

Chapter 96: Genesis

A/N: And here we go everyone! Izuku's out of the hospital and out for business! Just what is he up to?

He wasn't sure how he felt about it all.

About the attempted take on All For One's life, its failure, and the man's subsequent escape from the supposedly impervious island prison of Tartarus. Nor the prison breakouts that followed soon after, occurring all across the country and only to be exacerbated by the growing number of released villains.

And Midnight's death hit him like… well, he honestly wasn't all too sure. He was never as close to her as he was to other teachers. If it had been Aizawa who had died, heck even Hound Dog he'd be devastated.

But Midnight? He felt some sort of guilt, deep in the pit of his stomach. He knew it was irrational, knew he couldn't have done anything to prevent it from occurring. But that didn't stop the fiery furnace to build up inside him, driving him towards some sort of vengeance for his deceased teacher.

And with Kentaro and his raving band of serial killers still frolicking about…

"Midoriya-kun? Are you… okay?"

He snapped out of his thoughts, gazing over at the seat to his left to meet Uraraka's gaze.

"Huh?" Izuku muttered quite dumbly.

"Sorry," Uraraka said, biting her lip. "It's just… you were staring at your fish like it had done something to personally insult you."

"Hmm…" Izuku hummed. "Maybe in another life. But he'd need to be thirty feet tall then. And have more eyes."

"Are you sure that you are feeling alright?" Iida asked from Izuku's right. "I understand that what you've been through is something quite stressful. You should rest if need be."

"No need," Izuku muttered. After taking note of the two's conflicted expressions, Izuju let out a sight. "I'm fine for now, really. I'm not straining myself. I'm just… thinking."

"I should probably be worried then," Momo interrupted, coming up to behind Izuku's chair. "Your plans have the tendency to go a bit awry, after all."

Izuku let out a small laugh. "I guess you could say that." He turned his head to look at her. "It's ready, then?"

Momo gave a curt nod.

"Sorry," Izuku said, addressing both Uraraka and Iida. "But I've got to… go."

"Go?" Uraraka asked. "Go where?"

"An exclusive meeting," Momo quickly added. "Nothing you need to worry about."

Uraraka and Iida didn't seem convinced.

"It's fine," Izuku placated. "Just some glorified class rep business. We'll be back in a bit."

The two eventually relented, leaving Izuku and Momo to walk a little ways away with ease.

"So, we have everyone then?" Izuku asked.

"Not everyone. Aside from you, we're still missing one," Momo said, peering a little ways in front of her.

Izuku really only noticed then that they were still walking down the perimeter of the massive Yaoyorozu family dining table rather than towards the exit of the room. He soon got his answer as he noticed the pink skinned girl at the head of the table.

"Ah," Izuku huffed. He looked over at Momo. "Guess there's no more stalling for it then?"

Momo narrowed her eyes at him.

Izuku, gave hisbhands up in surrender. "Alright, alright. I get you."

It wasn't long until they reached Ashido, who was digging into a stack of pancakes with Hagakure and Kimori by her sides doing the same, though much more reservedly.

When Ashido saw them approaching, she gave off a big wave. "Momo! These things are great! I've never had pancakes this good! What are you paying your cook!?"

"A normal salary of someone of his caliber, I assure you. But disregard that; we want to talk to you about something."

"Really?" Ashido asked, taking a bite out of a pancake. "'Bout what?"

Momo tilted her head towards Izuku.

"Ohhhhhh." Once her short bout of realization was over, Ashido looked back down to her plate. "Fwooey. I wanted more."

"You can bring some with you if you want," Momo said. "I don't mind."

"Read my mind!"

It wasn't long until Ashido had three separate plates stacked high with pancakes of various assortments. Izuku was caught off guard as he was suddenly forced to balance two of the said plates as they were shoved into his hands.

Ashido smirked. "Hold these. And before that little mouth of yours makes a peep, remember that you owe me."

After the exasperated sigh that followed, there wasn't much trouble after that. The trio made their way towards the exit of the room at a steady pace. However, when they reached the door Momo motioned for them to stop.

"What's up?" Ashido asked.

"Such a precautionary measure," Momo informed. "So the others have a harder time knowing where to snoop."

A purple hue shobe through the crack of the bottom of the door. After a moment, a wizened man came on through with a moment's grace.

