

Chapter XXVIII: Insecurity.

Last Time.

Washington D.C. November 25, 16:00 EST.

Lex drank from a wine glass in his limo just as something landed on top causing them to crash on the grass. A hand came through the ceiling and ripped a hole in it before pulling Lex out. When he got his bearings, he saw what looked like Wonder Girl with longer hair, and wearing a different set of armor.

"Where can I get weapons, Lex?"

She asked as Mercy ran out, and aimed at her. Only for the girl to throw Lex, having him hit a lamppost, jumped over to Mercy, and ripped her robotic arm off before walking to Lex. "Here!" He yelled throwing her a piece of paper at her. She picked it up before stomping on Lex's foot and broke it. "AAHH!" Lex screamed just as she dropped down on him.

Later, Naruto dropped down and saw the girl fly off. "Wonder Girl?" He saw Lex, and dashed over, and saw he was badly bruised. "Who was that Lex? And before you open your mouth. I know that wasn't Wonder Girl. That girl has long hair." Lex chuckled before coughing a little blood.

"That... was your other daughter... Fury."

Naruto's eyes widened. Only to have them furrow before knocking him out. "Guess I've got to go back to-" He stopped as Wonder Girl came up on his earpiece. "Dad... I've got information on my... Sister."

Warehouse November 25, 17:15 EST.

Fury walked inside and saw several Apokoliptian weapons before a newspaper flew in. Picking it up, she saw her parents on the front page. She gently rubbed the image of her parents before clenching her hands and looked up with a determination on her face.


Gotham; Naruto's Penthouse November 26, 9:00 EST.

Naruto stared at his laptop in his office with narrowed eyes as he watched the videos of Fury's 'training'. He glanced back to see Diana watching also before standing up, walked to the closet, and pulled his uniform out. "Well... I'm going to pay a visit to somebody in the hospital… Do you want-" He stopped as she quickly walked out, and into her apartment from Naruto's room slamming the door. "I don't feel sorry for you Lex," Naruto said before seeing the wall crack.

Metropolis; Hospital November 26, 9:30 EST.

Lex laid in his hospital bed with the curtains pulled to block anyone from seeing inside. The lights flickered out and turned on showing Kage and Wonder Woman at the foot of his bed. "Oh, if it isn't the happy parents? How are Wonder Girl and Fury?" Naruto's eye's glowed red as Wonder Woman walked to where his I.V. is hanging.

"Tell us everything," Naruto said resting his hands on the railing of the bed.

"About what?" Lex asked before Wonder Woman pinch the I.V. closed.

"Everything about Fury." She said glaring down.

"Or... What?" Lex grunted out.

"Or we'll make your life a living hell, or worse."

Lex chuckled before speaking. "Empty threats... You Heroes don't kill."

"I'm not feeling myself tonight. Besides... Wonder Woman and I are warriors first when it comes to our family." Naruto replied as lightning cracked. "Now talk."

Mount Justice; December 1, 16:16 EST.

Robin was walking to the Zeta-Tube before hearing Starfire. "Robin!" He looked to see Starfire wearing purple pants and a black shirt before she kissed him on the cheek. "Happy day of the birth!"

Robin rubbed the back of his neck. "Uh. Thanks." She smiled before flying back as Blackfire walked through the Tunnel, and over to her sister.

"How'd she know it's my birthday?" Robin asked as Kid Flash walked past him.

"Dude... You're welcome." Robin looked at Kid before sighing and left.

Qurac; December 1, 09:15 UTC+2

"Gar? Megan and Naruto are here."

Marie said as Garth, who now has green eyes ran out as the news played. "Coming!" Monkey fell off of Garfield before running after him.

"Naruto... Could you help me in the barn?" Marie asked looking at Naruto who's wearing faded jeans with holes in the knees, and a black camouflage shirt with his black boots.

"Sure," Naruto replied giving M'gann, now wearing cargo shorts and a white shirt, a kiss on the cheek before walking with Marie.

An hour later, Naruto walked back to see Garfield asking M'gann about her powers. "So what about 'Ghosting' through walls?"

M'gann smiled before answering. "It's really hard. But I'm getting better. And my Uncle J'onn is helping me..."

"Hey," Naruto said walking up and put a yellow daisy in her hair.

"That's not native here," Garfield said as Naruto smiled.

"All the ones around here are poisonous." M'gann felt Naruto's sadness before speaking.

"Are you all ri-" She stopped as Naruto placed a finger on her lips, and smiled sadly at her.

