

A Whole New LifeMadWritingBibliomaniacChapter 16: Summer Part Two, or: A great birthday presentNotes:

Good morning everyone, here is the latest chapter.

First of all a wanna thank all of you, the story has by now reached 1k Kudos and over 41k hits. It's...unbelievable. Thank you

Second of all, it has now been noted by some of you that they hope our heroes are going to blow up the timeline and are saying how naive Harry and Mione are believing that their changes are minor. "Damage control" has always been the plan, it's some more chapters until then though.

And now, have fun reading!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Yes, Harry had said the exact same thing the year before, but this truly was the best summer of his life, including the last timeline. Remus moved in with them, giving the kids the possibility to stay more often at the Manor, now that Dan and Emma were mostly back to working. It was all going very well, the Grangers had no issue with Remus being a werewolf and since he had stayed at the Manor before as a friend of James over the summer, Fleamont had insisted on installing a chamber for the transformations. Combine that with Severus brewing the wolfsbane (at Harry's expense, the boy insisted on that), there was objectively speaking nothing to worry about at all.

Together the trio focussed on extending the kids' knowledge of combat and elemental spells, not that they told Dan and Emma though. Yes sure, they did quite the amount of theoretical studies, but mainly the practical applications. They even went that far and studied the biggest elemental spells like fiendfyre or their counterparts in water and wind magics. Even Remus hadn't known the wind one, it had been mostly forgotten but was written down in an ancient Grimoire. 

The tornado spell, like Harry called it, created basically what you would expect from a spell called that - a tornado. At the beginning they tried to manipulate the air into the right movements, which took an awful amount of power, and after three days of trying Harry was the first one to do it, though it was hardly bigger than his hand. From then on he slowly increased the size, after a week managing to create one as tall as him. 

Remus had to admit, Harry had so freaking much magical energy in his core, it was terrifying. And the things he could do with it…

Teaching them was so much fun, especially because nothing seemed to be able to stop them. They managed everything and didn't back down at all. Remus smiled. If he wouldn't have lycanthropy then he would already have applied for a job at Hogwarts. DADA professor Remus John Lupin. That did sound right.


The wizard wasn't the only one thinking about the DADA position at the moment. Albus Dumbledore was too. He had just finished an interview with someone claiming to be an experienced wizard in that field and since there was no one else with enough competence applying he gave him the job.

Gilderoy Lockhard as a teacher wouldn't be that bad publicity-wise too, he was after all a famous author, even though Dumbledore hadn't read one single book by him to be honest. Still, he would be a great addition to the staff.


To be honest, Dumbledore was the only one who believed that. Since he hadn't kept it a secret that Lockhart had applied for a job here, all the teachers knew about it. Most of them didn't really care but thought that someone acting like the biggest celebrity in the world would be bad for the mood within the staff. 

And then there were Severus and Minnie, both of whom knew that Lockhart was a fraud. They couldn't let that happen, and so they started looking through his novels, independently of course. Otherwise Dumbledore would be very surprised. 

It didn't take either of them long to discover all the flaws and inconsistencies in Lockhart's stories, sometimes things just didn't make any sense at all, how he defeated some creature for example. But what was way more obvious were the mistakes when it came to dates and places. For more than two thirds of his novels to be entirely accurate, he would have to be in two or even three different places at the same time, often enough even on different continents. In a few of the stories the setting didn't make any sense at all, for that to be an accurate description it must have happened decades back, in one instance at least a century, and not within the last few years. 

One novel in particular stood out to Minnie, since she knew the witch who had actually lived through that adventure. And so did Albus.


"No, you can't hire that fraud. I won't accept it, and Severus has already said the same. He and I had come to the same conclusion. The only thing Lockhart can do properly is a memory charm, well, and maybe writing, though I loathe his style."

Albus shook his head. Why was Minerva against the young Gilderoy?

"Minerva, please. I know he was not the…easiest student, but we all heard of his successes."

"Have you ever read one of his books?"

When the headmaster shook his head, Minerva sighted and basically threw him the giant file on his desk.

"There you go. All his claims. First of all, some don't even make sense. We both know that werewolves are not weaker under sunlight for example. The dates and locations are totally conflicting and some must have happened decades back so that the description of the countries and their people would be accurate. And look at that, we both know who achieved that, and it wasn't Lockhart."

