
The One Who Talks, The One Who Strikes

"You- You can't just make pacts with solar bodies! How does that even work?! Why would there be a sun in oblivion anyways? You have to be making this up" Maiele Liameilos attempted to release her domain again, but the clash with the sun of darkness made it impossible, she could still feel the presence of her sun still, but it wouldn't come out.

King Nitok tapped on his staff, producing a most melodious sound, extending his bony palm toward the elf.

"Now that your win card has been taken away, will you- At last, consider my proposal? I am cutting you quite a lot of slack Miss Liameilos, I do admit that I find you rather endearing but I really will have to resort to murder if you keep denying the most alluring offer of becoming undead-"

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