"I'm fine... It's just Fury. I should've known about her. If I did I could've done-!" He stopped as M'gann kissed him on the lips, getting Garfield to gag.

"Stop it. I won't stand for anyone ragging on my boyfriend. Even you, Naruto Uzumaki." She said through their link making Naruto smile in the kiss.

"Yes, Ma'am."

"We have a lot of work just to get back to where we were," Marie said as Naruto looked up to see her talking to Clark wearing a tan fedora with a teen boy holding a camera.

He has short red hair, blue eyes, and freckles. He's wearing a red, and yellow button shirt with blue jeans, and sneakers.

"Hey, Clark." Naruto greeted as Marie blinked.

"You know him Naruto?"

Naruto nodded before speaking. "Yes, he's interviewed my employer several times."

Marie shrugged before walking to them. "This is my son Garfield... And my daughter Megan." Naruto smiled softly as Clark explained he was there to interview Marie for her work on the Sanctuary and the impeachment hearing.

"Yeah... We're just here to visit Marie… Megan's brought her books so she wouldn't fall behind in school... And she's getting extra credit for reporting on the hearing." Naruto said as he held M'gann's hand.

Gotham; December 1, 19:16 EST.

Bette wearing a pink dress with a black top underneath walked to Wayne Manor with Artemis wearing a green top, and grey jeans.

"Bette, why are we even here? I barely know this kid, and we're crashing his birthday party!"

Before Bette could retort, a clone of Naruto opened the door. "Well, I don't think Dick would mind if I brought my girlfriend with me."

Bette's eyes widened as Artemis stared slack-jawed. "Naruto?! What are you doing here?!"

Naruto walked down the porch, and up to her. "I'm Bruce's bodyguard. He got called to a meeting so I stayed to watch Dick and be sure his party doesn't get too crazy. I mean there's only so much Alfred can do on his own." Naruto leaned in to whisper. "Besides. At least one more member of the Team should be here for Robin's birthday."

He brought them in to see kids from their school with Stephanie and Kory talking to a few girls.

"Hey, Dick." Naruto looked to see Barbara in a black, and green dress.

Naruto smiled at her before handing her a picture. "Here Barb. I got this for you. I couldn't find you yesterday, or I would have given it to you then."

Barbara squealed as she picked the autographed picture of Kage. Naruto smiled before whispering to Artemis. "Girl's got a crush on my alter self. Can't blame her really... I'm the best-looking male Hero in the League."

Artemis sighed as she pinched the bridge of her nose. "Sure." Naruto watched as Bette teamed up with Dick to play Artemis, and Barbara in Foosball.

"Who wants pizza?!"

Naruto looked to see Bruce walk in both him and Alfred carrying several boxes of pizza. Later, Naruto and Artemis watched the others play spin the bottle and smiled as Dick landed on Kory. "Heh, this one ought to be good," Naruto muttered.

Dhabar; December 1, 21:12 UTC+2.

"You're linked up Superman."

M'gann said to a shocked Clark as they stood in the crowd with jackets on. "You look exactly like Conner, Clark.. Conner. He doesn't look in a mirror so he doesn't know what he looks like, or he would recognize you from the papers." She finished as Rumaan, his bodyguards, and his daughter walked up on stage and spoke to the crowds.

M'gann looked down sadly before speaking. "Maybe Queen Bee will let it go this time... Maybe she's written Qurac off..." She said missing a red glint from a rooftop across the street.

Naruto looked up just in time to see a missile shoot at the stage as Superman took the blast. "Megan! The building third from the right!" Naruto said through their link as she disappeared.

Naruto took off his leather jacket and brought out his trench coat and quiver before following after Miss Martian. Kage jumped up just in time to see Deadshot shoot Rumaan with his gauntlet, hitting Rumaan's brother who jumped in front of him.

"Been a while... Lawton."

Deadshot turned around, only for two arrows to open up in wire and tie him to the entrance. "Well... That was easier than a few years ago." Naruto said as Superman, and Miss Martian flew down. "Go easy on him. Bee may have charmed him... Even if he's a hired gun, she may have just used him." Naruto said fixing his bow back on his quiver.

Star City; December 4, 20:04 PST.

Kage and Artemis shot an arrow at the street as Black Spider dropped a man from the top floor of a building. The arrows exploded in foam that caught the man before they shot more arrows at Black Spider. "I have nothing against you, Archers." Black Spider said swinging across the buildings causing Naruto to sigh.

