
Back to Heaven

"Okay, let's say this idea of your is possible, thing is girl is that Sinners are down here for a reason and that's because they fucked up in their life so much for them to end up down here in the first place." I say with a shake of my head.

"Well people make mistakes." She says but Lute Retorts.

"Angels don't make mistakes." She says while crossing her arms.

"And since I became one I haven't made any mistakes either, it's hard getting into heaven in the first place, why do you think hell is full of sinners? It's because they willfully chose to live a life of sin and now their paying the price for it." I say looking at my fingers before looking back towards her

"But not everyone down here deserves to be here!" She retorted back rather forcefully, though I had to hold up my hand as Lute was about to do something.

"Oho fiesty, I like it, at least you have more backbone than your pathetic excuse of a father." I say as her eyes narrow as they go a bit demonic looking, clearly not happy hearing me say that.

"But alright, you have made me realize that maybe heaven is a bit strict with who can and can't go into heaven, but even though I'm high up on the hierarchy of heaven I'm only an ArchAngel, only the Seraphim of the Old Council know how someone can get into heaven and they are tight lipped about it, not even my boss, who's the current leader of heaven, knows how humans end up in heaven, but from what little I got from the old council from the only time I ever met them, a persons fate is decided on something akin to a point system." I go on to lay it out there.

"A point system?" (Charlie)

"Why haven't I heard about it before?" (Lute)

"Lute your a natural born angel, it doesn't mean anything to you in the first place and it only means anything to humans." I say as I pick at my teeth.

"Now before you ask, no I don't know how it works but if I had to guess is that it's based upon your sins versus your good deeds you lived in life."

"Now this is just me spitballing here but since humans aren't perfect since sin was introduced into their lives it's all based upon if one indulged in their sins or didn't and went on to help society as a whole, maybe there are even levels to sins some minor like doing drugs or being a porn addict to the more major ones such as murder and rape, then good deeds can also be minor and major too, helped an old lady across the street or helped a kitten out of a tree, minor good deeds, discovered cures for diseases and helped improved the lives for all of humanity being examples of major good deeds." I say before snapping my finger before a blank sheet of paper and a quill appears before handing it to Lute.

"So here's the deal, I'll take a leap of faith for you kid, let's assume this works then fine I can get heaven in on this and make it true."


"Sir I-" but I hold up my hand to shut her up.

"But there conditions that you must follow to the letter before I even bring this to my boss for them to consider, and even then if they all say no then my hands are tied as I'm not apart of the council of seraphim in the first place." I say making the excited girl cool off real quick.

"First, the sinner in their human life can't have caused any major sin, so no Murderers, Rapists, Kiddnappers, Human Traffickers, Cannibals, Drug Lords, Sex Traffickers, and Sadists, there might be more added onto that from my boss but those are huge red flags, we can't have people like that becoming angels." I said which the girl seemed to understand that those are really bad things.

"Two, the sinner can't be an Overlord, Angels don't own peoples souls so unless they relinquish their status as an Overlord willingly, which they won't, they are also a no go, same goes for those that are bound under a soul contract, we can't have angels being under the control of a demon now can we?" I say as Lute is writing all the major stuff down.

"Though I will make it clear once again that all that matters is what they did when they were alive, what they do down here doesn't mean shit in my book." I say waving it off before looking back at Charlie.

"Three, they must realize what they did in life and try to better themselves from their sins and become a better person as a result from it."

"If all three of those things are achieved then they will be watched by the council of heaven most likely to see if they are worth the possibility of being redeemed, if they say they can then there is one final thing that one must go through, but this would be the hardest thing a sinner could do, and they have to be 100% positive that they are going through with it." I say as a serious look overtakes my face which causes Charlie to Gulp Nervously.

"They will be most likely baptized, and not in the traditional sense of using water to wash away one's sins, but baptized in either holy flames or holy light, but doing this leave a high probability that they won't survive, and if they can't than even the big man way upstairs himself is saying they are unworthy of being redeemed, but since it's not an Angelic weapon they won't die permanently but I wouldn't be surprised if it takes years or even decades for them to remanifest back down here in hell" I point towards to the sky at first before shrugging at the last bit of what I said.

"Oh and by the way, if this somehow doesn't work and you end up pissing off my bosses with this, well hehehe…. I'll just leave it to your imagination how bad things will be for hell as a result." I say before holding out my hand and looking at everything Lute wrote and nodded my head before passing it to Charlie.

She looked at it for a bit and saw all the rules she needed to follow about this deal, and seeing nothing was out of place with it, she finally signed the contract which I took back before making a non-angelic copy and passed back to her before poofing the original away.

"Alright kid, that should be that, now piss off out of here, I'm getting sick of being in this hellhole when I'm not seeing sinners getting killed." I say with a snap of my fingers before a portal opens on up behind us.

"I hope I hear good things from you kid, but I'm even more hopeful you'll just crash and burn in the end! Haha! Adam Out!" I say giving her rocker devil horns before heading through the portal to heaven with Lute following right behind leaving Charlie all alone.

"…. Dickhead." She muttered to herself before taking her copy of the contract and heading back to her hotel.

Even after everything was said and done heaven, or at least Adam, had given her a chance to prove her idea right and finally save her people.


Back in the 6th Circle.

"…. Why do I feel like I missed something important?"

Next chapter