

Chapter 64: Summit.

Last Time.

Bialya June 14, 20:16 UTC+2.

At the temple, Queen Bee is talking with Devastation, Mammoth and Shimmer.

"We had expected them to come here and free Blue and Green Beetle. I guess they had another way to do so. No matter. Now, the Light's plan for the Reach, the League, and the Team… May proceed on schedule."

Washington D.C. June 15, 21:03 EDT.

Fury and the Outlaws looked at a computer monitor.

"Is it ready?" Oni asked as Fury nodded.

"Yep. Now all we gotta do is get it on board." She replied as they left. Once they were out of the room, the computer blinked as the monitor showed schematics for a bomb beside blueprints of the War World.


Santa Prisca June 19, 00:00 ECT.

In an underground cavern underneath the island, LED lights flicker on. Black Beetle and Deathstroke enter the area from opposite sides. They look into the cave, and each other. Both nodding, they stand aside as their respective delegations file in.

The Reach Ambassador brings up the Reach delegation, with the head Scientist and a handful of soldiers in attendance. The Light delegation consists of Vandal Savage, Ra's al Ghul, Black Manta, and the Brain, with Kaldur'ahm, Black Bat, Ubu, and Monsieur Mallah providing security.

Behind them, Fury walked in while reading a book.

Savage and the Ambassador walk to a platform in the middle.

"Ambassador." Vandal greeted with a nod getting the Ambassador to do the same.

"Savage. What is that one doing here?"

"She… forced her way into the Light." Ra's replied as Fury turned a page in her book.

"She's a part of the Light?! She attacked the Warworld!" The Ambassador shouted getting Fury's attention.

"Only because you took my boyfriend! I wasn't going to let that slide!" She said as Black Beetle took a step forward.

"As head of security for the Reach, I must insist that no masks be worn for the summit."

"Simply because you 'insist' is no guarantee." Black Manta replied annoyed.

"Manta. If you wouldn't mind. After all, we are among friends." Ra's al Ghul spoke to calm Manta down.

Black Manta growled at that before taking off his helmet. Deathstroke and Black Bat follow suit. Fury just looked at her book, ignoring everything around her.

"We are so in over our heads." Black Bat said touching her charm.

"Satisfied?" Ra's asked Black Beetle who grunted before walking back behind the Ambassador.

"Excellent. Then with these formalities out of the way." The Ambassador said before Vandal spoke.

"Let us begin."

"And the other members of the Light. Are they not joining us?" The Ambassador asked getting Ra's to speak.

"Our more public members are… occupied, conducting damage control to mitigate your recent defeats."

"And in any case, we are sufficient." Savage finished looking at the Reach.

"(Sigh) Fine."

"Your public approval ratings are at an all time low. As are sales of the Reach drink, which you had hoped would enslave the populace." Ra's spoke up before Vandal continued after him.

"And you allowed the young heroes you kidnapped to be rescued by the very teenagers whose meta-genes you enhanced."

"After allowing their escape as well." Manta picked up after Savage.

"And worst of all, they cleansed Green Beetle before taking control of Blue Beetle, then fooled you for weeks." Kaldur'ahm finished after his father.

"Rest assured. Both Beetles will return to the fold. In fact, Black Beetle was summoned from his post in the War World." The Ambassador said before Black Beetle continued.

"To kill Blue and Green."

"So that their Scarabs will be reset and implanted in new host bodies who will forever remain slaves to the Reach." The Scientist finished before the Ambassador took a step forward.

"So do not question us on that score, or any other! Remember, the Earth is property of the Reach. And per our original agreement, the Light is merely our favorite agents among the humans."

"Show the proper respect. Or suffer the consequences." Black Beetle finished getting a glare from Black Manta.

"No agreement exists that makes a slave of Black Manta."

"No agreement exists that guarantees the life of Black Manta." Black Beetle said as the two walked to each other on the platform.

"Manta guarantees that himself." Manta replied as they readied their weapons.

"It seems that we have a stand off." Ra's said getting Black Beetle to scoff.

"No, we don't." He swats Black Manta aside, prompting Deathstroke and Black Bat to intervene.

As they fought, the Troopers shot at the two Light enforcers. During the fracas, Black Bat blocks a stinger bolt that would have hit Ra's al Ghul.