"Another Arkham reunion. Get back here you arachnid wannabe!" Artemis shot an arrow that exploded in ice hitting Black Spider's web, forcing him to fall.

She shot another arrow that opened in a red net, capturing Black Spider. Naruto smiled as he walked over. "You've earned a special reward for poetic justice."

He stopped by her, reached around, and grabbed her ass as he rested his forehead on hers before slowly making out with her.

Star City; December 4, 20:40 PST.

Naruto held Artemis's hand as she rested her head on his shoulder while the two were sitting on a ledge of a building looking onto the cityscape. "Did you see the look on his face? Alright, he was wearing a mask, so did you see the look on his mask?" Naruto nodded as he picked her up, and dropped then down by a phone booth.

"Yeah." He kissed her head before she opened it.

"You coming to give me that... Reward?" She asked pulling her pants down a little showing the bands of her panties. "Later... Fury was rumored to be flying around here so I want-" He stopped as she reached up and pulled his hood down showing bags under his bloodshot eyes.

"Naruto... I know you've been looking for her non-stop. You use a Genjutsu (Illusion Technique) to hide your fatigue from the others... I believe Diana and Dinah already noticed it."

"Now come home… Talia has been wanting to spend time with you." Naruto sighed as he nodded missing Green and Red Arrow jumping over the gap above them.

Gotham; December 4, 23:48 EST.

Artemis was sitting on the couch with Naruto's sleeping head on her lap telling Paula about the mission. "You should've seen the grateful look on the girl's face when we rescued her father." Artemis looked down and ran her hand through Naruto's hair before Paula spoke up.

"This life suits you Artemis. Another mother would freak out over their daughter doing this... But for me... It's a relief. I'm glad I convinced Naruto to take you as his student."

Artemis stopped playing with Naruto's hair before looking up. "I convinced him." Paula sighed before speaking.

"No. He didn't want you to get involved. I talked to him and convinced him otherwise. When he told me you were out there... I feared for you. I was in prison, and I already lost one daughter, I couldn't bear to lose another. So I begged him to-!" She stopped as Artemis stood up, throwing Naruto's head forward, and hit the table.

"OW!" He yelled as his legs stayed on the couch. "What's wrong..." He trailed off as Artemis glared down at him.

"So I'm a charity case?!"

She yelled as Naruto stood up rubbing his head. "What the hell are yo-!" He was then interrupted by Artemis.

"Mom 'begged' you to have me be your partner!?"

Naruto sighed before speaking. "Artemis... It's not what you think."

"Then what is it?!" She asked before Naruto looked at Paula, and turned back to her.

"I didn't want to lose you either." Artemis stopped the words in her mouth from coming out as Naruto continued. "This life is dangerous Artemis. I couldn't take the chance of losing someone close to me. You're family... My girlfriend. My future wife." Naruto finished wrapping his arms around her waist. "But if you're still angry... I know a great way to blow off some steam." She sighed before pulling away from him and walked away. "Oh come on! Angry sex is still great sex!"

"Really Naruto?" Paula said as she gave him a dry look, which got him to sigh in return.

"Well, I had to do something to defuse the conversation."

New Orleans; December 5, 06:41 CST.

Earlier that evening, Sportsmaster was tasked with retrieving Professor Ivo from Belle Reve for this specific meeting. He had to deal with going through the prison's securities and safely get Ivo out through a laundry truck. Now after what is supposed to happen tonight, he'll have to return Ivo to his cell by daybreak.

After some time of traveling, Sportsmaster brought Ivo to a warehouse where they saw Klarion, Brain, and Mallah.

"This isn't Morrow! Send him back!" Klarion said before Teekl meowed. "Morrow's in a coma? Did I already know that?" Klarion asked with a hand on his chin.

"T.O. Morrow's skills are stuck in the '40s, but I'll leave. I know when I'm not wanted." Ivo said making Klarion scoff.

"Don't be pouty. I invented pouty."

Ivo sighed before glancing at Sportsmaster. "Fine... Where's my equipment?" Sportsmaster walked forward as he replied.

"On its way."

Gotham; December 5, 17:02 EST.

Kage stood by Artemis as she sat on the fire escape. "Are you still upset?" She sighed and dropped down to the phone booth before walking in.

"Recognize: Artemis, B01."

Naruto then followed suit as the booth glowed.

Happy Harbor December 5, 17:03 EST.

Naruto walked in and suddenly found himself in the Cave with the Team. "Recognized: Kage, 17."

"Naruto, you're just in time, look who finally joined the Team."

