
Chapter 73: McGuffin Brawl! (5)

Chapter 73: McGuffin Brawl! (5)

~Mash B. POV~

Analyzing the situation, I sensed the Mana signature of 3 people after me. I tilted my head to the side seeing Jericho, Marmas, and Guila tailing after me.

Behind them at a far distance was a cage trapping the Sin with Helbram already fighting them to keep them distracted. Hmm… I see they gave up getting Meliodas's sword and instead opted to capture the Princess instead.

I frown at the situation I was given. I had to deal with 3 New Generation while the heroes were busy against Helbram with King not likely to help much because of his reluctance to hurt his friend realizing who is behind the disguise.

I can't fight them while guarding Hawk and Elizabeth at once. Especially with the [Gravity Manipulation] guy in the corner. Then we have miss speed demon Jericho that's going to stop me.

Hmm… this is quite the predicament I'm in. Checking my MP Bar I saw I have a good [1260/1260 MP] standing.

Narrowing my eyes I see Guila approaching from the group as I stop causing Hawk and Elizabeth to be nervous as she asks concerned, "Sir Mash, are you staying to fight those 3 chasing after us…?"

I curtly nodded as Hawk looked a bit frightened by the prospect as they reached closer in a concerned tone, "Ah! We are so screwed against those guys! Can you even defeat them with us around dragging you down…"

I replied in a truthful tone not assured if I would be able to fight all out if I had to protect them in the process, "Honestly not sure. Would be better if I fought alone but the Bossman said to protect you guys then I protect you. How I do it… haven't figured that part out yet."

Thinking of any options I asked Beatrice if she could send them to the Boar Hat as I heard a hum from her, 'Possible I suppose. At the very least they should remain safe and away from any dangers, but I need a few seconds. Stall till I'm finished or summon me for battle idiot I suppose.'

I thanked my wonderful spirit waiting for her to cast the spell as the 3 Knights finally caught up with the two about to charge at me till Guila extended her arm halting them, "Stop you two. The Shitty Cook is mine. I have some payback with him you can capture the Princess when we're done with him. Failure is not an option."

Marmas looked annoyed but relented as Jericho simply grunted watching the spectacle putting myself in front of Elizabeth and Hawk raising an eyebrow as Guila spoke with a smile on her face, "It's been a long time, Shitty Cook. I'm Guila since we hadn't had the time to properly introduce each other. Or would you rather be called Shitty Cook no?"

I felt my face twitch at that comment as I snarked back assuming a smile on my face speaking to Guila again, "Hello then Guila. The name's Mash Bastion and what brings you here in this neck of the woods."

She merely grips her lance talking to me like old friends, but her actions say otherwise as she said, "I learned quite a bit from our encounter at the village. And I am here today to review that lesson."

Hm... these weapons should do. Soon enough I took out a pair of blades that belonged to Elsa out of my [Sub-Space] twirling them around.

These have been enchanted by Beatrice to ensure I have a good weapon on hand or do not use my better ones for people like them. [Observe].


Item: White Blade

Rarity Item: B+

Type: Enchanted Sword

Description: A thick kukri with a surprisingly large amount of mass specialized for crushing bone. The bladed portion can extend a string of blades not dissimilar from a snake sword for mid-range attacks.

This blade has been enchanted by Beatrice with the spells [Murak] and [Recall]. When struck the target will reduce the effects of gravity immediately knocking them back. The [Recall] spell allows the user to summon the White Blade back to the user by command or thought.

Item: Black Blade

Rarity Item: B+

Type: Enchanted Sword

Description: Looks like Elsa's standard knife but has distinctive serrated edges that give it the appearance of animal teeth. It's supposedly created for goring opponents rather than ripping them.

This blade has been enchanted by Beatrice with the spells [Vita] and [Recall]. When struck the target will be amplified by gravity increasing the weight when hit for 1 sec. The [Recall] spell allows the user to summon the Black Blade back to the user by command or thought.


Twirling my White and Black Blades around I commented on Guila's words with a smile on my face, "Are you sure you don't mean get revenge? But whatever. I'll take you on. I can take you all on I suppose."





Marmas looked offended Jericho not so much. But it didn't take long for Guila to respond by sending multiple bombs in my direction, "I think not. You will not be taking me anywhere!"



All the bombs around me began to stop in place surrounding me narrowing my eyes suspecting them biding for my time warning Elizabeth and Hawk to stand back, "Guys stay back! They're not going to attack… but if I make a wrong move, they'll detonate… or so I believe."

Calculating my odds and preparing a very big spell I paused hearing Beatrice's voice inside my head using [Telepathy], 'Done. I have completed the cast time Mash to help in battle. Do you need assistance I suppose?'

I mentally smirked thanking my cute little spirit as I mentally answered in a thankful tone towards her, 'Whew… in that case I can fight without any worry. But can you guard them in my sweet place Betty?'

All I heard was her cute grumbling agreeing as I returned my attention towards the small bombs of fire around me, I heard Guila respond in a neutral tone dawning a frown on her face, "Aaaw, no need to be so prudent. They'll go off whenever they want. Have a taste of [Chain Explosion]."

Ah, shit.