She is knocked back into him. "Apologies, Great One."

"None necessary, child. You have my… Thanks." Ra's thanks her, but the immortal's eyes are drawn towards the Glamour Charm around her neck.

Black Beetle struggles with Deathstroke and then Black Manta before Kaldur'ahm stops them both by getting between them.

"Enough! We are allies, not enemies. Any conflict between us, only benefits our true enemies, the Justice League and their sidekicks."

"Aw, it was fun to watch them, though." Fury said picking her book up after dropping it in the scuffle.

"Kaldur'ahm is quite correct." Savage said, hands behind his back.

"Agreed. We must not allow petty disagreements drive a wedge between us. Gratitude, Kaldur'ahm." The Ambassador said with a bow. "Stand down, Black Beetle."


"Stand down!"

Black Beetle growls before turning and shot his cannon at Troopers that got caught by Deathstroke's quick drying cement trap, freeing them.

"Should we be concerned that Superman, Batman, the Green Lanterns and the rest of the League will soon return to Earth and sway public opinion back to their side?" Kaldur'ahm asked getting Savage to speak up.

"Superman and those accused with him will never leave Rimbor. The attack we forced them to make on that world, as well as a few well-placed bribes has guarantee their conviction."

"And the Green Lanterns are prohibited from returning to Earth as per the Reach pact with the Guardians now that we 'convinced' US Senator Tseng to welcome us. As for public opinion, though the tides have turned to a certain degree. It will be a simple matter to build on the foundations of half-truths we have already used to discredit the Justice League."

The Ambassador said as Ra's strides towards Black Bat, focusing intently on her charm.

"What's wron-!" Black Bat said just as Ra's takes her charm, and rips it off her neck. The spell dissipates, revealing Black Bat to be Stephanie, much to everyone's shock.

"Stephanie." Vandal said, recognizing her from visiting Arthur when he was still living with his wife and daughter.

"I don't understand, I thought Cluemaster's daughter was dead!" The Ambassador yelled out.

"So did we all. But it seems that Black Bat is Spoiler." Vandal said as Ra's raised the charm.

"This is a Glamour Charm, created either by Zatanna or Doctor Fate to hide Stephanie's s true identity."

"But Kaldur'ahm killed Stephanie... If she lives, and in disguise as his lieutenant. Then that means-!" The Ambassador said before Black Beetle stopped him.

"That means, Aqualad duped them all. Including his own father."

"Kill them both." The Ambassador commands Black Beetle to kill both of the traitors.

"No! You will not kill my son!" Black Manta tries to stop him.

"He's right."



Deathstroke shoots Kaldur'ahm and Stephanie in the chest. "The Light takes care of its own."

Black Manta cradles his dying son, who has a triumphant look on his face. "It's too late, I've already won."

With his dying breath, Kaldur releases a dead-man switch he's been holding in his hand. The device activates a hologram of Kaldur'ahm.

"If you are watching this, then the Summit is truly over. The Light and the Reach deserve each other. Both sides playing at being partners. But the Reach believes the Light to be their naive tools of conquest. When in fact, the Light has been playing the Reach since day one."

"Shut this off!" Vandal Savage instructs Deathstroke to turn the hologram off.

"How?" The mercenary replied.

A screen came up showing the wanted photos of the Six Leaguers that were controlled.

"It was the Light that brought the Earth to the Reach's attention by sending the Leaguers to Rimbor. The Light set their trap and the Reach snapped at the bait." Pictures of everything the Kroloteans and the Reach did since January came up on the screen as well.

"Fulfilling the Light's desire to thrust our world into the Galactic spotlight. Part of their perverse survival of the fittest scheme for the planet. Which they believe, will transform the Earth and the Light into the eventual rulers of the Milky Way galaxy."

A video of Black Manta shaking the Ambassador's hand was shown next.

"Though the Light made a deal to help the Reach take Earth. They have also sabotaged the Reach's efforts." Pictures of the Runaways to the Reach drink came up.

"The Light kept the enhanced meta-teens out of the Reach's hands, added a neutralizing agent to the Reach's drink, turned public opinion against the Reach. The alliance they had forged was nothing but a well-crafted illusion, and I trust I have shattered that illusion. As well as whatever remains of this sorry alliance. Good night."

"Kaldur. Kaldur, what have you done?" Black Manta asked the body of his deceased son.