Naruto looked at Green Arrow as Red Arrow turned around. "What? I didn't authorize that." Naruto said pulling his hood off.

"Well, I just thought that since I was in the League I would." Green Arrow said as Naruto narrowed his eyes.

"I was a part of the League before you Ollie. And besides, this team was my idea, while Batman plus the other seven gave me full authority over the Team. That includes who joins." Naruto finished crossing his arms.

"Look Naru-"

Naruto walked up to him. "No, you look. You went behind my back to bring your old protégé because you've been on a guilt trip about the brat."


Red Arrow yelled having Naruto look at him. "Shut it! I meant what I said from back in July; you threw a tantrum because you were told no about joining the League. I bet the only reason you're even here to be in the 'Junior Justice League'." Naruto said with air quotes before continuing. "Is because it's the only way to get on the good side of the League." Naruto finished before walking to the middle of the room as the screen popped up once he cooled down a bit.

"Okay. Batman and Robin are off on their mission, so he let me know of the next mission... Sportsmaster and Cluemaster, who escaped Belle Reve a few months back, were seen at the airport." A picture of Lawrence and Arthur in street clothes walking through an Airport came up.

"Since it's a school night. Does anyone want off? We only need a small team for this anyway." Naruto said as Conner, Donna, M'gann, Kory, Mary, and Zatanna raised their hands. "Alright... Roy, I'll give you a trial run since you're here." Naruto said before Artemis and Stephanie walked forward.

"I want in."

Naruto glanced at the screen before looking back at them. "You sure?" He asked as they both nodded.

"Yes. With M'gann out, no one's logged in more hours in the Bio-Ship than me." Artemis replied before Stephanie spoke up.

"And with Robin gone, I'm the best choice to work in stealth."

As they got ready to leave, Naruto saw Red Arrow talk to Aqualad. Adding chakra to his ears, Naruto listened in on their conversation. "I assume you did not join the Team for the comradely?" Aqualad asked as Red Arrow started.

"There's a mole on your team Kaldur. And the top suspects are Artemis and Stephanie."


"The boredom's killing me., Zatanna said as she took a break from doing homework before walking up to Red Tornado.

Conner sighed as Kurama walked over to them. "Hey, Tornado... Have any good stakeouts for us?" He asked as Red shook his head.

"No, I do not... You must amuse yourselves." Red replied before flying up through a hole in the ceiling.

"That's Red's apartment, right? What does he do up there?" Zatanna asked before they looked at each other.

Later, they flew/jumped up to Red Tornado's apartment. They looked at the bare room that had decorations for the various Holidays that were coming up before seeing a red blanket on a table. "Is that?" Mary asked pointing to the blanket.

Conner walked over and pulled it off to reveal a human android with its eyes closed. "So is red building a friend?" Zatanna asked as Red Tornado floated down from a door leading outside.

"You could just ask me." Conner sighed as he heard Wolf and Kurama snore.

Red Tornado explained he made a human-looking android body so he could have an alter-ego to blend in with human society. Zatanna looked at the body before speaking. "If the goal's human interaction... Evig mih stnap! (Give him pants!)" The blanket became pants for the android. "He really needed pants."

Orleans Parish; December 5, 21:27 CST.

Kage and Spoiler, wearing camouflage for the swamp, heard Red Arrow speak through their earpieces. "Targets are heading North. Follow, but keep a distance" He was interrupted by Naruto.

"I don't remember making you team leader, Red... So don't order anyone. Aqualad, follow in the water, and Artemis follows in the air. You'll have the best advantage if this is a trap. Kid goes on the street, Spoiler and I will follow in the woods."

Naruto fixed his hood as Spoiler pulled her mask up, and ran after Naruto as he ran through the woods, jumping over tree limbs.


Artemis saw movement, behind Red Arrow who was wearing a jacket, and glasses. She dropped down before hearing Jade's voice. "Long time no see, sis... Where's that handsome partner of yours?"

Artemis sighed as she looked back, and saw Cheshire holding a katana without a guard and Copperhead. (1.)

"Yeah... We really miss him." Copperhead said licking her lips.

They dropped down as Cheshire readied her weapon. "Still haven't told your friends about yourself yet?" Cheshire asked dashing to Artemis. Only for a red arrow to trap her tina tree as a net came out of it. "I'm flattered Arrow... But I'm taken... By someone who's a hell of a lot better than you."

Copperhead raised an eyebrow at her. "Really? First Talia and now you? Are Nyssa and I the only ones not getting some? Well, I guess we need to take out the Little League since they're here." Copperhead finished emphasizing 'They're here. Artemis shot an arrow down, and Naruto flashed beside her.

