

Shigaraki stepped into the League Hideout followed by Dabi, and Mr. Compress who was still flexing and working his new arm. As the trio entered Twice, Toga, and Spinner all looked towards them. "Mission accomplished?" Spinner asked as Shigaraki sat down in his chair.

"Yes." He said simply as Compress and Dabi each took a seat.

"So what now, are you going to release All for One and Master Stain along with the rest of our guys?" Spinner asked as Shigaraki shook his head.

"Don't be stupid." He said bluntly as he looked out the window. The rest of the league looked at him expecting some further explanation as to why not.

Seeing that no more information was forthcoming Mr. Compress decided to ask. "Care to elaborate?" Shigaraki shook his head and stood up.

"No it's not something you need to know about right now. As of now our mission is to grow our numbers. Dabi, Compress I want you out on the streets. Spread word that I can give people quirks. I trust you can get that done without getting caught again right?" Shigaraki said as he scratched at the back of his head. "Twice get in touch with Giran and tell him the same. I want to give everyone who abhors this society everything they deserve."

Shigaraki turned to Spinner and Himiko. "I think it's time you two start living up to your precious Stain's philosophy. Go out and start purging heroes. Himiko collect samples from each hero you kill." Shigaraki said as Himiko practically vibrated in place eager to spill blood especially hero blood. Spinner could not contain his own excitement at this. For so long he'd been wondering why he joined the league? Was he really living up to Stain's ideal and now he knew he'd made the right choice.

"Be warned if you get caught that's game over there will be no continue screen." Shigaraki explained letting Spinner and Himiko know the score, but if he'd intended to curb their enthusiasm he would be sorely mistaken. They were still eager and ready to do as commanded. Dabi scowled at being mocked for his near capture by Endeavor and his son, but said nothing. Toga was swishing side to side in excitement. "Oh this sounds like so much fun!" She shouted happily as Twice jumped to his feet.

"I'll call Giran right away. Nah I'll do it tomorrow!" He said as he grabbed his phone and left the room eager for a chance to talk to one of his friends. Seeing as how he'd given everyone their marching orders Shigaraki opened a portal and stepped through it into a lab. Surrounding him were vats containing Nomu. Each looked unique some had multiple limbs while another had a head shaped like a spear. There was even one with female features.

As he walked past these creatures Shigaraki found the doctor at his computer. "Ujiko." Shigaraki called out. The doctor immediately spun around with a crazed smile.

"Tomura I see that you made it. How long have you been free? I honestly almost forgot about you thinking you had died in that room." Ujiko said with a sadistic laugh. Tomura ignored the doctor's words and spoke.

"I need the quirks you have here. I plan to give them to my new subordinates; also I have Spinner and Himiko gathering the quirks of heroes for your collection. I'm hoping that you will be able to create interesting new Nomu with them." Shigaraki said as Dr. Ujiko looked at the new Shigaraki. He seemed to actually be a competent leader.

"Very well then, but I have a question. When will you be breaking out All for One. I assumed that would be one of the first things on your to do list upon gaining control of those quirks." Shigaraki looked at the doctor before dropping his head to let his hair cover his eyes.

"I'm not going to break master out." He said with finality. "Master is far too weak now and I've grown beyond him. I've reached the new checkpoint there's no sense going and digging up old save data." Shigaraki said as Dr. Ujiko looked at the young man. Internally he was weighing whether or not to press the issue, but Shigaraki had a point. All for One had grown stagnant as he poured himself into raising Shigaraki. Maybe Shigaraki could take his research to the next level.

"I suppose all chicks have to leave the nest at some point. Very well Shigaraki allow me to show you my catalog of quirks." Dr. Ujiko said as he stood up to straighten his doctor's coat and proceeded to show Shigaraki the fruits of several lifetimes' worth of labor.

Izuku was sitting in a new hospital room with Eri who'd fallen asleep in bed. Apparently she was making a stellar recovery physically at least. They would soon be releasing her which meant that, the discussion about what to do with her was fast approaching. Izuku himself was sleeping soundly in the pull out chair at Eri's bedside.