Vandal, visibly struggling to keep his rage in check, snarls. "He has in death, done more to derail my plans than any living being in 50,000 years. I'd be impressed if I wasn't so-"

"RAH!" The Ambassador yelled out storming to Savage. "You Earthlings are a pestilence and a plague! You dare sabotage us, dare betray us?! Have you forgotten who controls the War World?! The Light is fortunate we do not carve up your planet as we speak!"

"I'd be impressed. If I didn't hold the key to the War World myself!" Vandal sarcastically proclaims

"That is all I need."

The groups looked to see Kaldur and Stephanie stand up, none the worse-for-wear from Deathstroke's bullet.

"Impossible!" Savage is dumbfounded at the two. "Deathstroke killed you!" 'Deathstroke's' eye glowed green and telekinetically floats a sword at Savage's neck. 'Deathstroke' then transformed into Miss Martian and smiles.

"I don't need to do any permanent damage to my best friends when misdirection and Hollywood special effects will suffice."

"For we value true friends. And unlike you, we are not short on them." Kaldur said as he moves towards Miss Martian, lecturing Vandal Savage on the value of true friendship.

Suddenly, Superboy, Troia, Guardian and Bumblebee emerge from the Reach entrance, while Nightwing, Starfire, Batgirl, and Kid Flash enter from the Light side of the cavern.

"Hey there, Vandy! You miss me?" Kid taunted with a grin.

"Well played. Well planned. But the Light have their contingencies." Savage said having the Brain seal off the cave exits, and opens the ceiling. Dozens of League of Shadows agents drop into the room, surrounding the young heroes.

"I've had my fill of your interference. Do not expect to survive." Savage said to the heroes. "Kill them all. Superboy and Troia may present a problem, but we'll deal with them when the other children lie bleeding on the ground."

"Still you refer to us as children. No wonder our successes mount. You consistently underestimate us."

Talia's guard dropped down with her in her old green and black full body suit with a green half mask.

Kage dropped down with the Outlaws behind him.

Suddenly, one of the Shadows flies up, reveals himself to be Blue Beetle, and blasts the Reach soldiers with a sonic beam.

The battle is joined on all sides: as the Shadows rush to attack, they are ambushed by two of their own who reveal themselves to be Lagoon Boy and Beast Boy, clad in Shadow gear.

Lagoon Boy puffs up and charges Ubu, while Beast Boy turns into a gorilla, and engages Monsieur Mallah. Kid Flash removes the pin from a group of Shadows' smoke grenades, allowing Batgirl enough cover to take them down.

Nightwing outfights a couple of Shadows with his eskrima sticks and martial arts, and Guardian blocks a Shadow's swords with his shield. Seizing an opening, he casually backhands a Reach soldier, and defeats his attacker with boxing skills. Bumblebee carries her own, using her own stingers to blast at the eyes and neck of hapless Reach soldiers.

Superboy and Troia use brute strength to pound away Shadows. As a squad run towards them, they are taken out by three of their own. A Shadow with a golden lasso, one with a bo-staff, and a speedster. They remove their masks to show Wonder Girl, Impulse, and Robin, and who then join the fight.

Fury just turned a page in her book as she threw her arm out and clothes-lined a Shadow.

"It is true, the Light has always underestimated you. But no more!" Vandal said raising his right hand, revealing a ring with a red jewel on it.

He activates the ring, and Klarion emerges from it. The Lord of Chaos fully materializes, and transmutes Deathstroke's sword into a fire serpent. Without a word, Klarion snaps his fingers, and a portal whisks him, Teekl, and Vandal Savage away from Santa Prisca.

"Cowardly meat!" Black Beetle yelled as Red Hood shoots any grunts near him.

Talia and Oni look to their father as Talia's guard fought the Troopers. "Daughters! You both dare disgrace-!"


Only to stop as Red Hood stabs him at the back with one of the shadow's swords, penetrating his chest. "You talk too freakin' much." He muses, after withdrawing his blade.


Ubu sees Ra's al Ghul being stabbed, and quickly breaks off his battle against Lagoon Boy. Ra's drops the Glamour Charm he was still holding, and slumps into the arms of Ubu.

