
Awakening the Killer Within

In the midst of the mountain, covered by desolate white snow, a group of Gu Masters in a deplorable state retreat continuously towards the He An village.

"Damn, what kind of luck is this today..." Tai Pi shouts angrily after detecting another small group of beasts coming in their direction.

"A group of common wolves, no more than twenty, coming from the northwest, 50 meters away!" Tai Pi quickly announces to everyone, who by this point have become accustomed to this situation, which has occurred numerous times.

"This is already the tenth group of this size we've encountered so far..." Huang Be speaks as he prepares for battle, while Chen Wei swiftly advances into the midst of the group before using Bloody Sword Cut to dispatch half a dozen of the wolves.

Chen Wei is covered in blood, both from the beasts he has killed and his own, yet he continues to attack relentlessly, with each strike aimed to kill. This, along with his torn clothes and blood-covered body, makes him appear like a crazed demon.

"I just need to kill a little more to finish the refinement!" Indeed, despite this appearance that would make people think he's out of control, he is extremely calm inside, and not only that, he is refining a Gu.

But what's most impressive is that this Gu isn't even his creation, but rather a Gu that is naturally emerging in his body due to his actions, thoughts, and emotions.

There are various types of such Gu, such as Perseverance Gu, Self Gu, Hate Gu, Regret Gu, etc. Of course, the Gu that Chen Wei is refining doesn't even compare to these legendary Gu.

To recap, shortly after being healed by Ning Yun to a condition where he could fight and run, Chen Ming ordered everyone to retreat in group to the clan.

But along the path they took, they had the misfortune of encountering several small-scale beast groups, and when they had to fight, Chen Wei could vent all his frustration and hatred towards the Heavens Will on these beasts.

Needless to say, Chen Wei's intent to kill reached its peak, with him wanting to exterminate each one of these beasts with his cuts.

And while he killed these beasts, he was bathed in blood, both theirs and his own, not to mention the blood he absorbed with the Leech Gu to replenish his primeval essence.

Amidst all this, Chen Wei began to feel that a Gu was slowly being refined in his aperture, which became more complete the more he killed and the more blood he absorbed.

Seeing this, Chen Wei quickly determined that this was his benefit that comes after a calamity, since the Heavenly Dao is just and treats everyone equally.

"Kill!" Chen Wei shouts as he kills the last wolf necessary to finish the refinement of the Gu, which quickly emerges in his aperture like a scorpion with a scarlet body with black spots.

Chen Wei stands amidst the blood in deep thought while feeling extreme excitement as he looks at the Rank 1 Gu swimming in his Primeval essence.

Chen Ming and the others finish off the wolves, and Chen Ming himself comes to talk to Chen Wei.

"Brother, are you alright? I know these kinds of life-or-death experiences can mess with your head, but you need to control yourself." Chen Wei looks at his brother confused before realizing that he must be appearing like a maniac who is taking pleasure in killing beasts to those around him.

"Sorry, I... let myself get carried away because of the situation..." Chen Wei quickly composes himself as he begins to decide how he will test the Gu when they reach the clan, while he and the team resume retreating to the clan.

"A group of a dozen cannibalistic green monkeys is coming our way!" Tai Pi announces again as everyone prepares for combat, but this time Chen Wein doesn't advance like a maniac since he no longer needs to refine Gu.

A monkey screams, baring its fangs as it jumps to tear Chen Wei's face apart, but he quickly uses his Blood Sword to cut the monkey in half "How is this possible!?"

Chen Wei is shocked when the Gu he just refined activates on its own without using any primeval essence, and what's more impressive is that Chen Wei felt his attack towards the monkey became much stronger while exuding a deep intent to kill.

Chen Wei quickly advances to kill more monkeys to put his theory into practice. "As I thought, the Gu can activate on its own, but I can also activate it by my own will if I want, but this consumes primeval essence." He cuts the monkeys in half with ease as if he were cutting butter.

"The effect of the Gu seems to make my attacks stronger, but they consume more primeval essence." He quickly discovers that this is not a legendary Gu that doesn't consume primeval essence, but rather when it is activated passively, the expenditure is transferred to the Gu he is strengthening.

Chen Wei looks at the monkey corpses on the ground with a sinister smile on his face, which he quickly tries to hide to not appear like a crazy maniac.

"Let's go quickly, no time to waste!" Chen Ming shouts as he leads the team to advance towards the clan, which they finally reach after half an hour of running. Of course, in this half hour, they encountered two other beast groups, which delayed them a bit, but they were still able to return safely to the clan vilage.

"Ah, Chen Ming, Chen Wei, you finally arrived, the various rescue groups I sent were all restrained!" Chen Wang quickly comes to check on the physical condition of his grandchildren, who are the future of the Chen family.

"Healers, come quickly, they are in precarious condition!!!" For Chen Wang, this was definitely the most stressful afternoon he has had in recent years. Just the thought of losing his two grandchildren, who are the future of the Chen family, made him feel a bit of despair.

"This was definitely a trap set by the other two clans!" Although he has no proof, as some of the rescue groups encountered groups from the other two clans and the "coincidence" of all the rescue groups encountering problems was too great for anyone with a rational mind to believe, and this was Chen Wang's conclusion in the end.

While Chen Wei was in deep thoughts about the possible uses of this new Gu, a girl quickly enters the clan's reception hall. The girl rushes over to Chen Wei and hugs him tightly, pulling him out of his thoughts.

"You idiot, do you know how worried I was?" Wang Mei hugs him tightly, not letting him go, as she buries her head in Chen Wei's chest while she cries tears of happiness for him being safe.

"I'm sorry for worrying you so much, Mei'er. I promise I won't do it again." Chen Wei hugs her back, acting like a concerned fiancé who wants to comfort his loved one.

But in his head, there's something much more important, and that's the Gu he just refined. 'This Gu is fantastic, with limiless potential!' He thinks as he choses the name of a Gu that will become very famous in the world'I'll call it Blood Killer Gu!!!'

I can only say one thing Kill!Kill!Kill!

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