"Oh shit." Naruto cursed seeing Copperhead, who winked at him. "You couldn't have let me stay away from her could you?" Naruto asked Artemis who shrugged.

"Force of habit to call you when I'm outnumbered."

Copperhead threw a smoke bomb at them having Cheshire jump at Naruto. They fell and she straddled him before removing her mask, and kissed him. Naruto pulled back slightly and whispered. "I love you." She smiled down at him and opened her mouth.

"My turn!"

Copperhead said throwing Cheshire off of Naruto before straddling his waist and kissed him as well. Copperhead sat back up and pulled Naruto's head into her cleavage as Lawrence, and Arthur sped by the river on a speedboat. "Artemis! Tracker arrow!" Red Arrow yelled as Kid Flash in his motorcycle outfit hit Copperhead away into Cheshire, who fixed her mask.

"Out of range!" Artemis replied as Red Arrow shot one by himself, and ran off after the duo.

"What the hell, Red?! Get your ass back here!" Naruto yelled as Red sped off.

"I'm prioritizing!"

Naruto sighed at that. "It looks more like you're abandoning your teammate!" He stopped as Copperhead jumped down him, and moved in front suffocating him in her breasts.

Naruto waved his arms around as he ran around trying to get her off. "Copperhead! Not now!" Cheshire yelled throwing down several flash/smoke bombs having both her and Copperhead disappear.

A few minutes later, Red Arrow and Aqualad walked over as Spoiler dropped down beside Artemis who stayed in the woods for a moment before walking over. "Cheshire and Copperhead are heading North."

Red Arrow crossed his arm before speaking. "Both Cluemaster and Sportsmaster were heading South."

"Maybe they retreated, or are going to double back., Naruto said as Red Arrow glared at Artemis. "Why didn't you stay in the Bio-Ship?!" Artemis and Spoiler glared at him.

"I saw them in the trees!" Red Arrow snorted at that.

"Then radio a warni-!"

He stopped as Naruto flashed in front of him. "You're in no position to argue Red... You left us."

"You could've handled-" Red Arrow was interrupted again by Naruto.

"You didn't know that! They're a part of the Assassins! There could have been Shadows with them." Red glared at Naruto before speaking.

"Then talk to the bitch that's their acting lea-!" Naruto punched Red to the ground.

"Watch it! You're already on thin ice with me!"

"Dude lay off-!" Kid Flash stopped as Naruto glared at him. "Kid.. I've told you countless times; don't question my authority! I'm the Leader of this Team. Don't like it,? Then leave... We'll split up. Spoiler and Artemis will be with me. Kid, Arrow, and Aqualad you go after Cheshire, and Copperhead. Maybe we can get information out of them if we can't get Sportsmaster and Cluemaster."

New Orleans; December 5, 22:18 CST.

Naruto dropped down on a Mardi Gras warehouse as the girls followed after him. They dropped inside before a tracker chip rolled to them.

"Nice try, sis."

Cheshire and Copperhead walked out of the shadows as they readied their weapons. "Where's Sportsmaster, and Cluemaster?" Naruto asked as his laser sight landed on Copperhead.

Cheshire pointed towards Artemis with her sai and chuckled. "Where's your team? Red Arrow placed a tracker on her." Naruto narrowed his eyes before seeing a tracker on Artemis's quiver.

Cheshire brought up a tablet showing Red Arrow in his costume outside at the door. She zoomed out showing Sportsmaster and Cluemaster above him. Sportsmaster held a javelin as Cluemaster held two knives. Naruto quickly shot an arrow at the door.


It exploded sending Red Arrow flying away as Spoiler ran out staff in hand. She saw Cluemaster drop down and attacked him with a fury of strikes. "Temper, temper... You're just angry swiping." Cluemaster said as Spoiler brought her staff down on his head.

Naruto fought off Copperhead as Artemis fought Cheshire. Suddenly Kid Flash ran in and had Cheshire attack him before Naruto kicked Copperhead away. He saw a red glow across the room before running to it and kicking down a door with Artemis. "Freeze!" She said as they saw the villains holding a suitcase.

"Well, you heard her. Freeze." Klarion said before snapping his fingers as he and all the other villains were replaced with ice statues of themselves before breaking apart.

Mount Justice; December 6, 03:21 EST.

"Good work Team... I'll look into what they were doing later so get some sleep."

