
Chapter 229: Ben 10 (1)

Chapter 229: Ben 10 (1)

~Mash B. POV~

[Worldline: Kill La Kill]

[Matoi Mansion]

Exiting through the portal I soon see Ryuko and Satsuki with judging gazes at me. Seeing Yui casually on the couch, I sweat a bit as Satsuki was the first to break the ice in a cold tone with the backlights returning, "Dear… care to explain why you brought her back from your journey?"


Gulping down I see Ryuko slowly draw her scissor blade as I explain to them what occurred in my trip to Arifureta. They relaxed a bit sighing relief knowing why I chose to save Yui but froze mentioning her love for me in one of the trials.

Said vampire loli her cheeks bright red recalling that. The sisters took a deep breath as they exhaled out loud –




Only to get slugged to the face by the sudden attack to the ground as they both replied casually, "All's forgiven now."

Just like being smacked around by my wives easily passed their wrath. To be fair bringing in a Loli vampire was probably not what they expected but by grabbing a certain item I got from that fake god wannabe I managed to get his Divine Spirit Core.

This seemed to have attracted Yui as I gave her a choice in a serious tone, "Yui what I hold here is a Divine Spirit Core from that false wannabe god. If you take it you'll be able to have an adult form – "


No hesitation! Seriously!

My eyes widened in genuine surprise as Yui spoke in a determined tone with fiery eyes, "If you don't see me as a woman like this… then I'll grow up to make you love me."

Proving her point she began to certainly grow up. And instantly realizing she's growing naked out of her clothes I used [Faker] to conjure up some clothes that fit her immediately in the instant.

When she was done growing up… well she certainly got my interest. Yui then lunged at me seeing my blushing pushing her chest closer to me in a sultry tone, "Oh my~ Did I finally got my hero's attention? Ara ara…~"

I'm in danger!

But before things could escalate Ryuko came in time grabbing her using her [Life Fiber Manipulation] with a deadpan expression and said in a dry tone, "Not even a few seconds and she grew up huh? You're so glad I'm around to deal with this. Come on missy you need to be in grade school."

Yui tried to struggle out pouting at the unfairness and her childness in an annoyed tone, "No fair! You get to have him fuck you! I want the same…"

And they're now out of earshot. Just perfect…

Oh, Rem is gonna kill me finding out I have a vampire girl with the mentality of a 12-year-old nature despite being even older than her actions say. Sighing out loud though I did smile as I managed to get the Ancient Magic from Arifuteria worldline.

Going towards my computer screen hologram I began to type down the process needed to create the Ex-Cards System in place. With everything going on all I need to do is use [Concept Magic] to create the device needed to find my worldline.

I can almost taste being home soon. As I was busy typing the Mystic Codes and [Concept Magic] in place I was soon alarmed by BB of the news making me freeze of one of the required worlds I needed to venture in an excited tone, "Master!! I finally found the world you've been seeking for a while now. The one with very advanced alien technology at the right moment for you to enter!"

Stopping everything at this moment this couldn't have come at a great time. Smiling at this I stood up extremely happy about the news and asked in an excited tone, "That's great! Perfect even! Tell me how soon this event would occur for me to enter undeterred?"

BB paused for a few seconds as she responded in a neutral tone about the amount of time I had to prepare for this Worldline, "Hmm… in about half an hour for the event to occur. If the data and boost from the All-Spark is anything to go by we should be able to slip right by without any issue. Although would you like to request Satsuki, or Ryuko to come along in this worldline?"


I shook my head explaining to BB of consequences of such an idea as I exclaimed in a paranoid tone, "Heck no! Not this worldline I'll bring them it's simply I'm not allowing my future enemy to scan their DNA. Best to not let any advantages I have go to waste. Inform the girls something came up and needed my immediate attention."

BB nodded her head agreeing with my words. I'm not about to let my enemy scan my treasures or give him a new alien sample to use against me. The worldline I'm venturing towards is one of the most iconic and dangerous worldlines I've ever had the pleasure of encountering.

The Ben 10 Worldline. That place is fucking crazy but also provides ample opportunity to give me the boost I need in the technological field to create my key home. And all I have to do is take some alien tech I need to make this possible.

The only reason why I haven't charged in is because of Professor Paradox. The man capable of halting my progression but I simply must take something of his or at least replicate it to find my original worldline.

This is a chance I might not get. Not when it's during this point in time even the good professor doesn't know when it'll happen. Because it's now or never if I return home and I'll be damned if I'm stopped now.

I'm just hoping the one I create will be a branching timeline like what Hex and Charmcaster created. And might as well visit Generator Rex Worldline to get those nanites for the God Code. Here's hoping everything goes my way because it's time to game on.


~Third POV~

[Worldline: Prime Timeline]

[Bellwood, Mr. Smoothy, Earth]




Holes of time open up everywhere within Bellwood Mr. Smoothy's store with Rook, Gwen, and younger Ben's mind inside older Ben's body in the form of Articguana views the holes of time opening up.

Gazing their eyes in an open purple portal younger Ben in the future views his younger self and Gwen pointing out to the group with him, "Gwen?"

