
Chapter 41: Sanctuary (4)

Chapter 41: Sanctuary (4)

~Mash B. POV~

Now with our carriage parked in front of a small cabin present near the village of the Sanctuary. We had put up Patrasche in the stables and were greeted by Ram before being led inside by a now grinning Garfiel, "Come on in. This ain't the prettiest inside, but a 'home is still home'."

Walking in, I immediately notice the smell of food being cooked and a table that has silverware already set up. The fireplace has been fed making the cabin have a cozy temperature while everything else had a homey feel with Garfiel yelling, "Grandma! I'm home!"

Hearing the voice, the sounds of some cooking utensils being put down sounded out from the kitchen before a small figure came through the door making me use [Observe] on her noticing her features.

[Ryuzu Meyer (Copy) Lv.20 Eyes of Sanctuary

Description: The Ryuzu copies were created by Echidna in an experiment to research immortality. She copied her memories and knowledge to the copies; however, her experiment was never completed because she was killed by Satella. With her gone, the four main copies took over to manage the other copies and to take on Ryuzu's role within the Sanctuary when the Mathers family supported them.

The bodies of the copies are revealed to have been created with an artificial "Od" that is surrounded & together with mana, forcing them to change places to recharge once they reach their daily limit. Each of the four main Ryuzu takes on the role of Ryuzu every four days.]

Like the original Ryuzu Meyer, all of the copies look the same. Ryuzu is a petite girl with long, fluffy pale red hair that curves outward at the ends. She wears a large white (sometimes black) robe that drags along the ground and is too big for her hands to show completely through the sleeves.

But my attention was on Beatrice as she froze from shock for a moment before bursting into tears and running towards her surprising everyone present, "Mama!"

Seeing Beatrice hug the confused Ryuzu with tears Garfiel tried to grab her but was stopped by me holding his wrist glaring daggers me while I returned the favor curtly responding, "Let my spirit have her moment. You can blame me all you want or fight me later AFTER she hears what your grandma has to say."

Garfiel clenched teeth and eyes of rage stared into my cold hardened gaze both not relenting before he finally backed off clicking his teeth. Soon I told everyone to give us some space in a calm tone, "I'm sorry everyone but can you give us a moment? Otto and Rem, can you check on Emilia in the meantime as I have much to discuss with her?"

Otto understood reading the mood and Rem trusted me to follow my words. They both left to take care of Emilia and as Ram is currently looking after Roswaal I'm gonna cut this conversation short.

When Roswaal learns of Beatrice and Rem being here, he'll surely snap and call this 'current' useless. Emilia is knocked out so no worries about learning things she shouldn't bear… at least not yet anyway.

Placing my hand on Beatrice's shoulder causing her to turn her tear-glazed face towards me with a soft hick, "W-What do y-you want? Hick…!"

Sighing I walked towards one of the chairs present in the room sitting down I began to explain to her in a defeated tone, "Sigh… I'll explain why that isn't the Ruyuz you know isn't the one in front of you."

Freezing up, Beatrice turned towards Ryuzu clone that was calmly staring down towards her with interest present inside her eyes no love felt in them at all. Seeing this Beatrice backs up with confusion and betrayal on her face muttering in disbelief, "T-then w-what is that thing? T-that thing isn't Mom!"

Turning my attention towards the clone who was just calmly staring at me voicing my question to her, "Can you tell her about the other clones? In case you are blind she had a connection to the original. Make sure you can tell her all you can after all she's an extremely valuable friend to me."

Hearing this the clone let out a sigh before turning towards me with a deepened frown closing her eyes and holding the bridge of her nose in silence. She then opened her eyes pointing at me to the door and then towards Beatrice with a sad smile on her face, "I know… 'we' knew… You should go only then will I tell her what she 'needs' to know. Like you said we can tell her all we can."

I curtly nodded my head understanding leaving Beatrice to get her words. Leaving to the outside I used [Eyes of Mana] to see if Roswaal is going to kill us soon – yup. He is planning to kill us.

Hmm… yeah we're boned. Fucking clown.

Seeing using my [Eyes of Mana] I can see the mana particles change forming a spell. It seems Roswaal has decided to start his spell to cover Sanctuary in the snow earlier because of Rem and Beatrice being too early.

Considering Roswaal condition to use this spell he would die trying. But seeing his doing this he'll do it in a heartbeat considering how crazy he is. Sorry Clown I can't have you die just yet.