"Ah, Hinami-san," Izuku greeted. "Pleasure to meet you again."

The man responded simply with a nod before turning to Momo. "All set, Madam?"

Momo nodded. "Indeed. Though…" She turned to Ashido, who was still happily planting a forkful of pancake into her mouth.

"I should hold that for you, Ashido."

"Wha?" Ashido asked, swallowing. "Why?"

"You and the others didn't travel with Hinami-san last time you were here. And it gets a bit… doozy the first couple times."

"Fine," Ashido said, handing over her plate. "How 'bout Izuku?"

Izuju shrugged. "I should be fine. I'm used to it by now, the few times I've come under Hinami-san's care."

"If you three will step outside, then?" Hinami asked, opening the door for them.

The three complied. Once they were all out in the hall, Hinami closed the door to the dining hall. A brief glow emanated from the door's bottom, rescinding just as quickly as it appeared.

Ashido was hurling all over the floor the second the light faded.

"No need to worry, miss," Hinami said. "I'll be sending up one of my colleagues to clean up the mess."

Ashido eventually got her bearings straight, letting out a muffled "sorry," before Hinami opened the doors. Double doors — both at the same time — only for them to come out of a closet that clearly only had a single door.

"Bullshit," Ashido muttered, absently taking her pancake plate back into her hands.

"Language, young lady," Hound Dog berated, the man standing guard at a door a little ways down the hall they had arrived at.

"Hey, Hound Dog," Izuku greeted, walking up to the man. "Any news?"

"Aside from what your bugs can tell you?" Hound Dog asked with a scoff. "Please. Ectoplasm's got us covered for miles outside your range. And Snipe's watching up on the roof. We'll know if something wrong."

Hound Dog began to walk off down the hall. "Call if you need me, alright? I'll be sniffing the halls otherwise."

Once Hound Dog turned a corner and was out of sight, the group of four entered the room Hound Dog had been watching over moments prior.

The room was mostly bare aside, the few exceptions being the gathered chairs at the middle and the huge whiteboard at the front end of the room.

"What's with the chairs?" Ashido asked.

Momo pointed back towards the entrance of the room. When Ashido looked over, she found the butler using his quirk once again. This time, when the door opened a whole crowd of people came tumbling out — albeit, with a lack of those with the sudden urge to lose their stomach.

Without warning, a sudden blur of pink came zooming out of the crowd, heading straight for Izuku.

Resigned to his fate, Izuku let the flurry of blows hit him straight on. They only marginally hurt at this point, considering all the stuff Mei had already put him through.

"Stupid stupid stupid stupid stupid!" Mei berated, getting one last whack at Izuku's torso. "Not only do you get kidnapped, but you lost my babies as well! What do you have to say for yourself!?"

"Umm… I'll make it up to you with some late-night experiments?" Izuku offered, rubbing the back of his head.

Mei harrumphed, crossing her arms. "Not good enough. I'll let you think of something better. In the meantime!" She held out a finger," I'll be tinkering. If you'll excuse me."

She walked straight into the group of chairs, plopping down on a middle-ish seat before taking out her tooks.

"I'm surprised that you avoided her for so long," Manga said as he drew closer to Izuku, moving to plant a hand on his friend's shoulder.

"Though it was probably better that you ended up not getting on the same bus. You'd probably be dead, especially since Vlad King-sensei seemed content to let her be. She probably let you off easy 'cause she's tired."

Manga then looked down at Izuku's hands. "And what's with the pancakes?"

"Those are mine!" Ashido interrupted. She then took a second to look at the group that has gradually filtered into the room. "Though I was under the impression that we were going to have that… talk?" She asked, looking at Izuku.

"We are… among other things," Izuku replied. "In fact, Hound Dog thinks that's exactly what we're doing. That's why Hinami-san smuck the others in."

"Yep!" Manga cheered. "We're having this super secret meeting right under his nose!"

"Please don't," Izuku muttered, ignoring a few obvious giggles that filled the room. "Anyways, alright everyone! Get to your seats, we're starting soon! And, um…"

Izuku eyed the crowd. "Todoroki, Pony. Mind getting these for me and sitting besides Ashido?" he asked, gesturing to the plates in his hands. "Can't have myself explaining the plan with my hands full now."

