
City A

"Hello sir Ergo, I'm sorry for calling on a Sunday," he said. "It's me, Leon Chaise, the player you talked to yest—"

"Oh, yes, of course I remember." 

"The thing is, I'm really interested, but I'm heavily in debt and in need of money… I'm afraid it'd become a limitation for me," he said frankly, clenching his fist a bit nervously. 

He knew it normally wasn't a wise decision to expose the need for money so early, but he needed to know how long it could take. He had a family to support and debts to clear, after all. 

"Hm… well, if your tryout goes well, you can negotiate with him. The team is slightly below average in ranking, so I'm not gonna lie and tell you it's a rich team, but they would definitely treasure talent." 

"That's enough for me, thank you." 

"Okay. The Team is called the Blue Rams, and they're based in City A. Shall I schedule your tryouts today?"


"Can't be?" 

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