Several bombs are emitted, with stop midway before reaching the opponent. When an individual goes near a bomb, it explodes, triggering the rest to also detonate. All the explosions together result in a gigantic one, that heavily damages the opponent.






As the explosion soon tries to engulf all of us I used my body to quickly shield casting [Huma] creating a barrier of water trying to shield us from the blast as Guila explains in a cold tone, "And once that first one explodes, it'll set off the rest in a domino effect, trapping my target in a cage of flames."

I tried to shield the blast but soon enough I opened my eyes to see no damage done Elizabeth soon asked our apparent savior in a surprised tone, "Oh! Thank you for rescuing us miss. But you should be very careful against those people."

Her? Only one person comes to mind turning around to see Beatrice reappear conjuring a barrier using [Barrier Magic] in a scolding tone with a confident smirk on her face, "Hmph! You my dear Master have a lot to learn in actual magic combat. But I suppose I could lend a hand in fact."

I smiled seeing Beatrice save my hide thanking her as Hawk commented on our guardian savior, "Huh? Who's the kid? And why did she call you Master pal?"

Beatrice looked over to Hawk and frowned commenting on the pig in an annoyed tone, "Oh look we have a talking emergency food I suppose."

Hawk was angry by her remarks as Elizabeth tried to calm him down, "What was that you half-pint baby!"

Beatrice sends a glare to Hawk with the smokescreen from the explosions hiding us as Guila continues speaking in a thankful tone with a slight blush "Ah, yes. One more thing. Somebody I really care about complimented this haircut you gave me. For that, you have my thanks."

Seeing this perfect opportunity I grabbed the item from Elizabeth's necklace in shock. In my hands I began to enchant the words sealing these problems here and now, "Rosco Basla… Mecito."


A bright light from the Goddess Amber illuminated the area clearing the smokescreen as the New Generation eyes widened in shock with Guila alarmed yelling out loud, "N-NO! How did he know of the Goddess Amber and – get away now!!!"

Now is the perfect time as any to defeat these guys using the power of plot on my side!


Suddenly they were caught inside absorbed into the Goddess Amber. Sensing the danger, they tried to react attacking me with Jericho using her [Godspeed] to attack, "No! I have to challenge – "


Her blade was stopped by Beatrice [Barrier Magic] with a scowl on her face scolding the Holy Knights in disdain, "You who bear the title of Holy Knight or Knight in name don't deserve to have that title. None of you do for causing the damages. Now begone you annoying bugs I suppose."


Soon enough Guila and Jericho were both caught with Marmas managing to use his [Gravity Manipulation] to turn himself heavy on purpose to avoid getting captured in a frightened tone, "W-W-What did you do?! How did you obtain the Goddess Amber?!!"

Elizabeth soon realizes quickly in a saddened tone clenching her hands together, "Wait… Sister Veronica gave that to me so… why did she…"

Managing to capture these two inside the Goddess Amber I heard voices ringing inside to my surprise belonging to Guila, "Ah! How did he manage to capture us? I demand you release us – Ahhh!"


Twirling the Goddess Amber around they made sick noises from the sudden motion with a grin on my face appearing, "Oh? Seems like you two can feel motion sickness if I twirl this enough. But I'll ask you guys later but first…"

My eyes soon turn towards Marmas in a concerned stance he wields two metal clubs into battle, which he uses when activating his power by performing a strange song and dance, evoking the image that he is playing a pair of maracas trying his attack, "Ehhhh!!! How dare you ruin our plans! I'm supervisin' the New Generation and I let them get captured!! No way I'll allow you all to live!! Don-Don Cha-Cha Don!"

Doing a weird little dance I felt something pushing me down only for Beatrice to easily lift her arm in an annoyed tone, "Is this seriously what this world's best of knights have? I'm not impressed. Here let me show you real Gravity Magic boy. [Ul Vita]."


Creating a literal ball of [Yin Magic] I see Beatrice conjure what I assume to be a ball of gravity atop Marmas as he was suddenly crushed with the armor breaking hearing his bones cracked and bleeding from all sides.

With one swift of her wrist, Beatrice has a smug grin on her face allowing him to live, "Heh. This is how you use Gravity Magic Boy. And Mash next time please think more outwitting foes than pure brute force I suppose."

I slowly nodded my head agreeing with Beatrice seeing her do her magic. She then returned to my Gamer Ring with Hawk and Elizabeth both surprised at how I managed to turn the situation around.

Is that what that spell does? Huh… how come I don't use –right it cost a lot to cast, and I wasn't sure I was able to win just fighting and protecting.

… Okay thinking that now while I had the chance to end the fight does seem kind of dumb looking at it. Yeah, Beatrice was right to berate me using brute force instead of my wit on this one.

Sigh… Skill List.


<Ul Vita> (Active) Lv. MAX

MP Cost: 500 MP

Description: [Ul Vita] The mid-stage use of the [Vita] spell using Ul that allows the user to produce a black sphere of [Yin Magic] that is thrown/tossed/summoned at the opponent manipulating gravity, it would flatten enemies that were in its effect range. At a high level of the spell, the caster can cause a soundless burst explosion of gravity crushing everything.


I should consider looking up what each spell level can do. But for now, sensing two people no three are coming our way. Those guys I can handle and see what the situation is going on.

Next chapter