ... hm handcuffed it would seem. I try to listen to the talks all around me and quickly learn what is going on. As these guards lead the hooded person up the stairs I begin to understand more and more words. After travelling across South America for years, it is no wonder that it doesn't take me long anymore to learn a new accent. 

"... ... ... holy custom ... we ... .... a maiden ... ... protector ... flying ...", the man standing on the platform says. This makes me suspicious. They are doing something to this person who is apparently a girl and a maiden as well. This doesn't sound good. 

"And ... we offer to you ... protector, this maiden. ... serve ... a sacrifice so that you ... at us in favour ... spare us.", the man says. I understand what's going on. They are sacrificing the girls to the Vipertooth and hope to satiate his hunger and have the Dragon spare them. As I come to this conclusion the man already holds a dagger in his hands and raises it above his head.

I feel nothing but disgust towards them right now. 

"May you be rewarded for this sacrifice.", the man says and then stabs the girl, who is lying on a smaller platform. But I don't allow that. 


I instantly teleport next to the man and hold his hands. My strength has been rising over the centuries and I am now more than twice as strong as a peak human. I stop him from killing the girl. The spells I used to hide myself are down and everyone sees me. Loud gasps and shock goes through the crowd. 

"Who... Who are you?! How dare you stop this sacred procession and the sacrifice to our protector? Guards!!", the man yells and the guards who were just as surprised come back to their senses and attack me from multiple directions. 

'Diffindo Multiplicet'

I don't say any spells out loud and just think them. Three cuts happen and all three guards stop moving. Red lines appear at their necks and then ... all of their heads fall to the ground. I then clenched my hand and broke the man's arm.


"ARGH!", he screams and I kick him in the legs and make him fall to the ground. Then I cast 'Stupefy' and stun him. He should see and hear what I will do and say. I turn around to the people watching still and use the Amplifying Charm, 'Sonorus', to amplify my voice as I speak. 

"You pathetic cowards. Sacrificing yourselves because of customs, traditions or stupid beliefs is your own choice ... but you sacrifice your own kind to a DRAGON! You are a disgrace you the human race. Have you no pride? Do you just accept the rule of a creature and accept it as given? Respecting the magical creatures or all animals is good, but to bend your knees and whimper because of a lizard ... your weakness disgusts me."

I turn to the girl. 


I unlocked all the bindings she had. And made her stand behind me. Because the people didn't like my words and were now running up the stairs with weapons in their hands. There were even a few wizards among them, who were starting to fire spells at me. Some dark curses that I hadn't seen yet. I just stood there and instead of fighting back, I made it very easy for myself. 

'Protego Diabolica'

Protego Diabolica was the incantation of a powerful dark charm, which I had recreated or ... pre-created, that allows me to create a protective ring of white-blue fire around me that completely incinerates my enemies who come into physical contact with it while leaving my allies unharmed. It is similar to Fiendfyre, but was a different spell.

The fire burned around me and the girl, and while it incinerated the man lying on the ground stunned. I didn't think about him, to be honest. Well never mind. Every one of the approaching wizards and fighters stopped. They looked at the fire warily. I decided to show them how dangerous it was and wave my wand at them. 

A powerful stream of fire rushed out and down the stairs, killing about 12 people in one go. This causes panic, but something else happens that makes everyone look into the sky. 


Dragon Roar is heard and it would seem that the Vipertooth has come in the right moment. I can see that the Vipertooth has taken a liking to human meat. So it is too late for it. I am still angry about the whole situation. Them sacrificing humans to a Dragon and me having to hide like a coward. 

Before the Vipertooth can bite the first human though, I send out another stream of fire at the Dragon and hit his wings. 



The wings catch fire despite Dragons having resistance to fire. My fire is not a normal fire. It is fueled by my will and magic and is a dark fire to all those I consider or who consider me their enemy. Pointing my wand at the Dragon, the fire continued to consume him and not long after that ... he died. 

(Flashback end)


I had to find another Vipertooth after that incident happened. Two things changed after that. This particular Indian tribe never sacrificed another human to a Dragon again ... and the girl followed me on my travels. I didn't want to, but she just wouldn't stop following me. 

Oh, bother. 