Albus looked through Minerva's very thorough research, realising she was correct. 

"Oh my, you are right. That one story was one of Galatea's favourites. She told us that at least twice per term."

That was what Minnie had realised too. The former DADA professor Galatea Merrythought had often told them about this adventure and had published a book about it too.

"That little…"

For a second Dumbledore nearly started to lose it, but then took a breath and calmed.

"Those two. I know the wizards of those too, though I would have to look through my correspondence for their names. One is an African wizard who suddenly couldn't remember a story he had told me about in a previous letter, the other one is an Australian, who is now suffering from a strong case of Alzheimers. Or so I thought."

"So you'll fire him?"

"I think I will. We could employ him to show the world what a fraud he is, but with all the evidence I could simply write an article for the Prophet and the International Wizarding Post. Or even better, you do that. I'll try to find the names of the two wizards and then I'll give them to you. But please wait until we have someone new for the job."

With that he made clear that the conversation was over, despite the fact that Minnie still had a matter to discuss. Well, Dumbledore didn't seem to be in a too chatty mood, so she decided that she'd try again the next day. Then she would get what she wanted.


Harry's birthday was coming up, and Remus Lupin was happier than he had ever been. The boy - yes, he knew that mentally he was already a grown-up and often behaved like that - was fantastic. A combination of Lily and James, so similar to both of them, brilliant, ambitious and kind. And he had been given the chance to take part in his life, despite being gone the past decade, despite being a werewolf. And once they had Padfoot back…

Remus smiled.


On the morning of Harry's birthday - they were staying at the Manor again, since the kids just liked to be around Remus - Mione stormed into his room at a time where it was still dark outside and basically hopped onto his bed, waking Harry. It was truly hilarious to see how he wordlessly summoned his wand and looked around, panicking, while Mione burst out laughing and hugged the now smiling boy, wishing him a happy birthday.

Since his room was only a few doors down the corridor and his hearing was exceptionally great, he got up too and walked up to Harry's room. There he waited, standing in the doorframe and looking at the joyful kids. It took them some time to realise that he was standing there, but once they did, Harry walked up to him, receiving another big hug.

After breakfast Harry started to open all his presents, beginning with Dan and Emma's. They had gifted him an album with pictures from the past summer and christmas, showing their little "family". Aside from being a very nice memorandum, it was also a declaration that he'd always be a part of their family. 

Both Minnie and Severus had arrived shortly after breakfast to join their celebrations. From the potions professor he got an advanced set of toolkits for potions, all of them very beautiful. The casing had "property of the half-blood prince" imprinted, a nickname Harry (to Severus' surprise) recognised. He had bought it for his NEWT year, but after finishing his mastery he had gotten one by his master so he hadn't used this one in years. Harry, who was this time around really good with potions, thanked Severus and stated that he was looking forward to using it. That in turn led to the offer that the potions professor could teach them how to brew wolfsbane over the summer, which they both wanted to do. 

Then it was Remus' turn. He had never been a man of wealth and so, despite having gotten the money from James' will, his present was something of emotional value. To him that always meant the most, other than James and Sirius, both wealthy kids even back then. They never hesitated to gift something expensive, but did value his more personal presents above all else.

"What's that, Remus? A diary with notes from…"

Harry nearly dropped it and was very speechless, because the little notebook was filled with notes by all the marauders, documenting their way towards their transformation. Even Remus had written down a lot, since he truly had been the research guy of the Marauders.

Seeing James' handwriting nearly made Harry cry. 

Yes, he was in possession of many of his fathers things, diaries and notebooks included, but somehow that present just..,felt like more. It was hard to explain what he felt.

Remus now found himself in the most emotional hug he had ever been. Harry truly loved the werewolf, for him his Uncle Moony was family. 

Since Minnie insisted that hers would be the last, he started opening all the cards and boxes, with Remus and Severus spell-checking everything. Nothing stood out though, not even Ronald's letter (which was horribly written by the way) and since Molly probably thought Harry was already falling in love with Ginny she hadn't added anything to her little girl's letter. 

