
Chapter 14: Put money in thy purse...Bitch! Part 1

[Part 1: There are always first steps in anything...]

The next morning, as I woke up, I found myself lying lazily in bed. Staring at the ceiling of my room, I felt a mixture of depression sinking in. One was the kind you feel when you realize you'll never be on the same level as Faker, no matter how long you play the addiction inducing game, and the other kind, when you realize that Dante understands life better than you do, despite you being, well, sane.

It was hard to swallow the fact that Wizard-kind wasn't the shot-caller in this world, and neither is their species the top dogs in this universe. Now, I know there are probably literal demi-gods running around playing at being heroe's, or villains.

'What the hell am I supposed to do?! After all, I'm just a mortal, well, technically I am not. But I am not a god.' I contemplated for the millionth time.

I mean, sure, I'm a sexy as heck Werewolf Wizard, making gay guys get hard, and woman flooding their panties, and probably the only one of my kind for now. But how do I deal with a demi-god, or a god?

What are their powers, abilities, and what does that mean for the church, Volturi, and politics? Like so many open questions, and yet so few answers.


'I need to use that creepy skill and talk with it! I don't know jack shit, and the longer I live in this world, the more I understand that I'm way out of my league. I need information to be able to work off of,' I thought, annoyed.

Originally, I assumed I could play around in this world like a Chinese murder hobo, going around as a young master and beating the living crap out of my problems. Well, I will still do that because VIOLENCE RULES, but I need to apply a different brand of it to my now growing set of problems.

Because now, apparently everything is stacked against me. I hope for Bailed that this is not some godly intervention like bullshit to screw me over.

I mean, Narcissa is one issue I need to address, and find a solution to. The whole Church, Human, Volturi, and Godfather crap is a whole other can of worms.

And now, gods that make pacts with mortals?! Do they do that just for wizards, or can Muggles pull that off too? What are the rules? And if Gods are around what about monsters?


Like, come on, give me a freaking break.


I haul myself out of bed and start dressing for the day. Today, I opt for a set of green robes, because why not? 

I mean, sure, my troubles and problems have literally grown to god-level. Instead of just playing Whack-a-mole with Moldy, I now have to worry about all different kinds of crap.

What if one of my enemies is butt-hurt enough to activate his Exodia Card and go make a pact with a god?

I'd have some God, or some Demi-God on my back, trying to get into my pants. I know they're all perverse little bastards. It's programmed into their damn genes to screw anyone and anything.

I mean, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, right?

Their whole story is about fucking anything that has legs, be it a cow, a woman, or a man, or even some plants that look as if they have holes.

After dressing myself and taking one last look in the mirror to admire both my sexiness and ensure my attire is perfect, I make my way towards the dining room.

There, I find my grandparents already eating without me.

The worst part is how lovey-dovey they are while eating, with my grandmother sitting on the old man's lap.

*Disgusted Sigh*

'I can't get the sight of his wrinkly ass out of my head. Keep calm and stay positive!' I command myself, because if I turn negative, my family magic is going to make my day so much worse just because it's a little bitch.

"Did you sleep well, Sev?" my grandmother asks me with a jovial smile and slightly flushed cheeks.

"In fact, no, I did not! I lay awake the whole night contemplating the existence of gods and how they really exist," I reply with quite a snarky tone.

"Hahaha, told ya!" my gramps says, laughing.


"All the men in this family tend to overthink everything. The gods won't be bothering you anytime soon, well, unless you find a way for ascension, and even then, only one or two might act. They're not known for being a tight-knit group, after all," my grandmother says, shaking her head.

"You should really read a few more books! This is all basic knowledge," she adds with a taunting smirk.

'The nerve of this woman! Telling me to read!! I'm basically a bookworm! If I ever find the time, and balls to read and overcome my fear of the creepiness of my power,' I muse, shuddering.

What most probably don't know is that I could literally feel the other existence moving into my body when I activated my power.

Whatever that thing is, it isn't something I am actually controlling. It's more like I'm giving it an opening into our world, allowing it to consume the books, and in exchange, I get a copy of said knowledge for myself.

And the reason I haven't been abusing this power despite its potential is that I don't know what that thing at the other end is.

I mused for a moment, trying to recall a quote before it clicked.

'Never trust anything that can think for itself if you cannot see where it keeps its brain!'


'Why is everything getting so damn complicated...' I muse, annoyed.

"Anyway, Sev, today is the grand opening of the first shop," my gramps declares.

'Finally, I can start setting things into motion that I can actually control. Like screwing over those pesky goblins,' I think, involuntarily smirking.

"Is it?" I say absentmindedly.

"Oh, he even has the same evil expression as yourself, my darling. Just look how cute he is," my grandmother says as she kisses my gramps on the cheek.

My gramps frowns for a moment before smiling happily. Even though he's a man who openly shows most of his emotions, he still maintains this air of a wise elderly man about himself, which he does not like to lose.

"I take it you won't be accompanying us?" I question my grandmother.

"No, I won't," she says, looking slightly sad.

Although her life force is now connected to grandfather's and he technically ages two times faster whenever he has her summoned, she cannot go out and move about Willy-nilly.

The public still thinks she is dead, and rituals are, well, prohibited. If suddenly a dead person walks the streets, any idiot can put two and two together, and grandfather will be spending a very long time in prison.

'I will find a solution to this problem of theirs. Can't have my grandparents die on my watch just when I got them,' I promise to myself.