With Roswaal in his weakened state of focus, it would be an easy kill. But I need him alive to keep up with Emilia's campaign and possibly learn a few tricks he has. I mean his Imperial Wizard wouldn't kill me to learn a spell or two from him.


Walking inside the Cabin where the mana was rapidly gathering my eyes gazed at Ram lying unconscious alarming me and making me go over to check her pulse only for Roswaal to respond, "No worries she's still alive Mash."

I sighed a breath of relief sensing a pulse my gaze turning towards the clown staring directly at the fireplace finally speaking to me, "So you're finally here."

I stared at him gazing at the remaining ashes coming from there seeing Ram managed to destroy his Gospel forcing a smile on my face responding, "So Ram did listen to Beatrice's words huh? So, your copy of the Gospel is gone huh?"

Roswaal shot me a glare directed at me clicking his tongue not amused by being ignorant and responding to me bluntly, "Tch. As if you didn't know Mash. It wasn't till later that Ram burning my precious was made clear how you managed to learn [Yin Magic] at a startling rate. You had Beatrice's help from the very beginning… telling Ram behind my back I possessed the Gospel using her."

Seeing the Mana formed around me I sent a [Unseen Hand] phasing through his chest with me responding in a neutral tone, "Yup. I see I do not need to hide between us now Roswaal in secrecy… and I wouldn't do something rash it would damage your for poor heart."


Roswaal flinched pushing one hand over his chest in pain with my shadow appendage grasping at his heart causing the clown to gaze in caution sighing before looking back at the fireplace, "Sigh… you can very well kill me right now Mash. But I'm guessing you want me alive, correct?"

Slowly nodding my head keeping my [Unseen Hand] over his heart Roswaal merely snorted bringing back his laugh in his insanity, "Hahahaha~ Oh~ Mash~, how foolish you are~. I want to die, and you can't change that~."

He then went on laughing for a while I just waited for him to settle down his insane laughter taking a seat and setting Ram on the couch finally speaking to the clown, "I'll make this very simple clown. We are both individuals that love using our time effectively so let's make it to where whoever wins gets the loser as their slave."

Propping his arms on his lap, he held his chin with his hands and looked at me with a look of glint of amusement in his eyes, "But why would I bet on something sooooo… stupid? If I win, you would just die anyway making your terms not apppppply to yourself."

Grinning expecting that he wouldn't agree this easily I began pointing out my necessary points of his causes, "The Great Rabbit, the Mansion attack, and the Demon Beast attacks are all your doings Roswaal."

Raising his eyebrow he let out a yawn before laying his back on the bed below him stretching his arms looking at me boredom written all over his face, "So? What does that have to do with anything?"

Smiling silently with my eyes closed, I put my hands out to my sides before opening my eyes and staring him down with a victorious grin using the power of gaslighting, "I can go back in time by dying of course!"

Freezing, he looked towards me in disbelief before starting to chuckle. And with that chuckle, he propped himself up and looked into my eyes with a crazy smirk, "Then you're a lot more valuable than I thought Mash. I accept your challenge and wish for your defeat with the odds against you."

Hearing him accept my challenge I curtly nodded ferally grinning at the Imperial Mage, "In that case get your game on Clown! This is one bet I'm not allowed to lose!"

Turning around to leave Roswaal put himself into a meditative position and began focusing on his spell. Seeing this I chuckled lightly before walking out of the cabin.

I can't believe my bluff worked. Poor clown making such a hasty deal with me will be your final mistake. Telling you I have to die to go back in time led you to believe I'm not the smartest.

Taking advantage of your emotional state of losing your precious book to build up your already broken emotions into something I can control. I placed my bet having Beatrice informing Ram you'll have your book nearby in advance.

And my bet paid off!

Everything is coming together. But… gazing at the sun turning to sunset I frowned seeing I was running low on time.

But I could see the tomb of the witch open. I mean the Miasma radiating off the place is certainly enough to give me chills using [Eyes of Mana] to pinpoint where they are located… still uneasy meeting a Witch though.

Considering I'm meeting a psychopathic woman and her other misfit Witches I would tread carefully. But after everything I've come to realize when the time came to deal with the remaining Witches…

Clenching my fist, I determined to move to an isolated place without anyone noticing. I better apologize to Rem and Emilia for doing a disappearing act on them, but I need answers. But I do know one thing I will do… that's to end the Witches for good.

After all... even as souls they still have their Authority. All SIX of them in fact that I could gain once I dispose of them.

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