
Weird prints

The Ironhide Bruisers pulled Sebastian's chariot through the forest.

Of course, that wasn't easy. The terrain was rugged and uneven. To say it was bumpy was an understatement. For Sebastian, the journey was very annoying.

The Rune Master looked at the fresh addition to his roster of undead, the Thornback-Howler.

The beast was large, almost as big as the Ironhide Bruisers, but just almost. Though it was a tier-1 fanged when it was alive, so there was no doubt about the difference in strength.

The creature also had thorn-like bony protrusions on its head and a mottled brown fur, which helped it blend with the forest's surroundings where it lived before turning into an undead.

The wounds Sebastian made with the ballista were still there. But the beast behaved as if they weren't important at all.

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