"I have you master. Ubu will keep you safe!" Ubu props his master on his shoulder, and fires a grappling hook into the cave roof opening. Stephanie tries to stop him, but he successfully escapes by kicking her away.

"The master will be resurrected!"

Kid Flash catches Stephanie, before putting her down. "I don't know whether to kiss you or kill you for putting us through all this."

"Hold that thought until we are alone." She tells him as the pair separate to fight off the Shadows that surround them.

In a section of the cave with a pond, Black Manta is still dumbfounded at his son's betrayal. "I cannot comprehend this betrayal, Kaldur'ahm. How could you?!"

"I admit to being conflicted as well, father. I have seen your noble side. But you left me no choice. As long as you waste your gifts on villainy, I will stand against you!" Kaldur said taking out his Water-Bearers.

"I have been too permissive. Clearly, boy. You require discipline!" Black Manta said as he puts on his helmet, and shoots Kaldur with an optic blast; the blast is absorbed by a wall of water Kaldur conjures.

Meanwhile, Miss Martian is faring poorly against Klarion's fire serpent. The snake catches her in its coils, and prepares to bite into her.

In the nick of time, Naruto jumps into the snake's mouth. He throws foam arrows inside, ripping the snake apart and breaking Klarion's spell. He catches Miss Martian, and shields her with his body as they drop to the ground.

'Thanks, Naruto.' She thanks him telepathically, and their gazes linger at each other's faces, before breaking off to engage more enemies.

The Brain blasts away at Kid Flash, but is unable to hit the speedster.

"Hey there, champ. What'cha doin'?" Impulse joins him, exchanging small talk.

"Same old, same old. Driving the bad guy nuts. Nice look by the way." Kid Flash compliments Impulse's costume.

"You think?" Impulse sake tugging on his Shadow costume.

"Yeah, but I thought you'd end up wearing something more yellow and red."

"Huh, seriously?" Impulse asked.

"Yeah, after this, Stephanie and I are going back into retirement, and someone needs to continue the family tradition."

"Oh, that is so crash! You watch, I'll make you proud!" Impulse is elated at Kid flash's approval as they aced around the Brain.

"Start with the Brain." Kid Flash said and Impulse complies. He sweeps around the hapless brain and steals away all his weapons, but is suddenly attacked by a flying green gorilla. Monsieur Mallah towers menacingly over Impulse, and brings his arms to pound him, but Beast Boy transforms into a rhinoceros, and charges the poor gorilla, knocking him unconscious.

Kaldur and Black Manta continue their battle.

"Ignorant boy! This is not a world, a universe, in which a free man can afford to be soft. I will teach you to be ruthless, Kaldur'ahm, even if I must beat that lesson into your skull!" Manta shouted shooting his beams at his son.

Kaldur obliges him, savagely bringing him down with a two-hit combo with a water mace.

"I believe that was fairly ruthless, father. I hope it made you proud."

Meanwhile, the Ambassador and Scientist attempt to beat a hasty retreat, but are intercepted by Blue Beetle, who staples them both to the wall.

"Warrior!" The Ambassador calls out to Black Beetle for help.

After dealing with Wonder Girl, the Reach warrior flies towards the Reach leaders.

"Hurry, Warrior! We must flee!"

"Pathetic! Look at where your mitigation left us!"

"I order you to free us at once!" The Ambassador yelled at the Reach warrior.

"Your numerous failures render all orders moot. Under Article 16 of the Reach Planetary Acquisition Code, I officially declare you unfit to lead this delegation." Black Beetle explained before walking to the Scientist.

"No, NO!"

"You may be of some use." Black Beetle said as he freed the scientist.

"Gratitude!" She thanks him, and he spirits her off towards the opened ceiling. Blue Beetle and Miss Martian attempt to intercept them, but he makes his escape after shooting at them.

The battle ends, and the Team is victorious having Naruto smile before getting a tick mark as Superboy made out with both of his daughters.

"I had hoped to end everything tonight, but Vandal Savage and Klarion escaped, as did Black Beetle and the head scientist of the Reach. Lex Luthor and Queen Bee never showed, and I expect Ra's al Ghul to return.

"Are you kidding me?! Kaldur, you won!" Nightwing and Kid Flash reassures him of his victory.

"Won!? Dude, you triumph!"

"You crippled the Reach, and literally broke the Light in half. Even took out Deathstroke before the summit." Stephanie said beside Kid Flash.