Gwen of the future hearing her name replied in a confused tone, "What?"

However, younger Ben replied pointing at the open tear of the reality of the past replied, "Not you. Her."

Gwen eyes land on the open tears of space and time seeing her younger self on the other side with eyes widening in surprise. The younger Gwen viewing the older body of Ben knowing it was her along with future Gwen asked in a confused tone, "Ben? Is that you? And is that me?"


Next came another tear of time and space soon showed Professor Paradox tied up thanks to Eon's handy work unable to help warned the heroes in a concerned tone, "Careful children! Crossing over the time warps can have disastrous consequences!"

Eon is on the side holding the Chrono Navigator an extremely powerful technology that allows its user to travel through space and time yelling at Professor Paradox in an angry tone, "What is this time walker? You tricked me!"

But Professor Paradox rebuttals his disembodied voice at Eon the consequences of his actions of controlling time in a serious tone, "On the contrary! I warned you! Stop this now or all of existence will be destroyed!!"

Eon however reacted negatively to this piece of information yelling at Paradox out of pure defiance at the Time Walker in an outraged tone, "Noooo! If I can't rule the cosmos… Then I will be the one to destroy it! AHHHH!"


Shooting lightening of electricity and breaking the time and space continuum of the power the Chrono Navigator creates portals releasing dimensions outside the usual of their realities with Eon unaware turning off the usual settings.

Paradox once rationalized it to a chrono-mental displaced Ben as a GPS for the multiverse. This power enables access to not just any point in the Prime Timeline, but to all alternate timelines and parallel dimensions…

However, in Eon's hands, it turns off the sittings to open up branches of other dimensions of alternate and parallel dimensions…. Which can leave those who can detect distortions from the multiverse to enter the Prime Timeline possibly.

Releasing temporal energy within the Chrono Navigator causes it to open more time warps and space bending creating portals to other dimensions bleeding out giving those a view of what's happening or wormholes of free entry.

With Eon misusing senselessly the Chrono Navigator creating more wormholes into other dimensions and bleeding out into others one would have to be careful of where they land in Ben 10 Omniverse Dimension…


One space and time wormhole soon opened in a kaleidoscope-like color as Mash came out detecting the changes to the worldline outside his own as predicted with the empowered Moon Cell with the All Spark.


~Mash B. POV~

[Bellwood, Mr. Smoothy, Earth]


Managing to perfect my landing I took careful observation of my surroundings. The noise and sounds of battle are in the air I can feel everything happening witnessing the mess up of a time battle going on.

Landing onto a floor street of stone my eyes open widely to see tears of fucking reality opening a purple wormhole suddenly appeared without warning. This! Is! Perfect! I'm just on time!!

That was when I viewed my surroundings that I noticed the weird wind disturbance is happening around what seems to be – what the hell. I know this is a cartoon world but seeing it is just plain weird in life.

What immediately too my attention was the signboard looked like a smoothie mascot with a dumb grin and buck tooth taking my attention immediately glanced at the area carefully moving the right way and seeing the situation at hand.

Taking a careful look I finally see the situation I'm in. I noticed people speaking out loud observing the situation at hand.

"Where's the hand!"

"The evil bad guy has it."

Peeking around from what I assume to be a stand and getting a better understanding of what's going on here. Peeking at what was happening my eyes widened in surprise seeing the situation.

I'm in a state of shock observing the events unfolding in front of my eyes. Gwen, Rook, Professor Paradox, Eon… and Ben…

Ben 10. More specifically the moment in the Ben Again that Ben 10 Omniverse episode where Eon is trying to take Professor Paradox's device to the multiverse the Chrono Navigator… and Eon is the reason why I'm here with BB detecting the Worldline changes. To get some important items.

But most importantly viewing that the Articwana and Wildvine began to fight against the mad time traveler I began to be wary of the situation but something inside my heart and body trembled in excitement…

However, my excitement was short-lived as I jumped startled by a kind voice, "Excuse me sir are you ok?"

Feeling surprised immediately by this jumped scared I turned around to see Rook try to calm me down in a calm tone, "Oh! Sorry sir but you need to get out of here immediately! This is very dangerous right now and no worries we have this handled."

Slowly nodding in agreement following Rook's advice I only agreed because of the situation at hand. Not that I would reveal the fact that I would stick around just to snatch the Chrono Navigator.

That's my ticket to time travel in this worldline and most importantly obtaining certain items in this worldline. But my obstacle now is two annoying people out of my way Ben 10 the older one in his 11-year-old body and the time walker Professor Paradox stuck here without his Chrono Navigator to time travel back to the past stuck at the edge of time… no one would be able to stop me do any actions in the past.

The past of the Prime Timeline. Ahh… just the idea and collecting the items I need to travel as well as creating a branching timeline of events in the process…

Ah! Damn it time travel is way more complicated than I thought! No time to be hesitant I need to act. I only get one shot at this and I better make this count preparing for the troubles ahead.

It's time to play the final game. It's either go big or go to interdimensional jail. Time to game on.

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