
Evil Sect's Thralls

Li Han came up to me. "I think that's the end of their Earth Realm combatants. It's a good thing you disrupted their formation at the start, or we probably would have lost some people, but I think everyone's all right."

His face turned grim. "Of course, that's assuming one of their Spirit Rank cultivators doesn't escape that battle and come after us. If that happens, we're basically screwed." He shook his head. "There have been incidents against this caravan before, but those were only ever magical beasts. What kind of insane cultivators could have dared to directly provoke the Library like this?"

"I don't know," I said, extending my aura sense, desperate to know what was becoming of the higher level battle. Around me, I could tell others were doing the same. "Even with that cryptic warning, that was pretty tough."

"Yeah. They seemed more focused on trying to kill us than stealing anything, did you notice?"


Just then, I sensed a half dozen Spirit Rank auras moving away at high speed. A few minutes later, Elder Du and the Inner Court disciples returned. "We were fortunate," he said, after calling on us to gather, "they underestimated the might of an Elder of the Library. I see you all dealt with the cannon fodder well. The ones we faced retreated decisively after Inner Disciple Shin managed to finish one off.

For the moment, I must inform the merchants of the details of what just happened. In the meantime, you all start examining the bodies. This was no group of ragtag bandits. Look for anything that could be used to identify them, or especially their organization."

We found something promising as soon as we started checking under their clothes. The location on their skin varied, but every single one of them was marked with a small tattoo of a sinister looking rune. Elder Du frowned when we showed him. "Enthrallment runes. Only evil sects use these, usually to press cultivators they capture into service or ensure their grunts follow orders and don't betray their superiors.

If an evil sect has established itself in the Library's province, and is crazy enough to challenge the sect directly like this, it's a serious problem. I will need to send to the sect for reinforcements. It looks like the grunts don't have anything identifying them to a particular evil sect. Disciple Shin, did you check the body of the one you killed?"

"There wasn't time to examine the body like the ones here, but I did find a spatial ring on him before we returned, elder. I was going to turn it in as soon as you were not busy with other matters."

"Well, let's have it."

Shin did so, and Elder Du turned it over in his palm. "Sealed, as I thought. Fortunately, we have no shortage of Array Masters among the elders. I've spoken to the goods owners, and they've agreed to delay the caravan a few days. For now, we return to Corin City at once. Hopefully by then, the sect will have sent reinforcements for us there."

When he said at once, he meant it. The caravan rode through the night, at a much faster pace than was usual for travel. We entered the Corin City gate the next day, just as the sun was beginning to set. There, we were joined by another four Inner Court disciples at low Spirit Realms in cultivation, as well as, to my surprise, Grand Elder Guo. Eventually it was explained that she would not be joining the caravan, rather she would follow it from somewhat nearby as a hidden trump card. Ideally, if we were attacked again, she'd be able to take one of them alive.

Neither Elder Du or Grand Elder Guo, however, would say whether they had discovered anything about which evil sect the assailants were from. When the caravan set off again, no disciple dared drop their guard for a moment. The relaxed atmosphere of nights was gone, replaced by serious vigilance. Nobody minded that I continued to study the Blossom Ray Thrust at night, since I had been on the night of the attack and performed extremely well anyway. The others either cultivated, slept, or kept watch. I couldn't help but watch out myself, so progress on understanding the technique slowed, though I was confident that I'd get far enough to be able to try it out once I was back to the sect.

Even when we crossed the Darkhorn Plain without incident (special pains having been taken to ensure this), even once we arrived in Zaluc, nobody was ready to breathe any sighs of relief. Nobody even left the station where the carts had been left for a few hours after we arrived, and when boredom finally gained ground on fear, no one left alone.

I didn't want to leave alone either, so it was with only slight reluctance that I sought out Li Han. "Senior brother Li," I began, but he waved his hands in front of his chest and shook his head.

"Please, call me senior brother Han. We're friends by now, right?"

"I suppose," I said, not relaxing my posture, "of course you can call me junior brother Zuhui if you wish."

He backed off slightly. "Come on, there's no need to be so cold. We've practically fought alongside one another now."

"Hmm, maybe so. I was just thinking I could use a good meal. You've done a lot more missions than me, I bet you already know a place."

Li Han grinned. "I know the perfect place! Shall we go get our minds on our stomachs and off of that intense battle?"

I smiled back. "That's exactly what I had in mind."

I had to admit, the food was good. The establishment itself was decidedly upper class, and the cost was more than half a handful of gold, but at least fancified, small-portion dishes wasn't apparently a thing in this world. "Something else has been on my mind too, lately."

I'm happy to announce that Cultivating As A Side Character's contract status has reached "Verification In Progress!" As I understand it, I should be able to go premium very soon. I don't have the heart to paywall chapters that I've already put on here, so when I do, I'll set chapters 1-80 to be available for free. After that, the premium will start once I'm able.

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