Around half an hour later, I am standing in Diagon Alley, watching the grand opening of the [Information Center].

"Why did you choose this crappy ass name? I will never understand how that brain of yours is working." my grandfather says for the thousandth time today.

"Hear me out, old man. What would a Muggle who doesn't even know what a Muggle is need?" I ask incredulously.

After all, each and every one of his suggestions were crap, except for one. His glorious first option, the [Trolls Learning Opportunity], his second one, From [Dunderheads Reprise], or his latest glorious idea, the Witching League: It's Not Your Fault You are a Muggle Born.

I mean, come on, the first one is outright insulting, the second is too general, as too many dunderheads are running around, and his final one is actually good, if he did not add the slogan, but I will never confess that to him. He will never shut up about it.

"Information?" he asks me.

"Exactly, and that's how we bait them. A proper wizard-born or pureblood won't need any information we have to offer, but to a Muggle-born, every crumb is valuable! And if we top it off by offering them a scholarship, they'll sign up immediately," I explain with a grin.

The people who watched with keen interest during the opening lost all interest after finding out what the shop was actually all about.

I mean, most wizards, even those who love Muggles, just don't give a damn about Muggle children or education. It has no importance in their lives to actually change anything for the better because there has never been an incentive to do so.

In just two hours, we had around six Muggle-borns under contract. The best part is when their parents realized how much their stuff is going to cost them over the years, they were all too happy to sign the contracts. And my budding criminal empire generates around 1-2 million per week, depending on how much these drug lords want to have transported.

Currently, they do not trust me, and there are too many alternatives out there. However, slowly but surely, those idiots will get caught, and they'll be forced to rely on me. I don't even have to do anything; just the way we operate makes them unable to compete at the same level as myself.

I know there'll come a turning point, instead of me having to force them to work with me they'll come begging to have me work with them.

I don't do house deliveries, as I have to keep the magic a secret. So the most I do is get the drug into the nation and inform the buyer where they can find their product. This is not exactly helpful in creating an empire overnight, but due to the recent discoveries, I need to adjust a lot of my ideas. But at the same time, I don't want to stand still completely, so I started with something that won't put me in the view of any one party.

As for the transactional power of 2 million pounds, well, it fluctuates, but generally, it hovers around 1/5th, like one million is around 200,000 Galleons. And that is something that the Ministry has agreed upon with the Goblins, dating back a few centuries. It was intended to make it equally hard and possible for Muggles to afford education. Now I will probably generate at minimum around 800k to 1.6 million Galleons per month. Taking out what I have to reinvest, I make a net win of around 1.2 to 1.4 million per month. The only thing limiting me currently is that I don't have enough Muggle money. Gramps has opened several such shops alongside all schools in the world. And so the only thing limiting me is the amount of money I have on my hands, and currently, it is just not enough.

[A/N: A little math for the brains!]

Hours later, I am sitting in Gramps' study, drinking tea with the old couple.

"So, Sev, I have seen much from you over these holidays, and albeit our time together is comparably short, I am happy to have you as officially as my heir. You are cunning where it counts, cruel to others and to yourself, and finally, you show a remarkable amount of self-control," my gramps says.

"Is there a reason you're stroking my ego, or are you just really happy to have me as your heir?" I reply with skepticism.

"Well, we have to announce your heirship status, and we also have to find a viable candidate for marriage for you," my grandmother says.

"Well, I would be lying if I said I wasn't interested in marriage, but the person I have chosen is in a somewhat peculiar situation," I try to explain and go on to narrate what has been going on.

"I see. How exciting!" My gramps says, while my grandmother merely chuckles and says, "Oh, forbidden love. That is one of the more intriguing aspects of magic. Did you know that witches and wizards throughout time have always had a thing for drama? Merlin and Morgana, or those witches in Muggle stories such as Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, or even in the stories of 1001 Nights, and it seems you are no exception to the rule."

Now that I think about it, magic, love, and drama always seem to go hand in hand, and I do wonder if there is a reason for this.

"Whatever you say, Grandma. Anyway, what else do I have to deal with that comes along with heirship?" I question.

"Well, due to our family's peculiar heritage, you have power and duties that fall upon you to fulfill, and to slowly take over the family," Gramps says.

"Such as?" I demand to know, no way in hell I will trust this fossil any further than I can throw him.

The old douchebag cheated me into losing half my longevity.



Greetings, everyone!

Sorry for the delay! As most of you are aware I was away due to family vacation, and let me tell you all something the Netherlands are god damn BEAUTIFUL!! (Mostly the woman are hot! Truly sad that I do not speak the language!! The dudes are just as ugly as everywhere else...but the girls are wow... I am young, but I nearly got an heart attack at least twice!!)

As always on the agenda is, "I Expecto Power Stones!" Help me keep the story in the top 50 Power rankings, please. (BTW, we are failing to stay in the Top 50!! If you do not like the story, just tell me to drop it!) Too many ChatGPT stories are flooding the site, or just stories that suck to read due to grammar. I know my story is not perfect either, but I'm definitely better than what's ranked above it.

Finally, if you're inclined to support my caffeine addiction, please consider lending a dollar!

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https://patre 0n.com/ikaru5

Finally, I am five chapters ahead, having achieved my goal for April. Now, I aim to be ten chapters ahead of webnovel by the end of the month. Coming up with a concept that hasn't already been used a zillion times is kind of hard!

Next chapter