Naruto said without his coat. "Gee, I wonder why we didn't find out tonight." Red Arrow said crossing his arms.

"Red, I don't want to hear it from you. You've disobeyed my orders out there... Both with me saying you should not have abandoned the team, and putting a tracking chip on my team when I said to go after Cheshire... Sure she was at the place, but we didn't know that." Naruto said looking over to Red Arrow.

"Who found out that Ivo was with them?!" Artemis asked as Spoiler nodded.

"And before you speak, Red... the 'Ivo' at Belle Reve was a robot... Hugo is working with the villains as they wanted the prison." Naruto said interrupting Red Arrow who opened his mouth. "I'm not a kid, Red... I'm with the League... I have been for close to ten years... I know what I'm doing." Naruto finished as Red held up a chip with a blue light.

"That's the chip Artemis put on Cheshire." Kid Flash said as Red Arrow spoke up.

"This is... She put that one on a train." He replied pointing to the one Aqualad held.

"Oh, like I'm gonna believe the person who left the team when they were attacked., Naruto said noticing Kid turn to Artemis. "Kid... I know you've known Red longer… But he left us in the field." Kid turned to Naruto and spoke.

"It was only-!" He was interrupted as Naruto glared. "I don't care if it was a simple mugger."

"You don't abandon your friends. Besides they work for the League of Assassins. There may have been Shadows waiting to strike... And before you say you have your speed... They're trained to kill... I have seen Flash get shot with an arrow of theirs because it was from behind."

Naruto looked to Red and spoke. "And I don't like how you're accusing Artemis... The only reason you're here is that you still think there's a mole." Both Conner and M'gann stiffen at that before Naruto continued. "There's no mole on this Team... I know. I can feel negative emotions from a person... And right now... The only person I'm getting that is from you. Tonight is strike one. And there's no second strike with me. Next one, you're out."

Gotham; December 6, 03:44 EST.

Spoiler walked into her room of Naruto's apartment before jumping.

"Hey, little girl."

She looked to see her father in his costume take his mask off. "Did they blame you, and Artemis? You know they're never going to accept you. You're on the wrong side. Might be time to make a change." He finished before jumping out of the window.

Failing to notice Naruto sticking to the wall above it. He looked to see Sportsmaster walk out, and down the escape before sighing, and walk over to his room. "Seems I need to update my security here."

His thoughts were interrupted when Artemis came into his room, wearing only her pajamas. "I'm guessing you noticed Sportsmaster?" She asked him.

"Yeah, Cluemaster was in Stephanie's room, too. Are you all right?" he asks as she walks up to him and wraps her arms over his shoulders.

"I'm fine, especially after how you defended us so passionately. Even after my... slight overreaction." Naruto chuckles as he replies.

"'Slight' overreaction?"

Artemis nudges him. "Yes! I wasn't going to just take being implied as someone who couldn't look after herself lightly. But... maybe part of it was not being told about it until now that got to me." Naruto held her chin up.

"Like I said Artemis, you're family. And you've already seen how far I'll go to look out for my family., he said, reminding her of his search for Fury.

As she smiles, Artemis leans into Naruto's ear and whispers, "So, is that offer to blow off steam still available?"

He smiles at her. "For you, love…." He grabs her by the hips, making her yelp. Picking her up and tossing her onto the bed, he leans in, "Always." he finishes by kissing her as they begin to shed their clothing.

Washington D.C. December 6, 20:30 EST.

Diana, in her civilian outfit with a red sweatshirt, was walking along the city street when she suddenly sees a silhouette of a girl flying in the night sky.

She quickly slips into an alleyway to change into her uniform and flies after the girl, who eventually stopped on a rooftop. Wonder Woman dropped down and saw Fury was facing away from her before turning around.

"That's... Very good armor. It's somewhat reminiscent of Themysciran battle armor." Wonder Woman complimented, without getting a reply from Fury. "Fury... I'm so very sorry for all you had to go through. We should have looked deeper into Cadmus."

Fury sighed as she crossed her arms. "I've never blamed you, Mother. Nor have I ever blamed Father." Wonder Woman looked down before speaking.

"Then... Why don't you come back with me? We can meet your Father. Make up for all the lost time we-"

"No... Not until I'm worthy." Fury said as she started floating. "And call me... Megaera... You know what that means, right?" As Fury flew away, Wonder Woman looked down and whispered.

"The Jealous One." Before dropping to her knees and breaking down in tears.

Up above, Fury shed a single tear as she flies off into the night sky.

To Be Continued.

Next chapter