
• The Iron Gauntlet's Main Event (1)

Drum! Drum!! Drum!!! Drum!!!

Pa Tsuna narrowed his watchful eyes as Spheris neared closer. The young Bearer's demeanor was undoubtedly tenacious. He was posed in that combat stance once again, carefully raising a foot up and placing it on the ground as he shortened their distance.

Pa Tsuna listened to his muscles. He felt the strain in his thigh as the boy's leg lifted up and returned to the ground, he felt the craving all over his body. A craving for revenge.

'If I am not who I am, this boy would have been someone to be scared of,' the Mogul's thoughts spoke. 'His balance, his tenacity, the mystery that surrounds him... one that even his muscles refuse to speak of.'

He grunted. 'Perhaps he does not even know what it is. He could be as much of a mystery to himself as he is to me.'

'Still... ' He flexed his muscles and grinned. 'I will remind him of the power I possess.'

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