
Chapter 14: 3rd Day

Chapter 14: 3rd Day

~Mash B. POV~

Today is the 3rd day. Meaning tomorrow is when Rem would leave to take supplies for the Roswaal Mansion soon.

I only had this time to spare any training or get any training in. Thus, I have already begun at 6 in the morning to gain a great chance of accomplishing my goals.

It was then that I practiced my swordsmanship for the day. Hanging out with Emilia with Puck giving me something to help her out then later Beatrice with testing out basic spells. I have a lot in my mind…

With many things going around I began to focus my attention on my skills. I need to swift like the wind strikes like thunder.

I need to practice my strikes. Each with enough force and practiced swiftness in each stroke.

[+1 EXP to <Sword Mastery>!]

I can get stronger by doing this type of training while performing and practicing my other forms of fighting styles in the process as well.

[<Mugetsu-Style > LEVEL UP!]

[<Mugetsu-Style > LEVEL UP!]

Yeah, I can grind to this.

Surpass my limits and hone my skills to defeat the Demon Beasts!


While training I began to practice my breathing doing so feeling the drips of sweat continuously swinging my hand down and up rinse repeat.

[<Sword Mastery> LEVEL UP!]

[+1 STR to continuous training!]

[+1 AGI to continuous training!]

[+1 EXP by training!]

[+1 VIT to continuous training!]

[+1 SEN to continuous training!]

[+1 EXP increasing your training!]


I mentally laughed like an idiot seeing my training increase my stats doing so. And this has only been a few hours which is great progress. Even leveled up in the process.

Panting in and out breathing heavily trying to increase my lung capabilities I breathed focusing on creating the skill I wanted, "Whew… swoosh… whew…"

Taking in some breathing practices in and out of my lungs. I try to create a certain skill I need for future practice to create.

If this works out after the countless times, I have tried to create this skill after a few hours have passed it better give me the results I wanted, "Whew…"


[By breathing in and out constantly a new skill relating to breathing is created!]

[Skill: <Breathing > has been learned!]

Finally! Was getting a bit worried there if I didn't get a skill like this. I'm hoping it's the one I think it is because of copying off Demon Slayer's breathing style.

Oh, please work… First, though I need to check out the new skill. Along with other skills I gained by helping the twins in cooking.

Could be a really good one even if it sounds a bit dumb trying to get it breathing in and out deeply, but it could be from the Demon Slayers series so who knows exactly…

Skill List.


<Breathing > (Passive) Lv. 1/100 Exp: 0.0%

Description: [Breathing] is a skill that everyone uses but doesn't know how to properly use it the effects of battle. [Breathing] is a special breathing technique of inhaling the maximum amount of air and exhaling in a pattern to maximize the user's physical and mental abilities to the max. With proper control it could achieve the peak of this skill can offer. The more you breathe the more control you have over your breathing.

-Passively increases STR, AGI, VIT, SEN, and INT by 0.1%. Increases by 0.1% per level up.

<Cooking > (Active) Lv.3/100 Exp: 0.9%

Description: When actively cooking any dishes, you create will be tasting with greatness in each of your cooking foods. The higher the level of this skill the more the cooking will be imbued with bonus effects. Once reach the max level you unlock the skill [Foodgasm].



This skill seems powerful but for time the long run of things not the short run. Turning my head upwards I see the sun is coming and I need to conserve my energy. It's useless to simply continue training if I'm exhausted.

Times like these are when I need to reserve as much energy as I can. Although since I have the time though I might as well get that skill out of the way here and now to rest my body faster than normal.

Taking a deep breath, I exhale to calm myself, "Whew…"

[<Breathing > LEVEL UP!]

Doing so I joined up with everyone to breakfast before refueling myself and then getting back to the grind.


Not much happened after eating but I mostly talked to Emilia hanging out with her. I also made a point not to wear Subaru's jacket anymore to attract Rem's attention towards me. I like the girl but that's putting it mildly though…

Rem and Ram are something I need to think about. If they decided to attack me, Rem would be the most dangerous. Since Ram would work with Magic and Rem physical combat, I don't think I could handle both at once.

Fortunately, I can rely on Beatrice to have my back if such an event were to occur. My future opponents would be very powerful so I needed to face dangerous situations to improve myself.

Heh. Was that a sign of my sanity slowly eroding? Planning to face dogs the size of humans and an Oni as practice exercise… A normal human would bang his head against the wall. But I wouldn't call myself normal per se either…

But for now, I must trust in the try-true method. The grind.