Izuku looked around as he came to he felt different like something was off. He got out of bed not recognizing the bedroom or the beautiful blonde next to him. Izuku should be panicking his arms flailing as he nearly bit his tongue off trying to explain the situation, but none of those things happened. He simply crawled over the blonde woman and stood up stretching. He looked back at the blonde and pulled the cover over her shoulder and kissed her forehead.

"Sorry Lucy if I come back I promise you can yell at me all you want." He whispered to her in a voice not his own as he quietly and quickly got dressed. As he tied a strange looking scarf around his neck he saw movement. From the shadows of the room a figure walked out into the moonlight. It was a blue cat with angel wings. Again Izuku should have been freaking out, but he didn't as the cat took flight and landed on his shoulder nuzzling him and releasing a deep purr.

Izuku chuckled before taking the cat off his shoulder and setting it down. "Sorry Happy I'm flying solo this time." He said as he petted the azure feline and then made his way out of the door.

Izuku was once again riding backseat in one of his vestiges memories. He didn't know how long it would take, but he knew this flashback would most likely end badly like the all the others. He wished he could speak to this vestige tell him not to go do what he was about to do, but no quirk was powerful enough to change the past. The body Izuku inhabited ran outside and then he felt wings spread from his back as he took off into the sky over the canal. If the wings weren't a dead giveaway the reflection he saw definitely was. He was currently experiencing Natsu's memories most likely his final memories.

Natsu arrived at a fortress landing beside two other people. One was a woman with scarlet red hair dressed in armor and the other was a shirtless man with black hair and a tribal tattoo on his right arm. The three stared at one another before giving a solemn nod and rushing the fortress when Gigantomachia burst through the doors. He was accompanied by a variety of Nomu one of them looked like a female with bird like feet and a beak while another was a large man Nomu with wild looking hair and fangs coming from his bottom jaw.

There was a young man with black hair that Natsu locked eyes with and the two began fighting. "Isn't it interesting Natsu? You're my little brother and you inherited the power of One for All from my master's little brother. I suppose we were always destined to fight." The black haired man said as Natsu unleashed a roar of fire at him.

"I don't care what you have to say Zeref. Whether we're brothers or not you're in the wrong! Now get out of my way!" Natsu shouted as his entire body was engulfed in fire and he soared past Zeref straight to the throne that All for One sat on. "FIRE DRAGON KING'S DESTRUCTION FIST!" Izuku's vision erupted in flame right before he woke up.

Izuku looked around panting a little as he heard a light knocking on the door. He walked over and opened the door revealing Nighteye standing before him. The two stared at one another for a moment before Izuku stepped outside and shut the door behind him. "I'm glad to see you're doing better Nighteye." Izuku said in way of a greeting. Nighteye coughed and nodded.

"You as well Izuku. I have some news to tell you, but before that I need to correct a mistake I made." Nighteye bowed deeply to Izuku at almost a perfect ninety degree angle that reminded Izuku of Tenya. "I was wrong for chastising your decision to save Eri. You made the right choice. I was too focused on the end rather than the means. It's a flaw I've had for a long time and like All Might you force me to look that in the eye. I'm very sorry Izuku." Nighteye said before feeling a hand on his shoulder.

"It's ok Nighteye I know you didn't mean anything malicious by what you said. I know just like me you were trying to do what you thought was best. I want to be the kind of hero who can put people at ease and save whoever is in front me. I can't see the future like you, so I have to just do what I think is right in the moment. I hope in the future I can depend on you to help me see where my actions will take me." Izuku said holding his hand out to Nighteye.

In his mind Nighteye saw a younger All Might. "You can see the future right that's a great power. I can only see the present and what action to take right then. With your power I'll be prepared for whatever comes next." Nighteye felt his eyes tearing up as he gripped Izuku's hand tightly.

"You were right All Might. He is your true successor." Nighteye thought as he wiped his eyes and coughed trying to compose himself. "You can count on me Izuku Midoriya." He said as Izuku smiled before remembering what else Nighteye had come to say to him.

"Oh right didn't you say you had something else to tell me?" Izuku asked as Nighteye's eyes grew dark.