Todoroki simply nodded. Pony, however, asked: "Can I have some then?"

"Sure!" Ashido cheered, dragging along her newfound pancake buddies. "Come on, let's get seats for whatever we're talking about today!"

With that, there was only one pair Izuku needed to address; the duo being the ones he had left last to greet with good reason.

"So… Setsuna."

"Yeah?" the girl asked with a cheeky smile.

Izuku cleared his throat. "What exactly is… Honenuki doing here?"

The boy in question seemed unsure of the answer to that question himself, given the way his eyes were darting everywhere and his somewhat feebish expression.

"I'd like to know myself honestly," Honenuki admitted. "Setsuna just had this look in her eyes when we passed each other walking down the hall. She grabbed my arm and started dragging me off; wouldn't let go."

"Well duh!" Setsuna cheered, slapping her classmate in the back. "That was the point!"

Setsuna then switched tactics, leaning her body in Izuku's direction. "Come on, think about it Izuku! He'd be a boon to the operation! Near the top of the class and a recommended student like myself! Besides~" Setsuna sang, leaning closer. "He has ambush capabilities~."

Izuku sighed. "Fine. I trust your judgment. I'll allow it, just this once."

Izuku turned to Honenuki. "But you have to promise not to divulge anything you hear in this room outside of anyone present. Even if you decide not to participate in the end. Got it?"

Honenuki nodded.

"Good," Izuku nodded back. "Seats, then." He then began to walk towards the whiteboard at the front of the room. "

"Now," Izuku began, taking note that everyone was in a seat, and that he had gotten all of their attention. "Any questions before we start?"

"Oh! Izuku! Izuku!" Pony called out, raising her free hand. The other held her half-eaten plate of pancakes which began to wobble — and were just barely saved by Ashido's quick reflexes.

"Yes Pony?"

"I was just wondering a bit on the chances of the others barging in here. I mean, snoopers gotta snoop, you know! And all of our classmates are here!"

"I can answer that," Momo called out. "Considering that the bouncy castle that Kaminari so adamantly requested is keeping a good lot of them occupied, plus the general popularity of the dining hall's buffet, the chances are fairly low."

"Plus," Izuku added, "we have an early alarm system with my bugs. We should have plenty of time to have Hinami-san evacuate all of…" Izuku paused, turning his head to look at the aforementioned butler standing attention at the door. "Umm…"

"No need to worry about him, Izuku," Momo called out. "He won't speak a word of what happens in here to anyone."

"If that is what the madam desires, then it shall be," Hinami said, taking a deep bow.

"Alright, good enough for me." Izuku looked out to the crowd, eyeing both Ashido and Honenuki in particular. "So, to get to the gist of it, I'm a bit tired of having to explain this. So, to make things short for those of you not in the know: I have a parasitic multidimensional being in my brain that regulates my power usage.

"Wait what?!"


"I am not parasitic! It's more mutualism than anything!"

"Suurreee," Izuku drawled, looking pointedly at the swarm clone that had made itself known in the room. "If that makes you feel better about it, keep telling yourself that."

Ignoring both Ashido's and Honenuki incredulous and questioning stares and the way their heads jerked from boy to bug swarm — he'd give a more thorough explanation later — Izuku continued on with his planning.

"So," Izuku continued, "first things first. The recent catastrophe over at the Gunga Mountain Villa and Jakku General Hospital have run the remaining heroes ragged. Unlike all those cowards who've shown themselves, those who haven't quit are having a hard time out in the field. So, we're going to do something to remedy the situation — we're going to nip the source of one conflict right in the bud before it can bloom once more."

"Umm…" Honenuki raised his hand up. "And what exactly do you mean by that, Midoriya?"

Izuku smirked. "Simple. I'm done sitting idly by as the villains hide and scheme. The past week has shown us what happens when we allow that. So, this time to bring it to the villains. We take the initiative, and we don't care about how harsh our actions are. All in all, we're going after Kentaro and his little 'ole band of serial killers."

"What?!" Honenuki called out in indignation. "You mean you plan for everyone here to go out on the hunt for a bunch of dangerous criminals like we're a bunch of vigilantes?!"

"Exactly that, Honenuki," Izuku said with an unconcerned face. "Except due to our provisional licenses it technically won't be illegal as long as we 'stumble upon them,' Izuku said with air quotes. "We were banking on that last time, and it kind of worked. Kentaro ran off before we could do much though."