Sitting down cross-legged focusing on my mind I began to meditate to try and soothe my being along with finding peace within myself. This is all for the expressive purpose of rejuvenating my body and hoping to make it a skill.

I mean most Gamers do this too right? Most would get it from books or do it themselves I just hope mine won't be too long now. I just have to have patience and hope it works…



After what felt like an hour or two calming my mind I heard a notification catching my attention as I felt my legs ache a bit.


[Through the continuous focus of the mind, body, and soul, a skill was generated allowing the user to focus and soothe the body quicker.]

[Skill: <Meditation > has been learned]

2 hours… Fucking 2 hours of doing this that my legs fell asleep!

It took that long for me to get this skill?!! Maybe I should invest in INT to get my skills easier than doing this the hard way?!

Isn't the abilities of [THE GAMER] supposed to make training a moot point in these kinds of situations?

Sigh… Whatever. I just hope it was worthwhile having my legs fall asleep after a long period of passing.

Skill List.


<Meditation > (Active) Lv.1/100 Exp: 0.0%

Description: By clearing your mind and relaxing, you can help your soul and mind heal. This helps by reaching into yourself tapping into the power of the soul to calm the ranging battle within and allow the soul rest.

-When the user is in Active Meditation, they can restore the lost fatigue, HP, and MP by 1%/Min, but if interrupted stop the process.


Grinning at this it seems like I just got a good skill for me to use and practice even if it's a little bit every single bit of percentage helps out.

Standing up again I began stretching my limbs and my legs getting them awake without the worry of feeling my legs numb again and start feeling… well feeling stuff again.


[<Breathing > LEVEL UP!]

My eyes twitched at this, but a sensation of my breathing seemed to have gotten better every single time that my lungs felt better as I placed my hand over my chest.

I didn't realize it before but now that I have, I never felt so… what's the word? 

Clear? No… Refreshed?

Yeah. That's the word I'm looking for when I compare my breathing to my old pattern, I felt previously that my words lacking in the now.




Time to redo this again for the grind.



Name: Mash Bastion

Class: The Gamer

Race: Human

Title: Spirit User

Level: 2 Exp: 0/10%

HP: 215/215

MP: 210/210

STR: 11 (+15)

AGI: 11 (+15)

VIT: 11

INT: 13

SEN: 11 (+15)


Stat Points: 0-> 5

Cash: 0


I still have a long way to go before I could be any threat. But the grind shall give me the correct way in life!


~Third POV~

On the night of the 3rd day, Ram began to make her assessment report about Mash living with them in a neutral tone, "Where Bastion is concerned… ability – wise there seems to be nothing notable about him. However, I noticed a problem with him before this evaluation. That is, in other words… despite the way he talks, there is something strange about him. Strange as in… Bastion seems to be extremely perceptive. Even though it may seem trivial… he seems to know where the tools are stored despite not being told their location."

Roswaal leaning in the back of his chair inside his office in the night responds in a neutral tone to Ram's assessment, "… I see. You see a little concerned."

Ram nodded her head expressing her worry and explaining herself of the reason in a serious tone, "While it's possible he did some research into this mansion in advance there's also no denying his merit of protecting Lady Emilia during the events at the capital. In addition, Bastion is sickeningly positive. Even when he fails, he continues smiling despite messing up in his training or manners but swiftly improves instantly."

Roswaal listening intently to Ram's words lifted his cup of tea eyes closed responding to her in a neutral tone, "Hmm… seems like an asset you'd want to watch over for quite some time. After all, we must repay our debt for his actions in saving Lady Emilia's life as well…"

Finishing his sip of tea he gave his response to Ram nervously releasing a bead of sweat as he spoke in a serious tone, "… Should the unexpected happen – this may become a problem that we have to handle extremely discreetly. As the elder sister, you'll need to do your best to make sure Rem does not act pre-emptively any sort of actions."

Placing his cup down he continues to speak in a serious tone getting Ram's attention of his tone, "This is an important time… a time where the sum of all our efforts up until now will be tested. Where is your sister at this time?"

Ram replied while bowing down lightly answering his question in a serious tone, "Currently she's assisting with Mash learning our Kingdom's custom. He said that he and I would spend our time arguing rather than learn anything from me. Besides that, he prefers blue over pink. End quote."

Roswaal blinked a bit before grinning agreeing with Mash's words with Ram's personality conflicting with him and saying Rem was better than her. That caused the clown to laugh mentally to himself at someone bold enough to speak out so bluntly.

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