"Yes there was. The transport taking Overhaul to Tartarus was ambushed by the league of villains' members Dabi, Mr. Compress, and Shigaraki." Nighteye said as Izuku's body went rigid and he turned to the door of Eri's room ready to move her to a different hospital when Nighteye put his hand on Izuku's shoulder. "Wait Izuku listen to everything I have to say first. Don't make a rash decision without all the information." Nighteye instructed as Izuku nodded and took a breath to calm himself.

"Yes sorry about that please continue." Izuku said as Nighteye nodded confident Izuku had calmed down.

"As I was saying the transport was attacked. All the officers were killed except one. He was pierced by Shigaraki's attack and thrown off the overpass. It was a miracle her survived. Once he regained consciousness he gave us his report. It seems Overhaul was the target, but not for rescue. Apparently it was for…punishment. When reinforcements arrived one of Overhaul's arms was missing apparently rotted off his body with Shigaraki's quirk. He was taken to Tartarus and is imprisoned, that's the only good news we have."

Izuku looked at Nighteye knowing that there had to be more than what Nighteye had just said. The look in his eyes said everything. Seeing Izuku's expectant gaze Nighteye continued. "The officer said that Shigaraki displayed more quirks than just his decay and from the description he gave all of them sounded like quirks that All for One used." Izuku's body went cold at this. He locked eyes with Nighteye.

"Are you sure?" Izuku asked in a monotone as Nighteye shook his head.

"From just that description from an officer who had suffered severe mental and physical trauma; no, but there was another witness there and though he refused to speak a simple test gave us the answer we needed, but it wasn't the one we wanted." Nighteye said before taking a deep breath. "Overhaul's quirk is gone, there's no trace of it. This is definitive proof that somehow Shigaraki possesses All for One and has already amassed a collection of quirks."

Deku's eyes went wide at this as he clenched his fists. He wanted to scream, but didn't. He was running through all the choices he'd made wondering if there was something he did or didn't do that could have stopped this from happening, but shook his head. He didn't have time for that. Shigaraki was out there with All for One and Izuku needed to prepare himself because if Shigaraki had all for one then he might also know of One for All and come for it. "So what are we going to do?" Izuku asked as Nighteye looked at him.

"We're going to see All for One."

Shigaraki returned to the hideout and found it empty. He sighed in relief as he came to the realization that Kurogiri was gone. Shigaraki could only assume he was dead or captured either way he was no longer of any use to him. Shigaraki collapsed onto a chair and leaned back. He was tired, and though he hadn't done much he was still exhausted. He now knew why his master had led such a sedentary life while raising him. Holding onto and using these quirks was tiring for a young man and his master was by and far no spring chicken.

Shigaraki slowly fell asleep and in his mind he was sitting on a throne in an unfamiliar room. He tried to look to the around, but he couldn't his eyes were staring straight ahead at a door. On the other side of the door the sounds of battle could be heard. What is this?! Shigaraki shouted out mentally, and as if on cue the doors burst open in flame as someone rocketed towards him screaming out an attack. Move you idiot he's going to hit me! Shigaraki shouted as once again his body refused to obey.

His body moved its arm raising it up lazily as a bolt of lightning blasted from his palm impacting into the flame wreathed individual. Finally his body stood up and walked down from its throne and even spoke. "I'm so glad you came number three. So you're the one Meliodas chose to hand One for All to. I must say you are quite the disappointment. I would have thought he'd choose someone better as his successor, but much like women. My son did enjoy hoarding garbage."

Shigaraki was shocked to hear his master's voice although it sounded younger it was still his master. All for one was punched in the gut by a flaming fist his clothes were burnt away as he felt his skin sizzle. "Who are you calling garbage you old bastard!" The boy in front of him shouted as he opened his mouth to unleash a torrent of flame. All for one was knocked back into the air before stopping midair and frowning as he raised his hand and then brought it down crushing the fiery youth underneath pure gravity.

"I don't much like using this ability because it's hard to handle, but for you I'll make an exception!" He shouted pressing the draconic child further and further into the ground.

"This won't stop me!" The boy shouted as in an eruption of flame the boy transformed into a brilliant red dragon that flew up into the sky before once more igniting on fire. "FIRE DRAGON KING'S SWORD HORN!" Natsu shouted as he impacted into All for One.

