

Jules' pov 



        "If I didn't, no one would be willing to do this!" He responded briskly and I flinched a little.


I angrily mopped my cheeks before starting to pace around the spacious office.


"I told you I didn't want to do this. I can't be able to live with myself if something happens to her." I called out before glancing at the witch and I noticed that she was already passed out. Panic swirled inside of me but before I could start screaming, Andrian was beside her in sn instant, checking her pulse.


"It's very weak but she's still alive." He informed me and I felt my heart sink into my stomach. 


"Don't beat yourself over this." Andrian called out as he began to phone someone again. I felt anger start to flare up inside my chest, anger mixed with an intense amount of hurt.


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