Most of their classmates had written to him, probably since he had congratulated most of them too. Surprisingly many snakes, with Daphne, Theo, Blaise and - though sounding very strange, maybe because of her current mindset - Tracey, all having written. From those who had added more than just a box of chocolates or something like that, he mostly got books on very interesting subjects, most not taught at Hogwarts. Seemed like both Daphne and Neville had conversed about that as they had both sent him tomes on basic Alchemy (different ones, but from the same author, which kind of gave away that they had been in contact). Susan had sent him a book about Auror defence spells and Hannah one about rare magical creatures. 

To him and Mione it did seem kind of funny that he now got all those presents Mione would have gotten if she had had any other close friends at school last time. He was a different person than last time. 

Yes, Harry and Hermione both were very oblivious to all the changes they had already done. To them this was all minor and wouldn't change anything of importance. They still had the belief that they would manage to keep everything together until fourth year, or at least until the Triwiz was completely planned so it would happen.

Minnie on the other hand saw all of that, she herself was convinced to be a little less careful. The butterfly effect was basically unavoidable, and they had changed so many things. That was why she had a few things in mind to make the world a better place. She wouldn't work against their students, no, she wouldn't end up like Dumbledore. 

"Well, if you'd open Hermione's present now, Harry, then I could tell you what you'll get from me."

He nodded, proceeding to open the box, which contained a leather satchel with his name imprinted on the inside. But that wasn't everything.

"Gosh, Mione. Undetectable extension charm and I guess a feather-light charm too? Did the charmwork yourself?"

She nodded and received another hug by the boy, who really liked his present. Up until now he had used his mother's satchel at school, but with all the stuff he tended to carry around it was always pretty full and heavy. Yes, he could cast the feather-light charm himself, but he still struggled with the permanent one. Mione was way more familiar with the runes to make it last longer.

All the adult wizards and witches inspected the charmwork, which was pretty good, even for someone who had finished her NEWTs (which she hadn't, of course, which just made it more impressive).


"Now I guess it's my turn, Harry. Here you go."

Minerva held out something that looked like an old piece of rope, causing confusion. But then Harry understood.


She nodded, then he grabbed the other end of the rope.


"Yes. I still have some friends high up in the DMLE. Activation phrase: Sirius Black !"

And with that they both disappeared. 

"Now that's a birthday present no one can top. We wanted to meet Padfoot, but had no idea how it would be possible. She said that there was no chance at the time being, but that obviously wasn't true. She knows how to surprise someone."


Only moments later Harry and Minerva appeared in a dark room, which seemed like it was not being used at all. And that was true, Minnie's old friend at the department had made sure that the portkey would take them somewhere close to Sirius Black, but also to a place where no one would see them portkey in. Close by on a table there was a map and a small note, describing how they could get to Sirius and what the guard schedule was.

"Oh, that's good. He was able to transfer Sirius into a solitary cell down the corridor. That means we should be able to get down there undetected. And if not…I'd prefer confundus charms over obliviation. Let's just hope it won't come to that."

And it didn't. At least on their way down to Sirius' cell they didn't run into anyone, not even a dementor. Sure, they felt their coldness from far away, but it really seemed like Minnie's contact had thrown Sirius into some dark and lonely hole away from everyone and everything. The professor had obviously not told the true story why Harry wanted to see him, but made her contact believe he just wanted to look the man who betrayed his parents in the face and ask him why, or something like that. 


"So, if that is correct, then we should only have to head through that door and then…Sirius?"

Harry was both surprised and happy to see his godfather. Yes obviously he had known that they would meet him here, but seeing him…that was something entirely different. 

"Jam…No, Harry! And you too, Minerva! You got bigger, Prongslet." 

If the bars of the prison cell wouldn't permit it, Harry would have rushed to him, but as that was not possible he just grabbed his hand through the bars. 

"Hey, Padfoot. Good to see you."

"Oh, you have no idea how lucky I feel seeing you. And I was already wondering why they put me into solitary. Minnie, Minnie, Minnie, using your contacts at the ministry is something I would have never expected from you, but thank you. I guess it's on you that this little boy here is doing so fine."

Now the professor walked up to her former student, also smiling brightly.

"Well, he did well enough by himself already, but I am happy to help where I can. He's…a special boy."

Sirius started to laugh loudly.

"Oh, believe me, I've known his parents better than you did, I can imagine that."

"Oh no, you can't, Sirius."