Shigaraki jolted in his chair smelling burning flesh and feeling searing pain all over his body. He looked over his body expecting to be severely burned but there was nothing wrong with him and slowly the smell of burning and the searing pain subsided. "Master what was that?" He asked the empty air before gripping his face. "One for All." He said into the darkness. He had no idea what exactly that was, but he felt a burning desire to acquire it. "Maybe you know Izuku Midoriya." He said with a smile. Soon they would meet each other on the battlefield. The successor of All Might VS himself. "I'll crush you and this rotten society JForce."

The students' work studies came to an end and they returned to school full time. Class 1-A sat in their homeroom waiting on their teacher. Iida was couldn't stop fidgeting in his chair with frustration and disappointment. "This is unreasonable Mr. Aizawa is even later than usual. He is wasting our precious learning hours!" Iida said from his chair as his foot tapped the floor. Kirishima yawned from his seat. He was still kind of exhausted. Even after the Shie Hassaikai suppression he and the others had been worked as if that never happened.

The work of a pro was no joke. Kirishima had thought he'd get a break after that, but it was right back to the grindstone. He was thankful for Mr. Aizawa's late appearance that allowed him to catch a precious few minutes of sleep. "Iida calm down I'm sure there's a reason for Mr. Aizawa's tardiness." Yaoyorozu said trying to calm Iida.

Ochaco was in the same state as Kirishima still drowsy at least she had been until Bakugou had sat in front of her. She arched a brow as she looked at the blonde. "Alright spill it Pink Cheeks I know Izuku wasn't as great as everyone says so what really happened?!" He shouted as Ochaco blinked her eyes trying to keep her lids from drooping closed.

"Deku was great he took on Chisaki all on his own." Uraraka said watching Bakugou grit his teeth. Ochaco didn't say much more like she couldn't say much. What Deku had done was beyond anything anyone short of All Might could have pulled off. It defied description and no matter how angry that made Bakugou it was the truth.

"Fucking Izuku!" H shouted. Bakugou had heard about what Izuku had done and immediately flew into a rage that Gang Orca had to put down. While he'd been working with that stupid fish Deku had leapt ahead again. As Katsuki fumed over these new developments the door to the class was thrown open by none other than Midnight.

"Hello my little chickadees you have the extreme pleasure to be instructed by none other than I Midnight." The R rated hero said a she sauntered into the room with the grandeur of a show model. "Sorry to say Aizawa is going to be out today he has some business to take care of." Midnight said as the class couldn't help but wonder what that business was.

Aizawa looked at Nighteye and Izuku as well as several members of the H.P.S.C. "So you want me to take care of Eri?" He asked as Nighteye nodded. The girl in question was absent from these talks and was being kept company by Mirio at the hospital.

"Yes as you know Eri's quirk is quite powerful and she has no control over it, as such your ability to shut her quirk down immediately is quite crucial. Once she's released from the hospital we'd like to move her to the faculty dorms in UA. All this has been cleared with the Hero Public Safety Commission as well as with Principal Nezu. All we need is your consent." Nighteye said.

Izuku stepped forward at this moment. "I'll also be helping out Mr. Aizawa. Eri has grown attached to me, so I think it would be good to have me there at first." Izuku said with a bow. Aizawa rubbed his head at this before speaking.

"Well I can't just leave her in your hands now can I?" He asked as he stood up. "Alright since you cleared it with Nezu I don't see any problem with it. When is she being released?" Aizawa asked as Izuku responded.

"From what the doctors say it'll be a few more days, but she's heading for a full physical recovery. The doctors also think being at UA surrounded by heroes and students will also ease Eri's trauma. Chisaki still has a bit of a hold on her, but I think UA will be able to break that hold." Izuku said as Aizawa nodded.

"Alright then bring her by once she's discharged." Aizawa said as he left. Izuku released a sigh of relief.

"That went well." Izuku said as he looked at Nighteye and after the two exchanged glances they left the room. Izuku stopped outside and turned to Nighteye with a look of determination. "Alright Nighteye let's go visit All for One."

Next chapter