"And since we holographically recorded everything tonight, the Justice League can be cleared based on the evidence we provided."

Stephanie picks up the Glamour Charm that Ra's al Ghul dropped, and unexpectedly receives an enthusiastic hug from Beast Boy.

"What was that?"

"I'm so glad you're still alive, and that Aqualad's not really a traitor! No more faking anyone's deaths for at least a year. OK?" He said to Naruto who raised his hands.

"Second!" Kid Flash immediately agrees with Beast Boy's sentiment.

"(Sigh) Agreed." As did Aqualad after letting out a sigh.

"It was Dick's idea." Naruto replied placing the blame onto Nightwing.

Sensing that he is still dispirited at the partial victory, Nightwing and Kid Flash walk to Kaldur. "Kaldur. This is a good night. Probably the best since the four of us took off for Cadmus five plus years ago."

"Enjoy the moment, you've earned it." Kid finishes as Aqualad glances at his still-unconscious father, and his expression softens.

The Warworld June 19, 04:20 UTC.

A boom tube opens under the patrolling Reach soldiers, and they are teleported away.

"Was that a Boom Tube?"

In the chamber, Black Canary hears the distinctive noise, and she, Black Lightning and Captain Marvel go on alert. Klarion's portal opens behind them, and Vandal Savage emerges from it.

"Savage! (SCREECH)" Canary yelled before letting out her screech as the other Leaguers attack him.

The Watchtower June 19, 05:24 EDT.

Aqualad, now back in his superhero outfit, is congratulated by Aquaman, Kage, Nightwing, and Red Tornado.

"Good to have you back, Aqualad." Naruto said shaking Aqualad's hand.

Suddenly, a boom tube appears, expelling the unconscious bodies of Captain Marvel, Black Canary, and Black Lightning. The War World suddenly activates, and leaves Earth's orbit as Naruto picked his wife up bridal style as the War World rapidly moves off into space.

"Is… that a good thing?" Nightwing asked as Naruto looked to the retreating satellite.

Suddenly, the War World explodes and a moment later, the Watchtower shook from the shock wave of the explosion. (1.)

"What the hell was that?" Nightwing asked.

"… Something good?" Naruto asked looking at the wreckage of the War World.

New York City June 19, 05:27 EDT.

Black Beetle and the Scientist watch Cat Grant report on of a press conference called by Captain Atom and the United Nations.

"Secretary-General Tseng has just completed an emergency session of the United Nations. Captain Atom presented new evidence that proves the Reach is not the benevolent friend of Earth the aliens have portrayed themselves to be. In fact, their goal seems to have been conquest all along."

"After a unanimous vote, Secretary Tseng officially rescinded the invitation for the Reach to stay on our world, and demanded that they leave immediately. "

Black Beetle slams a fist down on the console in front of them. "(Growl) The Green Lantern Corps. will soon be here." He said with a growl.

"The War World has just been destroyed. I assume by the Justice League's hands." The Scientist said looking at another screen.

"Then the Summit was merely a ploy to get evidence about our plans. Fine, the meat can have their way. The Reach will leave this world." Back Beetle said as the Scientist looked to him.

"But won't that leave evidence of our tampering with this planet and violate our treaty with the Guardians of the Universe?"

"No, not after we destroy the Earth." Black replied with a grin.

Gotham City; Naruto's Penthouse June 19, 21:41 EDT.

Kage walked inside his house and pulled his hood down.

He turned to walk to the light switch thinking about the discussion he will be having with his wives now that Diana will soon be coming back. He sighed before flipping the switch and turned on the lights.


Naruto jolted back to see his family in the kitchen with a Father's Day banner up with several presents around the table and a cake.

"I didn't expect this. I thought with everything that's happened, we wouldn't celebrate Father's Day." Naruto said as Jade walked over with Lian who held her hands out for her father.

Naruto smiled as he took his youngest daughter and held her up in the air, getting a squeal from her.

"There's one more thing." Mari said walking in the room.

She hasn't changed much outside of her hair being a lighter color.

"What?" Naruto asked holding Lian in one arm as he was given Quentin in his other arm.

Jade brought up a holo-screen showing a hologram of Wonder Woman cuffed.


"Hello Love." She replied with a smile.

To Be Continued.

Next chapter