Harry groaned, because it seemed like Minnie was already on her way to tell another person their secrets. If they'd continued that way at some point it would get out of hand. But it was just Sirius, he thought. That couldn't hurt.

"Well, the short version is I died and they sent me back to fulfil my destiny. I was nearly through my seventh year and now I'm back with some planning and revenge against those who harmed me, at least when the time is right."

For about two seconds Sirius was starting to laugh, but then he saw the grim looks on their faces, realising that they were not joking. He, thanks to Harry's note from Christmas being in a way better mental state than you'd expect from a prisoner at Azkaban, straightened his back and now the pureblood lord in him came to light. With a demanding voice he spoke up.

"Everything, now! Don't even think about keeping anything from me."


Back at Potter Manor Mione was talking to Remus and Severus, mainly because she was damn nervous. Padfoot was after all a prisoner, and he had been one for a decade. She herself knew how bad dementors could be so Mione was afraid he might not really be in his right mind. Last time around he had still been quite crazy after nearly a year away from those damn soul-suckers. And now he was still in there. Surprisingly it was Severus who calmed her down, repeatedly stating that animani were way less influenced by the dementors and Harry had after all sent him a letter at Christmas, in which he had expressed his desire to meet him in the summer. 

"You know, Black broke out of Azkaban for Harry without even knowing if the boy would like him. Now he knows he has his support and he will visit. I know desperate people can be and how much they would do. So don't worry."

Remus agreed to that and gave the girl a reassuring smile. He liked her, and not only because she made Harry happy and was helping him. She was a kind and brilliant girl, a bit like Lily Evans back then, maybe a little less temper though. Or she was just hiding it, he didn't know. Over all he was happy to have become a part of this family, and that he was now Uncle Moony to not only one, but two young brilliant kids.


At Hogwarts Albus Dumbledore was thinking. Life had become a lot more difficult with both Minerva and Severus bringing forward the evidence against young Gilderoy. Really no one wanted to do this job by now anymore, Tom's curse still haunting the position. He hadn't been able to spot the origin of the curse though, despite trying for many, many years now. And so he found himself often enough with the problem of hiring a new DADA professor.

Minerva had come to him the day before and suggested hiring Remus Lupin for this year. He apparently was in the country so he could catch up with the few remaining friends in Britain and to officially register his mastery in the ministry. Yes, the foreign ministries always sent the files and documents of British wizards getting masteries abroad to the ministry, but thanks to some legislation the wizard had to officiate that himself here. Why, no one knew anymore, that law was older than Dumbledore himself. 

But that was completely unimportant, because he had a valid candidate for the job. One under his control, especially if Remus wanted to get close to Harry. He would make some rules part of the job agreement so the werewolf wouldn't run to Harry at the first chance. Yes, he was no pureblood and might not know all about lordships and noble and most ancient houses, but the chance of him realising that Harry hadn't taken the heir ring or even opened the wills was not small. That meant he had to pressure him into keeping his distance from the boy if he would ever want to teach or get to know Harry. And if all went south, there still was the curse. Chances were high that after that year Remus Lupin wouldn't be an issue for him anymore.

After all, it didn't seem like that bad an idea.


Around three hours after Harry and Minnie had left Potter Manor via portkey, they came back, both exhausted. Remus, the defence master that he was, handed both of them a big chunk of chocolate, which somehow felt like a deja vu to third year.

"Sirius was more upset than I've ever seen him before. We filled him in, and yes, Mione, the whole story. Believe me, now I know why Blacks are known to be terrifying. I'd rather face a crazy Bella than an upset Sirius."

Severus found that statement somehow funny, asking Harry if he had any idea what he was talking about.

"Oh, believe me, Bella was the one killing us last time around and before that, in our fifth year at the battle at the ministry, she threw Sirius through the veil. I had that bitch laughing at me for failing to make my Cruciatus cause her any pain. What a…"

He turned around, now realising that the wards had triggered a few seconds back, but since it had been a as friendly declared person he had missed the notification. With his wand raised he turned around to the floo, where a woman with short grey hair was standing, appearing to be very shocked.

"Damn it, seriously? Everything's getting out of hand slowly. Madame Bones, may I ask what you are doing at my property without invitation?"

The woman, who had been to school with Severus and Remus, only having her grey hair thanks to an evil curse she had caught as an auror, was still a bit confused, as she had heard the entirety of Harry's statement.

