
Where There's A Will, There's A Way

Vibrant classical music filled the air and Ezra swayed in tune with the sound. 

He walked to his desk, pouring himself a glass of blood wine and taking a small sip, savoring it. He set the wine down and sat on the table, his arms crossed.

His gaze was fixed upon the dark arrow still embedded in his wall. The fact that the arrow hadn't disappeared meant that it was a real object and not a vitality created construct.

Well, the archer who had shot him was now in the hands of the Arbiter. He had thwarted Helena's plan, whatever it was. And now, he was waiting for the results of his various plans.

He enjoyed his wine for a few minutes before the Gen entered the study. She gave him a kiss and flopped down onto the empty chair behind his desk.

"Where's everyone else?" Ezra asked.

"They're coming." Gen yawned. "Red will be down in a moment and Olivia is trying to make preparations for dinner before she comes."
