
The Strongest

After learning much under the tutelage of Dracula, Son Of Dragon, even if many things were still to be mastered, Loimos was taught much through the specialties of the noble gravelord, Unacunerra had praised the vampire lord on many things, but there had still been things Loimos had not known about him.

Such as his immaculate skill with the sword, it was not the preferred method of combat of Dracula, but it was a skill he had learned and perfected during his time as a living noble.

In any case, Loimos had immediately gone for the sunken monument, afterwards, treading through the frozen mountain tops once more, not meeting with the frost dragon again, the path to here had been much less tumultuous, the terrain and inhabitants much more agreeable, his time spent travelling the outrageous distance separating the two places, as well as trying to locate the old crypt amidst the bustling vegetation, Loimos had not gotten much luck in this second endeavour.

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