"Mr. Potter, I…"

"Lord Potter. That much should be obvious. No, Mione, she already heard all I said about dying and a previous life, it's pretty pointless to try denying and I doubt that you could obliviate Amelia Bones. Besides, I won't let her pass through the wards without a vow of secrecy."

Harry then made his rings - all of them - visible and held his hand out to Madame Bones. She was very taken aback by that revelation. Then she tried to start talking again.

"Apologies, Lord Potter. If I had known that it was you I'd be following I would have announced myself beforehand. I assume it was one of my men you know from your time at the department that created the portkey, Lady McGonagall? He tried hiding the paperwork, but I found it by accident. I went to Azkaban and used a spell to trace the destination of the portkey. I was pretty sure I'd still get in here, but expected it to be more or less vacant. My guess would have been another death eater spy close to the Potters, since he or she could enter."

"And you came alone? Surely that's not auror procedure?"

"Oh no, but I wanted to keep it to myself until I had more information, not knowing who had created the portkey. And besides, I'm probably the only auror who is declared as a friend by the Potter wards and breaking them would be an impossibility. I wanted to do some scouting, but since its Lord has returned the wards are back to full power and killed my disillusionment. Yes, stupid, I know, but I was afraid I still had spies."

After all the explaining was over, Harry sighed and turned to Mione.

"I already told Sirius everything today, now it's your turn. And don't look so unhappy, telling Madame Bones will help us with the dossier against Dumbles and Molly Weasley. You still think damage control can be evaded? I don't and this is just ideal for that."

Now it was Mione's turn to sigh and tell a rather long story after demanding a vow of secrecy.


"This is - outrageous. You know, if there wouldn't be the vow I'd be legally obliged to arrest Dumbledore and Molly Weasley on the spot. But your plan is both good and necessary. How about we do that…"

Then she used some elaborate spell on the dossier to duplicate it and charmed the two now existing ones to synchronise so she'd see it whenever Minnie added anything. It actually was very brilliant, Harry could see how she had gotten the top spot in the DMLE.

"The only thing that really hurts me is that Siri is still in Azkaban. I can live with postponing the punishment for Dumbledore and Weasley if it helps us fight - what did you say his name was…Tom Riddle. But Sirius in Azkaban…I might find a reason to question him and tell him I'm on board with everything. That might even be a good idea so we can free him on the spot. Whenever you follow your crazy plan I'll arrest Dumbledore and Mrs. Weasley immediately and we charge them with you making your titles common knowledge, then acquit Sirius in the same session of the Wizengamot. Now I really understand why Susan was so impressed by you."

Okay, Mione had to admit, Amelia Bones was a brilliant woman. Maybe it hadn't been that stupid an idea to make their story known to a few more people. Now there was only one thing missing.

"Here, those I've created, let me just duplicate it once more for you, Madame Bones. It's a small pendant that will heat up when either Harry or I initiate plan Damage Control. Here you go. Harry or I just have to say the words while pointing a wand at it. Once that happens, you all know what your job is. But let's hope we'll manage to keep everything the way it's supposed to be."

To be honest, Mione was the only one who truly believed that they'd manage to not blow the timeline up, even Harry started to have his doubts. But at least they would be prepared.


After Amelia had left again, Minerva pulled Remus aside to tell him that she had gotten a letter from Dumbledore, asking her to offer him the position as DADA professor.

"Really, Minerva? Are you serious about that? My answer is yes, sure. Tell the old man that I'll come to see him for the details. And Minnie… you're really willing to risk the timeline with that, apparently I'm only supposed to get that position a year later."

"Oh come on, be rational. I'm expecting things to go sideways pretty soon, all those changes with Severus and you alone could do the trick. I've seen the memories from the last timeline and it's already so different. No chance all of that is going to work out. Main thing is we're with them once that happens so we help them."

Remus nodded. He shared that thought and was ready to be there. Let's just hope that they wouldn't be too upset about him taking the position. He hoped that they wouldn't find out before school starts, because then they couldn't openly confront him.

Oh damn, now he had to plan seven years worth of lessons.

That was going to be fun.


So, that's it for this week, hope you all liked it. As always looking forward to your reviews :)

See ya all next week

Next chapter