

When you eventually got up the next morning,the first thing you did was to spend a few minutes looking around your room because some part of you still hoped that everything that happened the previous night was either a dream or a prank and you would wake up in a hospital or in the luxserious bedroom in your penthouse. That part of you quickly died after you saw that you were still in the same paper room that you woke up the previous night.

"So does that mean I am stuck here?" You asked yourself

"In the body of a weakling who will spend his entire life as a hostage?

(Fiercely) Not if I have anything to say about that."

You quickly stood up from your bed, grabbed several scrolls from a nearby book shelf and began writing everything you could remember about the yellow rebellion and the entire there kingdom as whole. It took some time because of how hard it was for you to write with a quail at first but after getting moderately used to it, you spend the first few hours of the day pouring over all you remembered about the end of the Han dynasty along with their timelines into countless pieces of parchment.

After this you quickly began reading every book (or scroll) you could get your hands on in order to find out what date and year you were. It took far longer than the writing prosses because of the complexity of ancient Chinese characters but your countless history classes (and your 195 IQ) came in handy. Eventually you were able to learn that you were sent back to the year 182AD which according to history was two years before the outbreak the yellow rebellion.

"So I have just two years to prepare before the entire dynasty comes crashing down on me?" You asked in contemplation

"Well I better get started then"

You quickly move aside the dozens of scrolls you have been reading, replaced them with a board used to play go and began arranging various pieces on the board.

"If I am to survive as an emperor or anything else in this place, the first thing I need to do is a thorough clean up (you push all pieces on the board to the floor). I have to remove everyone around me who might eventually betray me and be careful of those around my father who will only seek to use me. After that I will need information (you place a piece on the board), and to get that I will need trustworthy people (you place two other pieces on the board), and to protect them I will need a strong army (you place three more pieces) and to finance it all I will need money (you place the final piece at the center of the board)."

You were just about to ask yourself how a seven years old boy was going to get the money needed to start and maintain an intelligence network when you suddenly began to feel a slight pain in chest and the blood dragon began to glow. This reminded you of the letter from before and you picked it up and opened it(reluctantly)

I must say professor while I knew you to be a man of action, even I never expected you to chart a course this soon. All the better for you though for time is swiftly running out. The yellow rebellion is only two years away and you must have a foundation before that time. So move fast and move smart for any slight delay could very well cost you your life.

"As if I didn't know know that before" you muttered to yourself and then continued

By the way if you are in need of funds, look at the northwest corner of your room and you will find some. Keep in mind that while it will never run out, you can only receive 500,000 silver tales per day.

Good luck professor.

At first you were a bit skeptical about the message in the letter but you eventually decided to give it the benefit of the doubt. Sure enough when you looked at the northwestern conner of your room you saw an incuspicious looking chest that was filled to the brim with silver tales when you opened it.

You were about to start counting the money in the chest when you heard a short clap outside your door that made you to quickly cover it and hide it.

"Who is it?" You asked casually

*It is your lowly servant su min my prince" came the reply "I have come bringing you food as had not had your breakfast yet."

"Come in lady su" you said gentlely

She slowly entered the room and careful dropped a covered wooden tray of what you assumed to be rice and turned to leave.

"Wait a moment lady su" you called and she turned back

"If I wish to leave the palace for today whose blessings do I seek?"

"Is that not obvious my prince?" She asked back "you must seek the blessings of your father the emperor my prince"

"And if I wish to leave without his knowledge? Whose blessings should I then seek?"

Much to her credit, su min was a smart woman and soon as she heard those words she quickly got down on her knees and put her face to the ground.

"Son of heaven" she cried out

"please listen to the words of this lowly servant. Do not proceed with this reched plan of yours my prince for I will lose my life should any harm befall you."

"So it is your blessing I must seek?" you said with a concending smile.

"Yes and I will not give it" she replied in grim determination

"Why? if I may ask"

"Because you were entrusted to me by emperess dowager herself" she answered

"How will I be able to look her in the face if I let you go out there and some harm befalls you?"

"And why are so certain that I will come to any harm?"

"My noble prince" she said "may this lowly speak words that may be offensive to you sacred ears."


"You are not prepared your highness" she cried out in annoyance

"You have no martial skills to protect yourself, you are not even up to the age of ten and you intend to leave the palace unaccompanied for a whole day. Are you not aware that some men live to prey on people in that situation?"

"And do you think I will learn the things I need sitting here?" You asked gently

"Do you think I am any safer in here? I am surrounded every day by flatterers and care givers who would gladly kill me if it earned them a throne. Men who hide their ugly fangs behind golden smiles around me while waiting patiently to stab me in the back. Do you still think I am safe?"

You examined her face hoping to find some trace of sympathy but all you could find was amazement and confusion. Nevertheless you slowly walked towards her and flashed the brightest smile you ever could.

"I know enough martial arts to protect myself from any single attacker lady su and I swear by the heavens I will avoid any trouble." You said gently

"So will you please give me your support?"

She took a deep breath, took a bowl, filled it with water, added some suspicious looking powder to it, sat down on the floor, placed it in front of her and said

"You have my blessings my prince"

"What is the meaning of this?"you asked in slight anyoyance

"This is to make it clear to you what will happen should any harm befall you my prince. Do keep it mind"

You could not help shaking your head as you thought back to how unserious some of your servants were. If only they were here now, they would have been put to shame.

"How do you plan on keeping my whereabouts a secret?" You asked in order to confirm an idea

"This lowly one would inform the other servants to keep an eye on anyone who seeks your royal presence" she replied with her knees to the ground.

"And do the servants often do as you ask?"

"Yes my prince"

"Wonderful" you say

"Do they often tell you everything they see and hear?"

You smile with pleasure when you see the espression of shock in her Raven dark eyes.

"We will discuss more on this when I return in peace" you finally add as you tossed her a pouch which was filled with silver coin.

Next chapter