"The hell Midoriya!" Honenuki yelled. "This isn't the first time? I can't believe you're doing this!"

"Oi!" Setsuna yelled, smacking Honenuki on the back of the head. "Calm down, will ya? Besides, you really shouldn't be worrying about all that. I mean, Izuku's got permission from the principal himself to do all this."


"Nope!" Nezu suddenly exclaimed, popping out upside down from a vent in the ceiling. "I have the utmost confidence in Izuku-kun here!"

"Oh!" Nezu continued, turning to another of the occupants in the room. "By the way, lovely tea selection you have here, Miss Yaoyorozu. You have my respect in that regard."

Nezu cleared his throat. "Anyways, back to the vents for me! Toodaloo!"

Honenuki collapsed in his seat with a shocked expression on his face, Setsuna following up with a hand on his shoulder in understanding.

Izuku cleared his throat. "Right. Now that that's over… Let's go over what we know about Jack."

"Jack?" Ashido asked.

"Eh. Kentaro, Jack; same guy. Anyways, one: Jack's an overconfident bastard."

"Two," Taylor cut in, forming her swarm besides Izuku, "Jack can read shard bearers - or if you like, the people who manifest their quirks oftentimes later in life after a traumatic event. What should be taken note of is that Jack can't read regular quirk users — and that is something that we will use to our main advantage."

"But what about finding him?" Manga called out. "Last time was a fluke, considering we weren't actually going after them at the time."

Izuku smiled. "That's what we have Mei for."


Izuku looked over to his friend, finding her preoccupied with building another of her contraptions.

Izuku sighed. "Mei!"

Without looking away from her work, Mei reached into her pocket. She took out a small projection device, which she haphazardly threw in Izuku's direction. It didn't take much for Izuku to catch it midair.


"I'm working here!" the inventor called out. "You want these ready by next week, don't you? They won't be if you keep bugging me! Making two centimeter drones that won't be noticed by keen-eyed killers is hard, you know!"

"Fine," Izuku sighed, moving to activate the mobile projector in his hand. "Now… if I'm reading this right, Mei's months of illegal spycraft finally caught sight of Waypoint last week. You see, Jack hasn't exactly been all too subtle of the city they've been hiding in — which is Fukuoka, by the way — just where in said city. However, Mei's drones were able to catch sight of Waypoint teleporting around just a day before All For One broke out of Tartarus. We've been keeping tags ever since, so I can with confidence say that we know where Jack is."

Ashido raised her hand. "That's um… cool and all. But… Erm…" She bit her lip. "How do I say this… I'm, well, I'm not entirely all too sure that I'm comfortable with this. I sort of just got out of that whole thing with Shigaraki after all—"

"Say no more," Izuku said. "That's fine. You don't need—"

"I'm not saying that I don't want to help!" Ashido exclaimed. "It's just, I think I'm all tired out for life-threatening situations for the moment. Can't I just be the mission control lady that relays info over the comms?"

"That's technically Mei's job," Manga informed.

"I can join her?" Ashido asked.

"Hmm…" Izuku rubbed his chin in thought. "We are leaving Mei behind at UA to remote control the bots this time around so… yeah."

Izuku turned to Honenuki. "And how about you?"

The boy let out an exasperated sigh, leaning back in his chair and looking towards the ceiling.

"I suppose." He shot back up in his chair. "But I have the right to back out at any time!"

"As long as it isn't the night of," Izuku amended. "Everyone all right with that?"

He was met with a plethora of affirmations.

"Good! Now, on to the actual plan…

"And that's that!" Izuku cheered. He began to make his way for the door. "See you all tomor—"

He was stopped by a floating mass of body parts blocking the door. And then he felt a hand grip his shoulder hard.

"Not so fast, Izuku," Momo warned. "Remember our deal?"

Izuku gulped, gazing both at Momo and Setsuna's floating head which appeared besides her. "But now?"

Momo smiled; a smile that had Izuku feeling his life was in danger.

"Come on," Momo said, pulling him out the door. "I'll set you two up in the parlor."

A/N: And there we are everyone! Taking the fight to the Nine. How will it go? Guess you'll all just have to see...

Next chapter